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Geo. W. Nock, locksmith, bell hanger and silver plater, 142 N. Fourth Street, Philadelphia.

Ghost River : the fall and rise of the Conestoga / story, Lee Francis 4 ; art, Weshoyot Alvitre ; editor, Will Fenton.

Girard Avenue Bridge postcards.

Das goldene A B C für jederman, der gern mit Ehren wollt bestahn.

The great Know Nothing song, "I don't know."

The Hairless Wonder, "Blue Bell," 1315 Market Street, Philadelphia.

Harrisburg Nail Works, Henry McCormick, treasurer.

Harrisburg, Pa. (Bridgeport)

H.D. Druckenmiller, dealer in musical instruments. Kutztown, Pa.

[Helen Beitler graphic ephemera collection]

[Hennigar's Photo Studio and Ye Old Dummy Depot, 4700 Frankford Avenue.]

Henry McShane Manufacturing Company, brass and iron founders and finishers. And proprietors of the McShane Bell Foundry, Phoenix Iron Works and Baltimore Sheet Metal Works.

Hill Manufacturing Co. Lewistown, Maine.

Holland Laundry Incorporated, cor. 17th and Cayuga Sts., Philadelphia

The home of Grit, Williamsport, Pa.

Horace Greely, to his farmer friends, one day, said "How needlessly man often labors, use the Enterprise Sprinkler, that is the proper way, and give up the watering pot, neighbors."

Horn & Hardart's Automat postcards.

Horticultural Hall. Length 360 ft. Width 160 ft.

Horticultural Hall. Length, 383 ft. Width, 193 ft.

Horticultural Hall postcards.

Hotel Adelphia, Chestnut at 13th Street, nearest to everything in Philadelphia.

Hotel Colonial, Spruce at Eleventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Hotel receipts collection

Hotel Traymore, Philadelphia's theatrical headquarters, 11th & Arch Sts.

Hotel Walton, Philadelphia, Pa.

Hungry Continentals paid busy lass a visit. Helping himself to fruit, cried one, "What is it?" This machine which does suck work! Would I were the owner!" "Sir," she said, " It is the Enterprise cherry stoner."

H.W. Longfellow

"I found when a grocer's boy," Honest Abe said "Prosperity's line, if you'd cross it, give always good measure, save labor and use the self measuring, Enterprise faucet."

Immaculate Conception, R.C. Church, Germantown, Philadelphia.

In 1773 in Boston town was spilled the tea. These are not Indians that you see, but patriots fighting tyranny; they spilled the tea, then drank their fill of coffee ground in Enterprise mill.

In eighteen fourteen, Scott, the Indian hero, made red hot work for the red men-yes and redder himself he cooled with Juleps, cold as zero iced by the famous Enterprise ice shredder.

In seventeen hundred and eighty three, by the Treaty of Paris, our states were made free, and the Enterprise cork puller helped on the cause while the patriots drank to our land and its laws.

In seventy six, that old Continental; that Fourth-of-July-m'an; hatchet-can't-lie-man gave orders for dinner, "and said "use Enterprise beef shaver, for beef so sliced, will meet with much favor."

In sixteen eighty two, you surely have heard how William Penn and honest treaty made. All good Indians mourn him still and remember his proclamation of good will to use the Enterprise bone, shell, and corn mill.

Independence Hall postcards.

International Exhibition. Main Building.

J. Geo. Hintz, books, stationery and artist materials, no. 734 Penn St., Reading, Pa.

J. Russell & Co. Green River Works, MS. Established 1834.

J. Sandberg with J. Simon, dealer in ready-made clothing and gent's furnishing goods, no. 429 North Second Street, East side, Philadelphia.

J. V. Randall, carriage builder, Newtown, Bucks County, Pa.

Jacob Graff House, in which Thomas Jefferson signed the Declaration of Independence postcards.

Jacob H. Hain, manufacturer of saddles, harnesss, bridles, collars, covers, whips, No. 321 Penn Street, Reading, Pa., (a few doors below the "Adler" Printing Office,) orders respectfully solicited and all work warranted.

James Vick, Rochester, N.Y. Flower, vegetable, seeds &c.

Jardin central. Groups de statues (No. 16)

Jardin d'horticulture, le Ruisseau G[illegible] serre

Jay[ne's] Carmina[tive] Balsam. Prepared only by Dr. Jayne, wholesale druggist & chemist, no. 84 Chestnut Street below Third, Philada.

Jefferson ist Präsident!

Jesus Lied.

Jno. Adams, general agent for the Parsons oil burner, Bradford, Pa.

John A. Dorward, veterinary surgeon. Office: 1043 North Ninth St., Reading, Pa.
