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Berks Builders and Supply Co., Wyomissing, Pa. Manufacturers of all kinds of planning mill work.

Betsy Ross House postcards.

Biddle Hardware Co., Philadelphia.

[Billheads from Omaha, Nebraska businesses issued to Dr. Charles L. Heizmann]

Blanks', dining room, 1024-26 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

[Block party benefit of Kensington Dispensary for the treatment of tuberculosis]

Blue Anchor Inn.

Bot of Mord. & Sam. N. Lewis, no. 135 South Front Street near the drawbridge, agents of the Philadelphia Lead Works.

Bo't of the Alford & Berkele Co. Manufacturers' agents & exporters guns, pistols, cutlery, plated ware, specialties in hardware, etc., etc. P.O. Box 2002. 77 Chambers Street.

Bought of Artman, Dillinger & Co. Wholesale dealers in cotton yarns, carpet chain, carpets, ratting, wadding, tie, and wick yarns, oil cloths, window sh[ades], door mats, grain bags, cordage brushes, looking glasses, wood[en] [a]nd willow ware, &c. 104 No

Bought of Breinig, Fronefield & Co. Druggists & chemists, no. 187 North 3rd Street. Wholesale dealers and importers of drugs, medicines, paints, dye stuffs, glass, perfumery &c.&c.

Bought of C. Cumming & Co. Manufacturers & dealers in twine, glues, curled hair, hide whips, sand paper, lace leather, horns, bones, neats' foot oil, plastering hair & c. Factory -St. John STreet, above Beaver, Philad'a. Stores---nos. 3, 5 & 7 South Third

Bought of Charles Clarke, coal dealer, N.E. cor. Master & North Penna. R.R.

Bought of Edwin Hall, no. 28 South Second St., silks, shawls, dress goods, cloths, mourning goods, furnishing goods, gloves, hosiery, embroideries, laces, white goods &c.

Bought of F. Millett & Co. Wholesale dealers in foreign and domestic fruits, spices, olive oils, canned goods, &c. No. 5 Arch Street.

Bought of French & Richards, wholesale druggists, north-west corner of Market and Tenth Sts., wholesale agents for Silver's plastic fire and water proof paints.

Bought of Geo. D. Sprecher, importer and dealer in foreign and domestic hardware, saddlery, cutlery, paints, oils, varnishes, glass &c. A general assortment of bar, hoop, & sheet iron, steel, lead pipe, safety fuse, rock powder, cedar ware, cabinet moldin

Bought of George A. Clark & Brother, sole agents for the Clark Thread Company. 14 South Fifth Street. Clark's O.N.T. crochet & darning cotton's.

Bought of J. E. Caldwell & Co. Jewelers. No. 902 Chestnut St.

Bought of John Hays & Co., miners and dealers in all kinds of hard and soft coal and coke. Office and dock: C. & P. R'y coal pier and 9 Prospect St. Cleveland, Ohio.

Bought of John Westney, agt. Late of Shill, Jr. & Co., manufacturer and dealer in baby carriages, boys' & girls' velocipedes, bicycles, express wagons. All kinds of carriages and velocipedes repaired, nos. 214 and 226 Dock Street.

Bought of Potts & Roberts, importers and dealers in foreign and American iron & steel and heavy hardware. Warehouse, Third & Willlow Sts.

Boys' Central High School postcards.

A bran new coon in town

Bronzes d'art, le Charmeur de serpents.

The Buick & Sherwood Mfg Co., manufacturers & dealers in sanitary specialties. Detroit, Mich.

Bulls Eye, or Fort Morris, built 1755. Shippensburg, Pa.

Bush's Allegheny House, Market Street, Above Eighth. C. I. Bush, prop'r.

[Bustleton Avenue looking north. Bustelton, Pa.]

[Bustleton Station of the Pennsylvania Railroad.]

Byberry Friends' Meeting House, first house of logs, erected 1692; second of stone, in 1714; rebuilt in 1753; present house built 1808.

C. H. Frederick, Omaha.

Cafe L'Aiglon, corner of main dining room, Chestnut and Fifteenth Streets, Philadelphia.

Callowhill Street Bridge, Philadelphia, Pa.

Carey, Bro. & Grevemeyer, 423 Market St., Philadelphia, booksellers, stationers and blank book manufacturers, paper curtains, oil shades and shading, floor and table oil cloth. Also, jobbers and manufacturers of wall paper.

Carpenters' Hall postcards.

[Cartoon depicting a Liberty Pole] [graphic].

Catholic Total Abstinence Union Fountain postcards.

Le cavalier Marocain.

Cedar Hollow Lime Company. Depot 900 Jefferson Street.

Centennial. 1776. 1876. Dwight Compy.

Centennial buildings at Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Penn.

p. 4

p. 12

pp. 15-16

p. 2

p. 3



Back endpaper
