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[1130 Olive Street, Philadelphia.] [graphic].

119th Reg. P.V. : For three years or the war, under the auspices of the Gray Reserves Colonel P.C. Ellmaker. $162 bounty Active, able-bodied young men wanted for this regiment, at [blank] Each man will receive $100 in cash before leaving for the seat of w

119th Reg. P.V. : For three years or the war. Under the auspices of the Gray Reserves Colonel P.C. Ellmaker. $162 bounty Active, able-bodied young men wanted for Company "H," at the Barley Sheaf Hotel, 2d St., below Vine. Each man will receive $100 in cas

[11th Infantry Regiment New York, "Fire Zouaves"]

11th Ward $702 bounty : All recruits accredited to the 11th Ward will be entitled to the following bounties: ... The committee appointed to pay the extra ward bounty of $50 to all recruits accredited to the Eleventh Ward, will be in attendance at the hall

121st Regiment, P.V. : Twenty-third Philad'a Light Infantry Col. Chapman Biddle. Wanted, able-bodied men for Co. I in this regiment, going into camp immediately. $162 bounty! As follows: $25 U.S. bounty in cash. $50 Philadelphia city bounty. $10 extra bou

121st Regiment, P.V. Recruits wanted : for the above regiment, now in the field. Good able-bodied men will receive all the bounties Recruits sent to Camp Cadwallader, near Odd Fellows' Cemetery, as soon as mustered. For further information, apply at the r

122 S. 17th St. [graphic].

1227 + 1229 Market St., [Philadelphia, PA] [graphic].

1227 + 1229 Market St., [Philadelphia, PA] [graphic].

1227-1229 Market St. after the great fire at Hunt, Wilkinson + Co's 1212-19 Market St., [Philadelphia, PA] [graphic].

129er (Pattie Mellor) near well in woods. [Manasquan, NJ] [graphic].


12th Ward $702 bounty : All recruits accredited to the 12th Ward will be entitled to the following bounties: ... The committee appointed to pay the extra ward bounty of $50 to all recruits accredited to the Twelfth Ward, will be in attendance at F. & L. L

12th Ward National Union ticket! : Congress, Leonard Myers! Senator, Isaac A. Sheppard! Representative, 9th district, Charles Foster. This district takes the 1st, 2d, 5th and 6th precincts, 12th Ward. Select Council, Chas. M. Wagner. Common Council, M. Ha

12th Ward National Union ticket! : Congress, Leonard Myers! Senator, Isaac A. Sheppard! Representative, 11th district, Franklin D. Sterner! This district takes the 3d, 4th and 7th precincts, 12th Ward. Select Council, Chas. M. Wagner. Common Council, M. H

130. City Hall, Philadelphia, Pa., Masonic Temple in left foreground [graphic].

131 W. Walnut Lane [graphic].

131 W. Walnut Lane [graphic].

131 W. Walnut Lane, [Germantown, PA] [graphic].

131 W. Walnut Lane, [Germantown, PA] [graphic].

131 W. Walnut Lane, [Germantown, PA] [graphic].

1326-28 Chestnut St. [graphic].

13th Ward! : The citizens of the ward will meet at the Washington Hall Spring Garden Street, above Eighth, Monday eve'ng, Feb 8th, 1864, to hear the report of the committee to whom was referred the raising of the ward's quota! Without reference to a draft

[1433-1435 South Street, Philadelphia]

144th 144th Brian Boru United Irish Legion : or 144th Regiment, P.V., of Philadelphia, have been accepted by the Secretary of War and Governor Curtin, to be attached to Gen. Corcoran's brigade. Government and city bounty secured U.S. bounty, $100; city bo

146th Regim't, P.V. for the war. : The Merchants' Regiment. Col. John D.C. Johnson $165 bounty Active men between the ages of 18 and 45 wanted. Head-quarters, 519 Arch Street

14th Pennsylvania Light Cavalry! : Last chance for cavalry! Don't wait to be drafted! James M. Schoonmaker, com'g. Wanted, men accustomed to horses! $162 bounty! One months' pay in advance. $100 government bounty, 50 city bounty, 10 extra bounty, 2 premiu

151st Regt. P.V. Col. Rob't A. Parrish. Lieut. Col. Garrick Mallery, Jr. : Bounties same as other regiments Don't wait to be drafted, but enroll yourselves under officers who have seen service A few able-bodied men will be received for Co. G, at No. 335 W

15th Ward National Union ticket : For president, Abraham Lincoln For vice president, Andrew John Electors. Morton McMichael ... Be careful and examine you tickets.

1600 block of Chestnut St., south side looking east. [graphic].

1710 The prison at 3rd & High (Market) sts.

1750-56 N. Front St. [graphic].

1776. Centennial Fountain, 1876. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. Erected under the auspices of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America.

1776, Centennial International Exhibition, 1876.

1815 Delancey Place, Philadelphia

1832. Democracy. 1864 [graphic].

1888-1889 third supplement to catalogue of electrotypes from A. Blanc, Horticultural Engraver, No. 314 N. Eleventh St. Philada., Pa., U.S.A. [graphic] : Registered Cable Address, "Blanc, Philadelphia."

1900-40 E. Huntingdon St. [graphic] / Parker & Mullikin Photographers, P.O. Box 275, Upper Darby, Pa.

1908 South Street.


19th Century Cloth Bindings Database

1st Coal Reg't Col. John R. Haslett. : $50 bounty! Rally for the old California Reg't (Seventy-first.) Fall in! Fall in! Head-quarters, Burns' Cottage, Sixth and Minor Sts. / Capt. Jacob T. Smallwood.

1st dam on Brandywine from race bank back of Cos. Elizabeth Canby's, [Wilmington, DE] [graphic].

1st eleven of the Hav[erford] Coll[ege] Cricket Club. On a bench near cricket field [graphic].
