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Compliments of Lehman & Bolton, lithographers, printers, publishers. 715, 171, 719 Arch Street. Philadelphia.

Concord School House postcards.

Corliss engine. Mach Hall

Cornish & Co., new manufactory. High grade organs & pianos, Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A.

Costume guerriers Japonais.

Croston Nurseries, bought of J. G. Dannaker & Son, nurseryman, King-of-Prussia, Montgomery Co. Pa.

Crystal Palace. Industry of All Nations Exhibition. New York City, 1853

D. Landreth & Sons, 21 and 23 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Seeds & bulbs, implements and tools for farm, garden, greenhouse

D. W. Bard, daily messenger from Reading to Philadelphia, attends to shopping and business of all kinds. Reading offices, 312 & 618 Penn St., Philadelphia office, 716 filbert St.

Dausman Tobacco Company, St. Louis.

David Doret collection of Centennial ephemera

"A day in June." The old Mermaid Tavern, Germantown, Philadelphia.


Delavan House, Chas. E. Leland & Co., proprietors. Warren F. Leland.

[Deutscher Club Beer Garden, 532 North 4th Street, Philadelphia.]

[Die-cut textile label depicting the United States Capitol Building]

Distribution des récompenses vue générale, no. 2.

Doctor Laroch's von Paris, ächte Pillen für die rhumatischen Uebel, &c.

E. Andrews, manufacturer of saws, patent hooks and stirrups, patent taks, patent spring steel wood-saw frames.

The Eagle Hotel, Bethlehem, Pa. Mrs. M. B. Hoppes, propr.

E.I. Du Pont De Nemours & Company. Wilmington, Del. U.S.A. Manufacturers of explosives of every kind. Established 1802.

Elks Convention 1907 postcards.


Emerson, Smith & Co., L'td., saw manufacturers. Beaver Falls, Beaver County, Penn'a.

Emmanuel P.E. Church, Holmesburg, Philadelphia.

Enterprise Congress-World's Fair.

The Enterprise Mfg Co. of Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. U.S.A. Enterprise bone, shell, and corn mills.

An essay of a declaration of rights, : brought in by the committee appointed for that purpose, and now under the consideration of the Convention of the State of Pennsylvania..

Ethnology Building.

The F.G. Farnharm Brush Man'f'g Co. Manufacturers of shoe manufacturers, brass polishers & nickel platers' wheel brushes from 5 to 24 inches diameter. Glass cutters wheel, feeding up & swab brushes & flat glass cutters' wheel brushes. Lock box 642, Honesd

F[ire] and P[olice] Dept. Record. [certificate] [graphic].

Fire company ephemera collection

The first court house of Cumberland, Co. First court held July 24, 1750. Shippensburg, Pa.

For Congress: B. Frank Eshleman, of Lancaster City. Subject to Republican rules.


Foxy Granduncle's first mistake. How is that? Hello! Hello! Hello! Well, well, well! What's this?

Frankford Friends' Meeting House postcards.

Franklin Institute of Science postcards.

The Free Library of Philadelphia, N.E. corner Thirteenth and Locust Streets.

French spy.

Friends' Meeting House, 12th Street below Market, Philadelphia, built 1812, Friends' Institute at the left, built 1892.

Fruit of the Loom. Industria et spe.

[Fulton House, No. 121 South Second Street, Philadelphia] [graphic] / JMF 1861.

Galeries Francais, fontes d'art

Geburt- und Tauf-zeugniss.

Geburts- und Tauf-Schein.

Geburts- und Taufschein.

Geburts- und Taufschein

Geistlicher Irrgarten

Geistlicher Irrgarten
