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The Pennsylvania cyclone.

A.W. Stevens & Sons, manufacturers & patentees, Auburn, New York. The new Stevens spring tooth harrow.

Tokio cigarettes

Biddle Hardware Co., Philadelphia.

The Philadelphia & Chester Valley Railroad Company.

Lichten Bros., manufacturers of fine cigars, s.e. cor. 5th and Cherry Sts., Philada.

Emerson, Smith & Co., L'td., saw manufacturers. Beaver Falls, Beaver County, Penn'a.

John F. Schreck, manufacturer of Conestoga tobacco, chewing and smoking. It's all in the quality

[Textile label depicting the American eagle]

Pig tail

Wag tails


Sunday Grit.

D. W. Bard, daily messenger from Reading to Philadelphia, attends to shopping and business of all kinds. Reading offices, 312 & 618 Penn St., Philadelphia office, 716 filbert St.

Callowhill Street Bridge, Philadelphia, Pa.

Large schooner yacht, "Henry Disston," Captain Conklin. Sloop Yacht, I. C. Covert," Captain Fisher.


With H. A. Bartlett & Co., Philadelphia & Boston..

Teachers' local institute.

Martha Washington. Manufactured by Arnett, Wemple & Ellyson, Danville, Va.

Compliments of Lehman & Bolton, lithographers, printers, publishers. 715, 171, 719 Arch Street. Philadelphia.

To John Hartman, dr. East End Steam Biscuit Work, No. 412 South Wharves, and 413 Penn St. Plain & fancy biscuit & crackers

[Mechanical calendar issued by New Jersey electrician Romaine Mace]

Carey, Bro. & Grevemeyer, 423 Market St., Philadelphia, booksellers, stationers and blank book manufacturers, paper curtains, oil shades and shading, floor and table oil cloth. Also, jobbers and manufacturers of wall paper.

Making ends meet.

Pleis' celebrated fit powders & liver pills, 860 N. Third Street, Philadelphia.

Bo't of the Alford & Berkele Co. Manufacturers' agents & exporters guns, pistols, cutlery, plated ware, specialties in hardware, etc., etc. P.O. Box 2002. 77 Chambers Street.

Cedar Hollow Lime Company. Depot 900 Jefferson Street.

H.D. Druckenmiller, dealer in musical instruments. Kutztown, Pa.

No. 71 Good Luck series, 5 designs from E. Currier & Co. Brockton, Mass.

Charles Corless, Glen Riddle, Pa. The best cow milker in the world.

Bought of John Westney, agt. Late of Shill, Jr. & Co., manufacturer and dealer in baby carriages, boys' & girls' velocipedes, bicycles, express wagons. All kinds of carriages and velocipedes repaired, nos. 214 and 226 Dock Street.

Dausman Tobacco Company, St. Louis.

Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine, $1.25 a year. Floral guide 10cts. James Vick, seedman, Rochester, N.Y.

p. 4

Souvenir de L'Exposition Universelle 1878

Souvenir de L'Exposition Universelle 1878

Souvenir de L'Exposition Universelle 1878

Souvenir de L'Exposition Universelle 1878

Souvenir de L'Exposition Universelle 1878

Souvenir de L'Exposition Universelle 1878

Souvenir de L'Exposition Universelle 1878

Souvenir de L'Exposition Universelle 1878

Souvenir de L'Exposition Universelle 1878

p. 2

p. 1

p. 3


Memorial of the International Exhibition at Philadelphia. 1876.

Pope's rifle air pistol gallery, 41st Street, opp. Poplar, Centennial grounds, 40 ranges, 10 shots, 10 cts.
