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[Deutscher Club Beer Garden, 532 North 4th Street, Philadelphia.]

Centre Square Water Works postcards.

Penny Pot Inn, Front and Vine Streets.

Blue Anchor Inn.

Immaculate Conception, R.C. Church, Germantown, Philadelphia.

William Penn's treaty with the Indians postcards.

Jacob Graff House, in which Thomas Jefferson signed the Declaration of Independence postcards.

Mrs. Lena Mason's Chautauqua meetings, Aug. 1st - Sept. Phila, Pa.

[4300 Fleming Street, northwest corner of Roxborough Avenue, Philadelphia.]

Bulls Eye, or Fort Morris, built 1755. Shippensburg, Pa.

The first court house of Cumberland, Co. First court held July 24, 1750. Shippensburg, Pa.

[Hennigar's Photo Studio and Ye Old Dummy Depot, 4700 Frankford Avenue.]

Hotel Traymore, Philadelphia's theatrical headquarters, 11th & Arch Sts.

[Block party benefit of Kensington Dispensary for the treatment of tuberculosis]

Elks Convention 1907 postcards.

Ottinger House, Germantown, Philadelphia.

[Bustleton Avenue looking north. Bustelton, Pa.]

Leiper St. south from Gillingham St. Frankford.

[Van Pelt Street, south of West York Street.]

[Venango Street, west of Kensington Avenue, Harrowgate, Phila. Pa.]

The Mechanics Insurance Company's Building, Philadelphia.

Blanks', dining room, 1024-26 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

Beck's Dry Goods Store, Bustleton, Pa.

Old St. Paul's Church, No. 225 South Third Street, central office Philadelphia P. E. City Mission.

Horn & Hardart's Automat postcards.

Philadelphians have push; what?

"A day in June." The old Mermaid Tavern, Germantown, Philadelphia.

West Spruce Str., Philadelphia, Pa.

The Philadelphia Lawn Mower Co.

Catholic Total Abstinence Union Fountain postcards.

Baptist Temple Church and Temple College postcards.

Church of the Advocate postcards.

Frankford Friends' Meeting House postcards.

Old Court House & Market postcards.

Carpenters' Hall postcards.

Independence Hall postcards.

Emmanuel P.E. Church, Holmesburg, Philadelphia.

St. John's R.C. Church, Manayunk, Philadelphia.

Concord School House postcards.

P.E. Holy Innocence, Tacony, Pa.

Messiah P.E. Church, Port Richmond, Philadelphia.

St. David's P.E. Church, Manayunk, Philadelphia.

St. George's Methodist Episcopal Church postcards.

St. James the Less, Falls of Schuylkill postcards.

St. James Episcopal Church postcards.

Betsy Ross House postcards.

[Philadelphia Horse Show, judging appointment class, horses suitable for a lady to drive.]

Winter street cleaning in Philadelphia.

[900 South 60th Street, West Philadelphia.]

The Hairless Wonder, "Blue Bell," 1315 Market Street, Philadelphia.
