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$160 bounty! A few good men wanted for the heavy artillery service! : 112th Regiment. 2d Artillery. This regiment is now doing garrison duty in the fortifications for the defence of the city of Washington, and wishing to fill up their numbers to the maxim

$160 bounty and one month's pay in advance. : Bounty to cease and drafting to commence on the 15th of August. Recruits wanted for Company D, Col. Chapman Biddle's 121st Reg., P.V. $2 premium paid to each recruit on being mustered into service. / T.E. Zell

$160 bounty, and one month's pay in advance. Chapman Biddle's 121st Regiment, P.V. Company D. / T.E. Zell, recruiting officer. Apply at No. 431 Chestnut Street. (Turn over

$160 bounty, and one month's pay in advance. Chapman Biddle's 121st Regiment, P.V. Company F. / Lieut. J. Alfred Kay, is now recruiting at Bruner's Hotel, Germantown. (Turn over

$160 bounty. Corn Exchange Regiment, : Col. Charles M. Prevost. Good men wanted for this regiment, at Girard House, Chestnut bel. Ninth St. $10 extra bounty to every man. Captain, Lewis Passmore. First Lieut., Albert Walters. Second Lieut., Samuel N. Lewi

$160 bounty. Corn Exchange Regiment, : Col. Charles M. Prevost. Good men wanted for this regiment, at Walnut and Second Streets. $10 extra bounty to every man. $87 of the bounty paid when mustered in. Also, one month's pay. Captain, Richard Donagan. First

$160 bounty. Corn Exchange Regiment. : Good men wanted for this regiment, at No. 344 North Third St. $10 extra bounty to every man. Captain, C.H. Fernald. First Lieut., A.G.M. Bowen. Second Lieut., S.M. McIntyre. This regiment is to be recruited for three

$160 bounty! The Philadelphia Light Guard! : 145th Reg't P.V. Colonel E.W. Davis Recruits wanted for Company E of this regiment, now in camp. Recruiting station, Masonic Hall, Manayunk! / Capt. S. Wrigley, 1st Lieut. Jacob Heidenger, 2d Lieut. [blank]

$162 bounty! Steady, able-bodied men wanted for Co. K., Corn Exchange Regiment, : at 241 Race Street. Captain, Jos. W. Ricketts. First Lieut., W.M. McKean. Second Lieut., J. Mora Moss. $2, government premium, when recruit is mustered in. $10, Corn Exchang

$165 bounty! Recruits wanted for Co. G, Zouaves d'Afrique : Don't wait to be drafted! But volunteer at once. / Apply to Lieut. Joseph T. Lea, Falls of Schuylkill.

$192! Extra bounty! $192! Fill up the old regiments! : Privates wanted! Blacksmiths and buglers wanted!! Vacancies for sergeants and corporals. $192 cash in advance and $75 when discharged from the service will be paid to active, able-bodied men enlisting

$2 cash when mustered in, and 100 dollars at the end of the war, : if honorably discharged, will be given for twenty men to fill Company K, Thirtieth Regiment, now in active service at Washington. Apply at Elliott Hotel, Front Street, above Dock. / Sergt.

$229 bounty. Recruits wanted! For the old 81st Regm't, P.V. : Commanded by Col. Charles F. Johnson. The ranks of this gallant old regiment have been fearfully thinned at the Rappahannock, York Town, Fair Oaks, Peach Orchard, Savage Station, White Oak Swam

$315 bounty Philad'a City Guard 157th Regiment, P.V., : Col. William A. Gray. Enlist in Company D Recruits wanted! Government bounty, in advance $25 00 City bounty, in advance, 200 00 One month's pay, in advance, 13 00 Enlistment premium, 2 00 On being mu

$35 bounty! Fall in boys and get rid of the draft! : by joining Captain V. Marchal's company of the 1st Penn'a Chasseurs Union League Brigade! Six months service! Charles Lespes, Col. T. Ellwood Zell, Lieut. Col. Company head-quarters, 526 Prune St. / V.

$350 bounty $350 for one year's service. : Recruits wanted to fill the quota of a township immediately. $250 cash down when mustered in, and $100 government bounty Apply to the recruiting agent, at the Bald Eagle Hotel, 416 N. Third St., Phila

$40 when enlisted Wanted! Active young men to fill up Company E, 116th Regiment, P.V. : Col. D. Heenan, com'g. 100 dollars bounty! One month's pay in advance; men mustered in and pay and rations to commence immediately. Recruiting station, 531 Chesnut St.

$400 bounty State aid to men with families, 4 dollars per week! : Good men wanted immediately for the 2d Regiment R.I. Cavalry under the command of Major A.W. Corliss, which has been ordered to join Major General Banks' expedition! Men who enlist in this

$50 bounty! : The glorious old National Guard once more in the field. Recruits wanted in Company "B" for 100 days' service. Harmanus Neff, Colonel commanding. Apply at the National Guards' Hall, Race Street, below Sixth. / 1st Lieut. G.W. Green. 2d " Wm.

$50 bounty! Cadwalader Greys Regiment. : Recruits wanted for 100 days' service! Pay $16 per month. / Col. Wm. H. Sickels, Lieut. Col. Richard A. Thomas, Maj. Charles M. Tapper, Adjt. A.W. Thompson.

$50 bounty! Fall in Cooper Guards! : Patriots to the rescue of your good old Keystone State, and one more rally for the Constitution and our glorious Union. All young men desirous of serving the above will do well to join this company Now let every youth

$50 bounty Fall in Peterson Guards. : Patriots to the rescue of your good old Keystone State, and one more rally for the Constitution and our glorious Union. All young men desirous of serving the above will do well to join this company for 100 days! $16 a

$50 bounty! Gray Reserve Reg't : Recruits wanted for "Co. G" 100 days' service! Apply at once, at Armory, Board St. bel. Race. / S.W. Pettit. Recruiting officer.

$50 bounty! Gray Reserve Reg't : Recruits wanted for "Co. H" 100 days' service! Apply at once, at Armory, Board St. bel. Race. / Lieut. Charles O. Klett. Recruiting officer.

$50 bounty! Gray Reserve Reg't Recruits wanted for "Co. C" 100 days' service! : Apply at once, at Armory, No. 808 Market St. James H. Errickson, O.S.

$50 bounty! Gray Reserve Reg't Recruits wanted for "Co. F" 100 days' service! : Apply at once, at Armory, Broad St. bel. Race. Captain Kennedy.

$50 bounty! Gray Reserve Reg't Recruits wanted for "Co. K" 100 days' service! : Apply at once, at Armory, Broad St. bel. Race. J.G. Brittain, recruiting sargeant.

$50 bounty! Rally men of Philadelphia for the defence of your city and state. : Recruits wanted for company E, First Regiment Grey Reserves! Armory---Broad Street, below Race. Come to the rescue. Equipment furnished and bounty paid.

$50 bounty! To the rescue! : Recruits wanted for Capt. Thomas Cunningham's co. 60th Regiment P.M. for 100 days' service. Head-quarters, cor. of Sixth and Oxford Sts. Rally boys, rally! / Captain Thomas Cunningham. 1st Lieut. Basil Wood. 2d " Jas. H. Cunni

$50 city bounty $50 Men wanted to fill old Co. A, 51st Reg't, P.V.M. : Formerly 2d Coal Regiment. This company is attached to the First Coal Regiment now recruiting for 100 days. Come forward & enlist! / Capt. Thos. C. Evans.

$50 reward The above reward will be paid for the apprehension of the following-named private marines, : deserters from head-quarters, Washington City, D.C., viz.: Henry S. Hyser, Peter B. Clark, Edwin S. Marstella, John Metz, William Reiter, if delivered

$525 bounty Attention citizens of the 14th Ward. : It is no time to talk of your patriotism and loyalty, prove them by joining Company "G" of the Sixth Union League Regiment, now forming in the 14th Ward, commanded by one of the best officers in the servi

$617 bounty Wanted! Fifteen first rate men! : To fill vacancies in the South Kingston company of the Seventh Regiment R.I.V. $500 bounty from the town $117 from the state and United States Apply immediately at the headquarters of the regt., 15 Market Squa

$650 for substitutes! Veterans and aliens about to volunteer can obtain $650 bounty in addition to government bounty, by applying to the Citizens' Volunteer Substitute Committee! : The money will be paid to the volunteer on the day he is mustered in. For

$692 for one year! 50 volunteers wanted for the Lehigh Valley Regiment, commanded by Col. Charles Albright. : The borough of Bethlehem will pay the sum of six hundred and ninety two dollars per man, as follows: Local bounty, $400. Government bounty, $100.

$75 bounty! One month's pay in advance given to each man upon being mustered into service in the Lancaster County Regiment, : now forming at Lancaster, Pa., for nine months' service. The regiment to be mustered in by the 10th of August. Don't delay! / A.T

$[blank] Philadelphia, [blank] 1862. Samuel L. Ward, 811 Market Street, treasurer of the Corn Exchange Regiment Fund, : pay to the order of [blank] [blank] /100 dollars. Attest, [blank] [blank] Chairman, [blank] Secretary, of the executive committee.

1/2 merit

[100 steps, lower Wissahickon Creek, Manayunk] [graphic].

10,000,000 Members by Christmas, Red Cross

1010 Chestnut St. front. [graphic].

1022 Chestnut Street. [graphic].

1022 Chestnut Street (rear). [graphic].

[1026 Olive Street, Philadelphia.] [graphic].

1036 N. Front St. showing fracture in front wall caused by pile driver, October 26, 1915.

104er (Gertrude Mellor) [near well in woods, Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].

107 W. School Lane. Bought in 1810 for faculty of Academy.

[The 108th Field Artillery, Pennsylvania National Guardsmen, on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia]

[1101 Fairmount Avenue, Philadelphia.] [graphic].
