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Researches and missionary labours among the Jews

Professional and personal papers of Edwin Wolf 2nd finding aid

[Materials relating to Renne's Pain Killing Magic Oil, manufactured and marketed by Wm. Renne & Sons, of Pittsfield, Mass.]

Wm. R. Dyer & Co.'s Western and mercantile directory for 1862. : Principal office, No. 607 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. The design of the United States military and mercantile directory, is to call the attention of sutlers, army officers, and the trade in

Wm. R. Dyer & Co.'s Western and mercantile directory for 1862. : Principal office, No. 607 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. The design of the United States military and mercantile directory, is to call the attention of sutlers, army officers, and the trade in

The Floating Church of the Redeemer, Philadelphia. Built by Clement L. Dennington of New York for the Churchmen's Missionary Association for Seamen.

The Floating Church of the Redeemer, Philadelphia. Built by Clement L. Dennington of New York for the Churchmen's Missionary Association for Seamen.

If u want 2 c the [elephant] and see the Wizard of the East! : The great jongleur, ventriloquist, &c. 100 beautiful presents!! given away--free of charge. Admission to entertainments, 25 cents.

The last night! Wizard of the East! : Splendid photograph album for the prettiest lady, and a tin cup for the ugliest man besides 100 presents! ... Admission 25 cents.

Jenny Wade, the heroine of Gettysburg / words by Albert G. Anderson ; music by Rudolph Wittig.

Atlantic City [viewbook]

[Unidentified young African American woman]

[Unidentified African American woman]

[Unidentified African American woman]

Bridal greetings

Lovest thou me: or, The believer’s companion in his hours of self-examination.

Daisy Deane : Song and chorus / Words and music mostly by Lieut. T. F. Winthrop, 19th regiment, and James R. Murray, 14th regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers.

The Union must and shall be preserved! : Jas. F. Wintermute Norton, Ohio, has just received direct from Philadelphia, a good assortment of seasonable goods consisting of usual variety, which will be offered at the best possible prices for case of approved

Are you a Christian? or Aid to self-examination

Woman as she should be

The young man's aid to knowledge, virtue, and happiness.

Raw recruits, or, Abraham's daughter. / As sung with great applause by Bryants Minstrels of New York. ; Words by Charley Fox, ; arranged by W.L. Hobbs.

Col. Ellsworth's funeral march.

Yes! I would the war were over: answer to When this cruel war is over; words & music by Alice Hawthorne.

Truth and fancy : tales legendary, historic, and descriptive

Yankee Doodle songster.

Attention soldiers : Mr. A. Winch, of 320 Chestnut Street, has engaged our "Quaker City poet" Elmer Ruán Coates, Esq. to furnish you a series of patriotic ballads!! Applicable to every situation of martial life, as you will often resort to the power of mu

America's Immortals, John J. Kelly

America's Immortals, James I. Mestrovitch

America's Immortals, George Dilboy

America's Immortals, Richard H. Hilton

The Day the German Fleet Surrendered

We Did Our Part of the Job!

Medals of Honor

"They can't say We quit!"

"Tell Them to Go to Hell!"

Never Once Did They Wimper

"This Loan Means Prosperity, Men!"

Sacra privata

