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Bought of Potts & Roberts, importers and dealers in foreign and American iron & steel and heavy hardware. Warehouse, Third & Willlow Sts.

[Bouvier Street south of Columbia Avenue.]

[Boy Scout Headquarters, 22nd and Winter Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.]

Boyertown Burial Casket Co. funeral supplies, 1211-17 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Boys' Central High School postcards.

Boys' Central High School postcards.

A bran new coon in town

Broad St. Theatre, Broad and Spruce Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.

Broad Street Station postcards.

[Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church, 501-507 Broadway, Camden, NJ.]

Bronzes d'art, le Charmeur de serpents.

Brown Auto Top Company - we are growing - there's a reason, Broad and Hamilton Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.

The Buick & Sherwood Mfg Co., manufacturers & dealers in sanitary specialties. Detroit, Mich.

Bulls Eye, or Fort Morris, built 1755. Shippensburg, Pa.

Bush's Allegheny House, Market Street, Above Eighth. C. I. Bush, prop'r.

[Bustleton Avenue looking north. Bustelton, Pa.]

[Bustleton Station of the Pennsylvania Railroad.]

Butler Place. Branchtown.

Buttercup Inn, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia.

Byberry Friends' Meeting House, first house of logs, erected 1692; second of stone, in 1714; rebuilt in 1753; present house built 1808.

C. H. Frederick, Omaha.

Cafe L'Aiglon, corner of main dining room, Chestnut and Fifteenth Streets, Philadelphia.

Callowhill Street Bridge, Philadelphia, Pa.

[Cambridge Street.]

Carey, Bro. & Grevemeyer, 423 Market St., Philadelphia, booksellers, stationers and blank book manufacturers, paper curtains, oil shades and shading, floor and table oil cloth. Also, jobbers and manufacturers of wall paper.

"Carlton, " or the Smith Mansion postcards.

Carnegie Free Library postcards.

Carpenters' Hall postcards.

Carpenters' Hall postcards.

Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul postcards.

Catholic Total Abstinence Union Fountain postcards.

Catholic Total Abstinence Union Fountain postcards.

Le cavalier Marocain.

Cedar Hollow Lime Company. Depot 900 Jefferson Street.

Centennial. 1776. 1876. Dwight Compy.

Centennial buildings at Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Penn.

p. 4

p. 12

pp. 15-16

p. 2

p. 3



Back endpaper

p. 5

p. 6

p. 7

p. 8

p. 9

p. 10
