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Any man, whether citizen or soldier, bringing to 419 Walnut St., a new recruit, will receive $15--for a veteran $25.

An appeal to Friends and others on behalf of the destitute Freedmen of the South. Dear Friends ....

Arbitrary arrests! : The platform. ... The candidate. ... Interference with elections. The platform. ... The candidate. ...

Arbitrary arrests! : The platform. ... The candidate. ... Interference with elections. The platform. ... The candidate. ...

Arbitrary arrests. : Correspondence of James W. Wall with the New York World.

Are you ready to march to the battle field? : If you are, join the gallant 26th Regiment, P.V. under the command of Col. W.F. Small, now in the Army of the Potomac. The most liberal bounties are now offered by the city, state and national government, and

Arouse! For the defense of our state! : The president calls for 100,000 men for six months, (unless sooner discharged.) 50,000 from Pennsylvania! 30,000 from Ohio! 10,000 from W. Virginia! 10,000 from Maryland! Drive back the invaders! Every one willing a

Artillery Corps Independent Greys. / For Captain W.m J.J. Braceland.

At a meeting in the Representatives Hall of the capitol of Tennessee : on the evening of September 12th, 1864, Col. R.D. Mussey, Judge J.M. Palmer, Dr. R.L. Stanford, and Captain J.F. Rusling were appointed to prepare an address expressive of the sentimen

Attention! 10 more men wanted : to fill Company D, Jefferson Guards, attached to Col. Conroy's regiment, which will go into camp in a few days. Men will be fed and quartered at our head quarters, 2130 Market St. / John Moore, Captain.

Attention 15th Ward. : Captain T.C. Spackman, is now recruiting for Company "B" at Seventeenth and Callowhill Streets, for one year's service for the Sixth Union League Col. H.G. Sickel, comd'g. late colonel of the 3d Regiment Penna., Reserves. ... The pa

Attention! 20 more men wanted : to fill Capt. Connor's Rangers attached to the Thomas A. Scott Regiment, Col. Conroy commanding. Apply at 2312 Chestnut St., and corner of Bank and South Streets. / Thos. Connor, Captain. N.B. Pay and rations commence from

Attention 24th Ward. $50 bounty : Recruits wanted to fill a company for 100 days' service, in accordance with the proclamation of the governor. Apply at once at the Commissioners' Hall, 37th & Market. / T.P. Smith, 1st Lieut. Capt. Edward Lyster.

Attention! A meeting of the citizens of Belmont & Lower Merion, : will be held at the General Wayne Hotel on Monday evening, Sept. 15th, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of forming a cavalry co. for state and home protection, in compliance with the order of

Attention! A regular meeting of the Union League will be held at their room : this Monday eve'g, Nov. 2, at 8 o'clock. All the members are requested to attend, as business of importance is on hand. / Ira Cortright, president. Edw. Kummer, sec'y.

Attention! Attention! Attention! : Col. Rush's Light Cavalry Regiment, Comp. H. B. Lockwood, Captain, C. Cadwalader, 1st Lieut. W. Odenheimer, 2d Lieut. This company is now forming at N.W. corner Third & Chestnut St. Pay and rations commence at once, and

Attention! Bethlehem Guards! : The members of the Bethlehem Guard are requested to meet at Citizens' Hall this evening at 8 o'clock precisely. Business of importance will be transacted. All persons desirous of joining this company are requested to attend.

Attention! Cameron Dragoons. : A few more men wanted to fill a company attached to Col. Max Friedman's mounted regiment, now at Philadelphia, opposite Ridge Avenue railroad station. They will receive the pay of the regular army, be entitled to the benefit

Attention cavalry! : Capt. J. Archambault, for 28 years commanding the Union Troop of Bucks and Montgomery counties, has received special orders from the War Department to form a troop to be attached to Col. R. Butler Price's regiment of cavalry, now in c

Attention!! Citizens of the second precinct of the 24th Ward : will meet at the precinct house of B. Sharp, Market Street, west of 43d Street, in obedience to the proclamations of Gov. Curtin and Mayor Henry, on Wednesday evening, the 10th instant, at hal

Attention! Co. C, Blue Reserves : Rally for the third time, in defence of your home and your country. Do not be backward--you are needed. Rolls of this crack company are now open at the armory, No. 505 Chestnut St., 4th story / S.M. Janney, Captain B.T. J

Attention! Company C Germantown Home Guard. : All members are ordered to report at the armory this evening, at 8 o'clock, to organize as a minute men for city defence / By order of M.J. Biddle, Captain. Bayard Butler, First Sergeant. P.S.--The citizens of

Attention! Drafted men! : Become volunteers to your country's call and get your bounty! Enlist in Roberts' Artillery! For Fortress Monroe. The reasons why. 1st. You become volunteers, and not conscripts of the draft. 2d. You get $100 bounty, $40 on being

Attention!! Good men wanted! : For company Col. Geo. P. McLean's regiment, Cameron Guards.

Attention! Heavy artillery : The finest opportunity offered for enlistment Battery L Third Penna. Vols. Colonel Segebarth. This reg't offers extra facilities and unusual opportunities: 1st. It avoids long and fatiguing marches, being solely confined to fo

Attention men! : Wanted, twenty-five more men! To fill up Company K., Gregory's Regt. of Infantry now in camp at Gray's Ferry, Philadelphia. All persons enlisting in this regiment, will be sent to camp at once, and their pay and rations will commence imme

Attention, patriots! All who wish to avoid the draft! : Can do so by enrolling in the 1st Pa. Cavalry! Commanded by Col. J.C. Hess. / Louis Fischer, formerly of the 5th Pa. Cavalry, (Cameron Dragoons) commanding company. Head quarters at P. Blaess', 428 C

Attention, patriots Rally around the flag! : State service! Six months! Six months! A few more picked men wanted to fill the ranks of Co. "G!" Col. Meyr's [sic] reg't To start at once for the field of action! Fall in! Fall in! Do not sacrifice yourselves

Attention. Recruits wanted! Recruits wanted! Now is your chance! : 20 good men wanted for Co. E. City Guards State, city and Citizens' Bounty secured to all. Come before you are drafted Recruiting office: S.E. cor. Warner St. and Girard Av. above Tenth. /

Attention! Returned volunteers. : You are hereby requested to attend a meeting of all returned volunteers, to be held on Monday evening, Feb. 8th, at Jos. Fry's saloon, North New Street, Bethlehem, to take into consideration the proper reception of the ve

Attention soldiers : Mr. A. Winch, of 320 Chestnut Street, has engaged our "Quaker City poet" Elmer Ruán Coates, Esq. to furnish you a series of patriotic ballads!! Applicable to every situation of martial life, as you will often resort to the power of mu

Attention! The best military book ever published. Now ready, Baxter's Volunteer's manual, : containing full instructions for the recruit, in the schools of the soldier and squad, given in the most simple style, ... Illustrated with over 100 engravings, ..

Attention! The volunteer's manual, just published, : contains full instructions for the recruit, in the schools of the soldier and squad, with over one hundred illustrations ... By Lt. Col. D.W.C. Baxter, of the National Guard. 12mo. size. Convenient for

Attention, troop! : Capt. Archambault formerly of Bucks County, and for many years commander of the Union Troop, invites his old companions in arms, friends, and all patriotic young men, to rally under his command in a troop of cavalry, to assist in maint

Attention troopers! To horse and off for the war again! : 80 young and active men wanted for a troop of horse for the Second R.I. Cavalry! This is a dashing and pleasant service, and young men will have a chance to become good horsemen. Bounty 402 dollars

Attention, Union men! Great fall in prices! : For the latest styles and cheapest bargains ever offered in this market, call on G.W. Mouk, and behold the truly wonderful and magnificent display of dry goods fancy goods, staple goods, notions, hats, caps, b

Attention, Union men! Secession has produced a wonderful change in the price of goods. : Great slaughter anticipated! "Watchword, give nor ask any quarters" P. & C. Templeton are in the field with a terrible array of dry goods foreign and domestic. Notion

Attention Union men! Secession has produced a wonderful change in the price of goods. : Great slaughter anticipated! "Watchword, give nor ask any quarters" S.C. & L. Fox are in the field with a terrible array of dry goods foreign and domestic. Notions, fa

Attention, volunteers! : Rally for the defence of the Constitution and the Union. A limited number of good men wanted to fill up Company D, attached to Col. Gregory's regiment. Capt. Sinex served with credit to himself and his country, in Col. Frank Patte

Attention volunteers! Fort Sumter re-taken. : Lawrence and Beaver County merchants in a fearful state of excitement, Ramage's store reinforced by a splendid stock of new goods! Notwithstanding--and ladies and gentlemen, they must and will be sold, and at

Attention, volunteers! To arms! To arms! : Able-bodied men wanted to fill up this company for the Bucktail Brigade Enlist at once! Don't be drafted! In addition to all bounties authorized by the government, city, or Citizens' Committee, a separate bounty

Attention! Wanted 21 men for Company F, Governor's Guards, Second Regiment P.V. : Head-quarters Wm. Penn Hose House Frankford Road below Girard Avenue. / Capt. Thomas Bringhurst.

Attention! White House Guards!!

Attention Zouaves : A few young men wanted to join the Independent Zouave skirmishers attached to General Baker's Brigade, now under marching orders, and rapidly filling up. All desirous of enrolling themselves in a first class organization, under able of

Attention! Zouaves. : Wanted, active, able-bodied young men for the independent Fire "Zou-Zous" to be attached to Col. Baker's brigade, now in active service. This corps when completed has orders to march, and will be thoroughly equipped before leaving th

Aufgepaszt!!! Col. Bohlen : Sibt ein Handgeld von drei Dollars jedem gesunden un kräftigen Voluntär. Sofortige Verpflegung und Beköstigung!! Hauptquartier, No. 344 Nord Dritte Strasse.
