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Harrisburg, Pa. (Bridgeport)

United States Express Company, principal office, 82 Broadway, branch offices, 291 (corner Reade) and 416 Broadway. New York.

Bought of John Westney, agt. Late of Shill, Jr. & Co., manufacturer and dealer in baby carriages, boys' & girls' velocipedes, bicycles, express wagons. All kinds of carriages and velocipedes repaired, nos. 214 and 226 Dock Street.

To Fenstermacher Brothers, Dr. Shipping and commission merchants, no. 5 Walnut Street, above Delaware Avenue, oysters, fruits, poultry, &c.

Bought of F. Millett & Co. Wholesale dealers in foreign and domestic fruits, spices, olive oils, canned goods, &c. No. 5 Arch Street.

Bought of Charles Clarke, coal dealer, N.E. cor. Master & North Penna. R.R.

Croston Nurseries, bought of J. G. Dannaker & Son, nurseryman, King-of-Prussia, Montgomery Co. Pa.

Merchant's House, Third Street, above Callowhill. James Rochford, proprietor.

Bot of Mord. & Sam. N. Lewis, no. 135 South Front Street near the drawbridge, agents of the Philadelphia Lead Works.

Bought of French & Richards, wholesale druggists, north-west corner of Market and Tenth Sts., wholesale agents for Silver's plastic fire and water proof paints.

Bought of George A. Clark & Brother, sole agents for the Clark Thread Company. 14 South Fifth Street. Clark's O.N.T. crochet & darning cotton's.
