(301 - 350 of 487)
- Title
- Neujahrs-Wunsch des Herumträgers des Lancaster Adlers, an seine Kunden, bey dem Eintritt des Jahrs 1829
- Description
- Verse in ten unnumbered stanzas; first line: Glück zu! ihr Werthen Kunden mein,., Caption title., Presumably printed late in 1828 by Jacob Baab and Herman W. Villee, printers of the Lancaster Adler, for distribution on or about New Year's Day., Verse printed in two columns divided by a column of type ornaments; printed area, including arched ornamental border, measures 35.7 x 23.3 cm., Not in Shoemaker., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- [1828]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1828 Neujahrs 9519.F (Roughwood)
- Title
- No. 71 Good Luck series, 5 designs from E. Currier & Co. Brockton, Mass
- Description
- Specimen trade card containing floral imagery., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Helen Beitler and Estate of Helen Beitler.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Trade cards & Blotters [P.2011.10.19]
- Title
- (No. 8.) Your province tax. Lawful money ... Your town and county rate. Lawful money. ... The assessors sit at Faneuil-Hall in Boston, on Wednesdays, from 3 to 5 of the clock afternoon, to whom any person aggrieved may apply for ease, as the law directs. 1764. Errors excepted
- Description
- A tax assessment form., Printed area measures 8.0 x 10.4 cm., Not in: Evans; Bristol; Ford, W.C. Broadsides., Library Company copy completed in MS. for Mr. Willm. Fisher, assessment total £12.3.0; Sampson Salter, collector., Library Company copy from the Michael Zinman Collection of Early American Imprints., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., NEH-Readex: not in Readex; not at AAS.
- Creator
- Boston (Mass.), Collector of Taxes
- Date
- [1764]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1764 Boston 16921.Q (Zinman)
- Title
- No. [blank] Be it know that [blank] is entitled to [blank] share[blank] in the "Camden Library Company," transferable agreeably to the buy-laws of the institution. Witness the seal of the said company, the [blank] day of [blank] A.D. 182[blank] [blank] Secretary. [blank] President
- Description
- A share certificate., Printed area measures 8.5 x 15.2 cm., Library Company copy completed in MS. for Joseph Rogers, share no. 44, dated Oct. 10, 1823 and signed by Jacob L. Rowand, secretary, and Robert Smith, president; with papered wax seal., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Camden Library Company (Camden, N.J.)
- Date
- [182-]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1820 Camden 3321.F.34
- Title
- No. [blank] Philadelphia County, ss. [blank] has paid to me for the use of the commonwealth, twenty dollars which entitles [blank] to wholesale or retail foreign merchandize, and liquors as a wholesale dealer or a retailer of foreign merchandize and liquors of the fifth class, within the city of Philadelphia, for one year, from the first day of may, one thousand eight hundred and thirty one. [blank] Treasurer of the city of Philadelphia
- Description
- A merchant's license., Printed area measures 7.7 x 12.3 cm., Library Company copy completed in MS. for B.H. Yarnall, license no. 18, with the date altered to May 1, 1835; signed by Cornelius Stevenson, city treasurer. Benjamin H. Yarnall is listed in Philadelphia directories as an ironmonger and hardware merchant., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Philadelphia County (Pa.)
- Date
- [1831]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1831 Phila Cou 3321.F.53
- Title
- Normandie
- Description
- Textile label showing a half-length portrait of a girl in traditional Normandy costume. She holds a small bouquet of flowers to her chin., Printed and inscribed on recto: Style 17491-2. Yds. 41 2., Inscribed on recto: U 1/2/10., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Helen Beitler and Estate of Helen Beitler.
- Date
- [ca. 1885]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Labels [P.2011.10.109]
- Title
- Toki o cigarettes
- Description
- Textiles from a series of premium tobacco silks containing half-length portraits of prominent Native American chiefs. Depicts Chief Joseph; Many Horns; and White Shield. All are shown with feather head pieces. White Shield wears a large cross. Chief Joseph silk numbered "20.", Printed above images: Factory No. 649, First Dist., N.Y., Printed in lower right corner of P.2011.10.176.1: 20., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Helen Beitler and Estate of Helen Beitler.
- Date
- [ca. 1910]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Miscellaneous [P.2011.10.176.1-3]
- Title
- Office and residence of Geo. L. Maitland, piano tuner, 4806 Fairmount Ave., Philadelphia
- Description
- Advertisement for the piano tuning and repairing business of George L. Maitland, showing the exterior of his office and residence at 4806 Fairmount Avenue in West Philadelphia., Publisher's monogram on verso., Divided back., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- ca. 1910
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Residences - A - M - [P.2002.67.20]
- Title
- Old Court House & Market postcards
- Description
- Depicts the Old Court House and Market at the corner of Second and Market Streets looking west, showing the market sheds extending to Fourth Street. Also known as the Great Towne House, built in 1707 by Samuel Powell. Demolished in 1837., Contains 1 postcard printed in color and 1 printed in black and white., Accession numbers: P.9049.5 and P.9049.16., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- 1905-1908
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Government buildings - [various]
- Title
- Old Pennypack Baptist Church. 1688 - 1925
- Description
- Interior view of pulpit and pews of Baptist church founded in 1688 by twelve men and women from England, Ireland and Wales. Original log church constructed by founders was replaced in 1770 and a third structure was erected in 1805., Considered the oldest Baptist Church in Pennsylvania. Originally known as Pennepek., Real photo. Paul - Photo engraved on recto. Undivided back. AZO stamp box with squares in corner., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- 1925
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Religion - [P.9050.15]
- Title
- Old Philadelphia Punch Bowl
- Description
- Exterior view of the Punch Bowl Inn, built circa 1840 and demolished in 1884. The Second Regiment Armory building was constructed on this site in 1890., Copy of Robert Newell's image of the Punch Bowl Inn, photographed circa 1870., Undivided back., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- ca. 1910
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Hotels - [P.9490.15]
- Title
- Old St. Paul's Church, No. 225 South Third Street, central office Philadelphia P. E. City Mission
- Description
- Exterior view of front facade of Old St. Paul's Church on recto, with bulletin on verso, including an invitation to a noon-day service for business men. Church served as the central office of the Protestant Episcopal City Mission in Philadelphia circa 1950., Undivided back. Invitation on verso. Dated 1906 in manuscript note on verso., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- ca. 1906
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Religion - [P.9050.93]
- Title
- On the crucifixion of our Saviour and the two thieves
- Description
- Poem by William Browne; first lines: Behold O God! In rivers of my tears I come to thee., Copyright 1834; printed by E. Durand., Printed within and flanking three crosses; text to be read across lines and also as an acrostic within each of the crosses., Serves as a type specimen showing a wide range of fonts., Not in Checklist of American Imprints., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Browne, William, 1590-ca. 1645
- Date
- [1834]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare # Am 1834 Browne 9528.F (Roughwood)
- Title
- On the midway. New Phila. County Fair, Byberry, Pa
- Description
- Depicts county fair buildings and activities including the Women's Building, Crane's Ice Cream stand, Crackerjack the Mexican or Sealskin Horse and a station for automobile maintenance., Philadelphia County Fair started at Byberry circa 1912 and continued until the late 1920s. Located on the south side of Byberry Road, west of the Boulevard and the Short Line Railroad behind the old Somerton Fire house. See Harry Silcox, Historical Northeast Philadelphia: Stories and Memories., Divided back., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- ca. 1912
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Events - [P.9933.10]
- Title
- One penny specie One penny specie. F The president, directors and company of the Bank of North-America promise to pay to the bearer, on demand, one ninetieth of a dollar. F August 6, 1789
- Description
- Two printed sections, each inside ornamental border. The top section measures 39 x 55 mm, and the ornamental border incorporates: 1789 Bank. The bottom section measures 40 x 56 mm, and the ornamental border incorporates: BFB 1789., Not in: Evans; Bristol., Library Company copy has MS. note: Chas. A. Poulson Esq. with the regards of Jno. A. McAllister Feb 29, 1864., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Bank of North America
- Date
- [1789]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm #Am 1789 Bank 3321.F.70 (McAllister)
- Title
- Oriental Print Works, Apponaug, R.I
- Description
- Textile label showing a scene in India. Shows a prince transported by elephant and attended by a guard armed with a sword and on horseback. A driver (mahout) rides on the neck of the elephant that is also guided by another man servant. Also shows a man smoking a hookah, an ox-driven carriage, and majestic, domed buildings. Alfred Reed and Albert Boit established the Oriental Print Works circa 1857 in Apponaug Village in Warwick, Rhode Island. The firm ceased operations in 1883., Printed and stamped on recto: No. Yds. 44., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Helen Beitler and Estate of Helen Beitler.
- Date
- [ca. 1860]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Labels [P.2011.10.107]
- Title
- Ottinger House, Germantown, Philadelphia
- Description
- Exterior view of Ottinger House, with a partial view of property to the north. Built circa 1781 by Christopher Ottinger, a Revolutionary soldier who became a master coach maker after the war., Undivided back. Dated 1907 in manuscript note on verso., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- ca. 1907
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Residences - N - Z - [P.9049.84]
- Title
- Our Mother of Sorrows R.C. Church, 48th & Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia
- Description
- Interior view of altar and sanctuary of church built in 1867 after designs by Edwin Forrest Durang., Divided back., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- ca. 1910
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Religion - [P.9105.15]
- Title
- Pan American Exposition. This pretty little boy insists that___ Heide's licorice pastilles, mint and assorted jujubes are the best 5 [cents] boxes. Most delicious. Try them and be convinced. Sold Everywhere
- Description
- Trade card issued during the world's fair held in Buffalo, N.Y., May 1-November 2, 1901. Depicts a rosey-cheeked boy attired in a sailor suit holding different varieties of boxes of Heide's candies. He stands in front of an open crate of the confections. Henry Heide founded the Heide Candy Company in 1869, which was later purchased by the Hershey Foods Corporation in 1995 and Farley's & Sathers Candy Co. in 2002., Barely legible facsimile of Sarah Berhnardt testimonial dated 1901 printed on verso. Also contains partially legible trademark for "Hotel Savoy, Fifth Avenue and Fifty Ninth Street, New York.", Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Michael Zinman.
- Date
- [1901]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Trade cards [P.2008.36.106]
- Title
- Panorama pris du Phare
- Description
- Panoramic view "from the lighthouse" showing buildings in the International Circle. Also shows part of the Palais du Champs de Mars and neighboring area to the exposition. The exposition held April 1-November 3, 1867 celebrated the technological and economic progress of the Second Empire, as well as originated the classification system followed by proceeding international exhibitions., Title printed on mount., Blindstamped on mount: Concession Unique., Yellow mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- M. Leon & J. Levy
- Date
- [1867]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Stereographs [P.2008.36.39]
- Title
- Parc Français. Artillerie
- Description
- Shows a line of cannons near a creek in the park at the exposition. A dome roofed structure is visible in the background. Trees line the creek. The exposition held April 1-November 3, 1867 celebrated the technological and economic progress of the Second Empire, as well as originated the classification system followed by proceeding international exhibitions., Title printed on mount., Blindstamped on mount: Concession Unique., Yellow mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- M. Leon & J. Levy
- Date
- [1867]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Stereographs [P.2008.36.35]
- Title
- Parc Francais, la galvanoplastic
- Description
- View of a display of galvanoplastic, i.e., electroformed architectural and ornamental sculpture. Shows a house-like structure adorned with a bas-relief frieze and horse statuary. The exposition held April 1-November 3, 1867 celebrated the technological and economic progress of the Second Empire, as well as originated the classification system followed by proceeding international exhibitions., Photographer's imprint printed on verso: M. Leon & J. Levy Ferrier, Sucrs. de Ferrier pere et fils et Soulier, 113, Boulevard de Sebastopol, 113 Paris. Vues sterescoptique sur verre de L'Exposition Universelle de 1867 ainsi que de tour les Pays., Title printed on mount., Blindstamped on mount: Concession Unique., Yellow mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- M. Leon & J. Levy
- Date
- [1867]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Stereographs [P.2008.36.27]
- Title
- Parc Francais, terres cuites
- Description
- View of the terra cotta display in the park on the grounds of the exhibition. Display includes religious sculptures, monuments, vases, and objet d'arts. Also shows signage reading "Rosfleur," "Plazanet," and "Hydroplastique." The exposition held April 1-November 3, 1867 celebrated the technological and economic progress of the Second Empire, as well as originated the classification system followed by proceeding international exhibitions., Publication information printed on mount., Title printed on mount., Blindstamped on mount: Concession Unique., Yellow mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- M. Leon & J. Levy
- Date
- [1867]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Stereographs [P.2008.36.23]
- Title
- Park Trolley Bridge postcards
- Description
- Depicts the Strawberry Mansion Bridge spanning the Schuylkill River, built 1894-1896 by Russell M. Thayer and Theodore Cooper. Depicts the bridge in Fairmount Park from Strawberry Mansion., Contains 2 postcards printed in color and 1 printed in black and white., Also known as the Fairmount Park Trolley Bridge., Accession numbers: P.9048.116, P.9048.333 and P.9076.12., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- ca. 1910
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Bridges - [various]
- Title
- P.E. Holy Innocence, Tacony, Pa
- Description
- Exterior view of church built in 1869., Undivided back., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- ca. 1905
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Religion - [P.9050.55]
- Title
- Peck & Hills' Furniture Co., 642 North Broad St. cor. Wallace, Philadelphia, Pa
- Description
- Interior view of living room section of enormous furniture showroom, showing couches, chairs, lamps and tables., Advertisement on verso. Post marked 1922. AZO stamp box with upward pointing triangles in corner., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- ca. 1922
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Business - [P.2005.7]
- Title
- Pelham Road, Germantown
- Description
- Depicts Pelham Road north of West Hortter Street, a residential area developed on the estate of George W. Carpenter by Philadelphia's mercanitile class in the 1890s., Numbered 503 on verso., Divided back., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- ca. 1909
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Streets - [P.9048.274]
- Title
- The Pennsylvania cyclone
- Description
- Verse in four unnumbered stanzas; first line: The shadows of death are upon us, and a calamity has occurred,., On Jan. 9, 1889, a tornado swept over Reading, Pa., destroying the Grimshaw Silk Mill and the Reading Railroad paint shop, killing 17 and injuring more than 100 people., Printed area, including mourning border, measures 25.3 x 19.8 cm., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Bessel, Fred
- Date
- [1889?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1889 Bessel 112042.O (Roughwood)
- Title
- Penny Pot Inn, Front and Vine Streets
- Description
- Souvenir postcard of Founder's Week celebrating the 225th anniversary of the founding of Philadelphia. Depicts an exterior view of the Penny Pot Inn as it may have looked in 1683. Given to the city of Philadelphia by William Penn., Divided back., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- c1908
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Hotels - [P.9049.8]
- Title
- Perspective de la galerie Suédoise
- Description
- View looking down the passageway through the Swedish Gallery. Shows sections of several displays, including mannequins, framed prints and photographs, scrolls, statuary, and artifacts. The exposition held April 1-November 3, 1867 celebrated the technological and economic progress of the Second Empire, as well as originated the classification system followed by proceeding international exhibitions., Title printed on mount., Blindstamped on mount: Concession Unique., Yellow mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- M. Leon & J. Levy
- Date
- [1867]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Stereographs [P.2008.36.38]
- Title
- The Philadelphia & Chester Valley Railroad Company
- Description
- Stock certificate for the railroad chartered in 1850 as the Chester Valley Railroad Company. Contains central vignette showing a train, including a "U.S. Mail" car, traveling through countryside. A steamboat travels on a river in the background. Company reincorporated as Philadelphia and Chester Valley Railroad company in 1888. The train operated between Philadelphia and Downingtown., Pictorial details printed above title labeled "Number 191" and "Shares.", Contains ornamental border. Printed within border: Shares $50 Each., Transfer agreement printed in letterpress on verso. Includes monogram "L.S.", Reissue statements dated "188_" printed on flap., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Helen Beitler and Estate of Helen Beitler., Allen, Lane & Scott partnered by 1875.
- Date
- [ca. 1888]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Miscellaneous [P.2011.10.180]
- Title
- Philadelphia City Hall postcards
- Description
- Contains views of City Hall built 1871-1901 after designs by John McArthur Jr. Includes several exterior views of the building, showing construction of the tower looking west on Market Street; the completed building and tower from 15th and Arch Streets and another from North Broad Street looking south. Also depicts an interior view of the Mayor's office., Contains 1 postcard printed in color and 4 printed in black and white., Accession numbers: P.8712.5c, P.9076.7, P.9255, P.2002.67.17 and P.2002.67.22., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- 1900-1980
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Government buildings - [various]
- Title
- Philadelphia Cricket Club, St. Martin's, Chestnut Hill
- Description
- Exterior view of front facade of clubhouse built in 1910 after designs by George T. Pearson. Built on the site of the old clubhouse (1884, G.W. & D.W. Hewitt), which burned in 1909. Grounds donated by Henry H. Houston. Located near St. Martin in the Field Church., Numbered 799 on verso., Divided back., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- ca. 1910
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Associations - [P.9105.2]
- Title
- [Philadelphia Horse Show, judging appointment class, horses suitable for a lady to drive.]
- Description
- Depicts the Philadelphia Horse Show in an outdoor setting, with trees, several gazebos, and buildings in the background. Includes carriages lined up with several grooms standing in front, each with a be-bonnetted lady at the reins., Undivided back., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- ca. 1905
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Events - [P.2002.67.24]
- Title
- The Philadelphia Lawn Mower Co
- Description
- A woman in a white dress and hat pushes a Genuine "Philadelphia" Lawn Mower through a green yard. Includes a stake in the ground that advertises the name of the product, "Genuine "Philadelphia" Lawn Mower"., Numbered 3115 on verso., Advertisement on verso., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- ca. 1905
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Business - [P.2005.5]
- Title
- Philadelphia on a busy day
- Description
- Depicts a "Quick Delivery" truck standing in the middle of the street, the driver napping and the horse eating grass from the street. A cop leans on a lamppost and twirls his nightstick. Children play marbles in the street, and a dog sleeps. The building in the background resembles Independence Hall., Undivided back. Post marked 1915., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- ca. 1915
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Comic - [P.2002.67.21]
- Title
- Philadelphia Record postcards
- Description
- Depicts interior views of the Philadelphia Record building on Chestnut Street, including the lobby showing a giant global map and a printing room during Franklin's time. Constructed in 1886 after designs by Willis Gaylord Hale., Accession numbers: P.9048.267 and P.9048.284., Divided backs., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- 1915-1946
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Business - [various]
- Title
- Philadelphia. The birthplace of liberty. Official souvenir view book Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition
- Description
- Souvenir containing portraiture and views of exhibition sites and Philadelphia landmarks. Portraiture depicts members of the "Executive Staff-Sesqui Centennial Exhibition Association" and prominent members of the Lu Lu Temple, including Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick; Capt. Asher C. Baker, Director in Chief; R.J. Pearse, Director of Works; Axel Malm, Director of Exhibits; S. Van T. Jester, Executive Secretary; Mrs. J. Willis Martin, Chairman Women's Board; Albert H. Ladner, Jr., Past Illustrious Potentate of Lu Lu Temple; William Heim, High Priest and Prophet of Lu Lu Temple; and Walter Fancourt, Jr., Assistant Rabban of Lu Lu Temple. Exhibition views include: Main Entrance, Liberal Arts Palace; Convention Hall, auditorium; Section of Palace of Varied Industries; Vista of Fine Arts Palace; Director of Public Welfare Charles H. Grakelow's address to the Boy Scouts during opening ceremonies; Tower of Light; Illuminating Effect on the Palace of Agriculture; Franklin Trust Co., offical bank on the grounds; Taj-Mahal Palace of India; "Orient" concessions; Palace of Fine Arts; Florida Building; participants in the "Know Your City" tour of the grounds; Outlook, League Island; and "Two Million Dollar Stadium" (i.e, later John F. Kennedy Stadium)., Philadelphia landmarks include Franklin Trust Building (15th and Chestnut); University of Pennsylvania; Christ Church; Liberty Bell; Independence Hall; Carpenter's Hall; William Penn Statue (Pennsylvania Hospital); Benjamin Franklin's Grave; Horticultural Hall (Fairmount Park); Wm. Penn's Mansion (Fairmount Park); Old Tun Tavern; Benjamin Franklin, Ritz Carlton, Bellevue Statford, and Adelphia hotels; Philadelphia & Reading Terminal; Elverson Building; Wanamaker's Store (1200 block Chestnut); Penn Athletic Club; Franklin Institute; City Hall; Girard College-Main Building; Broad Street Station; League Island Navy Yard; and Great Cranes in League Island Navy Yard. Several views include exhibition visitors and street and pedestrian traffic. Also contains "Bird's Eye View of Philadelphia," including the Delaware River Bridge and reproductions of the Declaration of Independence and catalog cover for the Women's Committee exhibition "'High Street' Old Philadelphia 1776." The exhibition near the Navy Yard celebrated the 150th anniversary of independence in Philadelphia through attractions and entertainment in the form of pageants, exhibitions, and sporting events., Paper binding embossed with illustration in gold and blue depicting the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Also includes an ornament marked "1926.", Illustrated title page depicting views of "Tower of Light" and "Tower of City Hall at Night.", Gift of Michael Zinman., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Cardinell, John D.
- Date
- [c1926]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Souvenirs [P.2008.36.50]
- Title
- Philadelphia. The birthplace of liberty. Official souvenir view book Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition
- Description
- Souvenir containing portraiture and views of exhibition sites and Philadelphia landmarks. Portraiture depicts members of the "Executive Staff-Sesqui Centennial Exhibition Association" and prominent members of the Lu Lu Temple, including Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick; Capt. Asher C. Baker, Director in Chief; R.J. Pearse, Director of Works; Axel Malm, Director of Exhibits; S. Van T. Jester, Executive Secretary; Mrs. J. Willis Martin, Chairman Women's Board; Albert H. Ladner, Jr., Past Illustrious Potentate of Lu Lu Temple; William Heim, High Priest and Prophet of Lu Lu Temple; and Walter Fancourt, Jr., Assistant Rabban of Lu Lu Temple. Exhibition views include: Main Entrance, Liberal Arts Palace; Convention Hall, auditorium; Section of Palace of Varied Industries; Vista of Fine Arts Palace; Director of Public Welfare Charles H. Grakelow's address to the Boy Scouts during opening ceremonies; Tower of Light; Illuminating Effect on the Palace of Agriculture; Franklin Trust Co., offical bank on the grounds; Taj-Mahal Palace of India; "Orient" concessions; Palace of Fine Arts; Florida Building; participants in the "Know Your City" tour of the grounds; Outlook, League Island; and "Two Million Dollar Stadium" (i.e, later John F. Kennedy Stadium)., Philadelphia landmarks include Franklin Trust Building (15th and Chestnut); University of Pennsylvania; Christ Church; Liberty Bell; Independence Hall; Carpenter's Hall; William Penn Statue (Pennsylvania Hospital); Benjamin Franklin's Grave; Horticultural Hall (Fairmount Park); Wm. Penn's Mansion (Fairmount Park); Old Tun Tavern; Benjamin Franklin, Ritz Carlton, Bellevue Statford, and Adelphia hotels; Philadelphia & Reading Terminal; Elverson Building; Wanamaker's Store (1200 block Chestnut); Penn Athletic Club; Franklin Institute; City Hall; Girard College-Main Building; Broad Street Station; League Island Navy Yard; and Great Cranes in League Island Navy Yard. Several views include exhibition visitors and street and pedestrian traffic. Also contains "Bird's Eye View of Philadelphia," including the Delaware River Bridge and reproductions of the Declaration of Independence and catalog cover for the Women's Committee exhibition "'High Street' Old Philadelphia 1776." The exhibition near the Navy Yard celebrated the 150th anniversary of independence in Philadelphia through attractions and entertainment in the form of pageants, exhibitions, and sporting events., Paper binding embossed with illustration in gold and blue depicting the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Also includes an ornament marked "1926.", Illustrated title page depicting views of "Tower of Light" and "Tower of City Hall at Night.", Gift of Michael Zinman., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Cardinell, John D.
- Date
- [c1926]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Souvenirs [P.2008.36.50]
- Title
- Philadelphia. The birthplace of liberty. Official souvenir view book Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition
- Description
- Souvenir containing portraiture and views of exhibition sites and Philadelphia landmarks. Portraiture depicts members of the "Executive Staff-Sesqui Centennial Exhibition Association" and prominent members of the Lu Lu Temple, including Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick; Capt. Asher C. Baker, Director in Chief; R.J. Pearse, Director of Works; Axel Malm, Director of Exhibits; S. Van T. Jester, Executive Secretary; Mrs. J. Willis Martin, Chairman Women's Board; Albert H. Ladner, Jr., Past Illustrious Potentate of Lu Lu Temple; William Heim, High Priest and Prophet of Lu Lu Temple; and Walter Fancourt, Jr., Assistant Rabban of Lu Lu Temple. Exhibition views include: Main Entrance, Liberal Arts Palace; Convention Hall, auditorium; Section of Palace of Varied Industries; Vista of Fine Arts Palace; Director of Public Welfare Charles H. Grakelow's address to the Boy Scouts during opening ceremonies; Tower of Light; Illuminating Effect on the Palace of Agriculture; Franklin Trust Co., offical bank on the grounds; Taj-Mahal Palace of India; "Orient" concessions; Palace of Fine Arts; Florida Building; participants in the "Know Your City" tour of the grounds; Outlook, League Island; and "Two Million Dollar Stadium" (i.e, later John F. Kennedy Stadium)., Philadelphia landmarks include Franklin Trust Building (15th and Chestnut); University of Pennsylvania; Christ Church; Liberty Bell; Independence Hall; Carpenter's Hall; William Penn Statue (Pennsylvania Hospital); Benjamin Franklin's Grave; Horticultural Hall (Fairmount Park); Wm. Penn's Mansion (Fairmount Park); Old Tun Tavern; Benjamin Franklin, Ritz Carlton, Bellevue Statford, and Adelphia hotels; Philadelphia & Reading Terminal; Elverson Building; Wanamaker's Store (1200 block Chestnut); Penn Athletic Club; Franklin Institute; City Hall; Girard College-Main Building; Broad Street Station; League Island Navy Yard; and Great Cranes in League Island Navy Yard. Several views include exhibition visitors and street and pedestrian traffic. Also contains "Bird's Eye View of Philadelphia," including the Delaware River Bridge and reproductions of the Declaration of Independence and catalog cover for the Women's Committee exhibition "'High Street' Old Philadelphia 1776." The exhibition near the Navy Yard celebrated the 150th anniversary of independence in Philadelphia through attractions and entertainment in the form of pageants, exhibitions, and sporting events., Paper binding embossed with illustration in gold and blue depicting the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Also includes an ornament marked "1926.", Illustrated title page depicting views of "Tower of Light" and "Tower of City Hall at Night.", Gift of Michael Zinman., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Cardinell, John D.
- Date
- [c1926]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Souvenirs [P.2008.36.50]
- Title
- Philadelphia. The birthplace of liberty. Official souvenir view book Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition
- Description
- Souvenir containing portraiture and views of exhibition sites and Philadelphia landmarks. Portraiture depicts members of the "Executive Staff-Sesqui Centennial Exhibition Association" and prominent members of the Lu Lu Temple, including Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick; Capt. Asher C. Baker, Director in Chief; R.J. Pearse, Director of Works; Axel Malm, Director of Exhibits; S. Van T. Jester, Executive Secretary; Mrs. J. Willis Martin, Chairman Women's Board; Albert H. Ladner, Jr., Past Illustrious Potentate of Lu Lu Temple; William Heim, High Priest and Prophet of Lu Lu Temple; and Walter Fancourt, Jr., Assistant Rabban of Lu Lu Temple. Exhibition views include: Main Entrance, Liberal Arts Palace; Convention Hall, auditorium; Section of Palace of Varied Industries; Vista of Fine Arts Palace; Director of Public Welfare Charles H. Grakelow's address to the Boy Scouts during opening ceremonies; Tower of Light; Illuminating Effect on the Palace of Agriculture; Franklin Trust Co., offical bank on the grounds; Taj-Mahal Palace of India; "Orient" concessions; Palace of Fine Arts; Florida Building; participants in the "Know Your City" tour of the grounds; Outlook, League Island; and "Two Million Dollar Stadium" (i.e, later John F. Kennedy Stadium)., Philadelphia landmarks include Franklin Trust Building (15th and Chestnut); University of Pennsylvania; Christ Church; Liberty Bell; Independence Hall; Carpenter's Hall; William Penn Statue (Pennsylvania Hospital); Benjamin Franklin's Grave; Horticultural Hall (Fairmount Park); Wm. Penn's Mansion (Fairmount Park); Old Tun Tavern; Benjamin Franklin, Ritz Carlton, Bellevue Statford, and Adelphia hotels; Philadelphia & Reading Terminal; Elverson Building; Wanamaker's Store (1200 block Chestnut); Penn Athletic Club; Franklin Institute; City Hall; Girard College-Main Building; Broad Street Station; League Island Navy Yard; and Great Cranes in League Island Navy Yard. Several views include exhibition visitors and street and pedestrian traffic. Also contains "Bird's Eye View of Philadelphia," including the Delaware River Bridge and reproductions of the Declaration of Independence and catalog cover for the Women's Committee exhibition "'High Street' Old Philadelphia 1776." The exhibition near the Navy Yard celebrated the 150th anniversary of independence in Philadelphia through attractions and entertainment in the form of pageants, exhibitions, and sporting events., Paper binding embossed with illustration in gold and blue depicting the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Also includes an ornament marked "1926.", Illustrated title page depicting views of "Tower of Light" and "Tower of City Hall at Night.", Gift of Michael Zinman., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Cardinell, John D.
- Date
- [c1926]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Souvenirs [P.2008.36.50]
- Title
- Philadelphia. The birthplace of liberty. Official souvenir view book Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition
- Description
- Souvenir containing portraiture and views of exhibition sites and Philadelphia landmarks. Portraiture depicts members of the "Executive Staff-Sesqui Centennial Exhibition Association" and prominent members of the Lu Lu Temple, including Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick; Capt. Asher C. Baker, Director in Chief; R.J. Pearse, Director of Works; Axel Malm, Director of Exhibits; S. Van T. Jester, Executive Secretary; Mrs. J. Willis Martin, Chairman Women's Board; Albert H. Ladner, Jr., Past Illustrious Potentate of Lu Lu Temple; William Heim, High Priest and Prophet of Lu Lu Temple; and Walter Fancourt, Jr., Assistant Rabban of Lu Lu Temple. Exhibition views include: Main Entrance, Liberal Arts Palace; Convention Hall, auditorium; Section of Palace of Varied Industries; Vista of Fine Arts Palace; Director of Public Welfare Charles H. Grakelow's address to the Boy Scouts during opening ceremonies; Tower of Light; Illuminating Effect on the Palace of Agriculture; Franklin Trust Co., offical bank on the grounds; Taj-Mahal Palace of India; "Orient" concessions; Palace of Fine Arts; Florida Building; participants in the "Know Your City" tour of the grounds; Outlook, League Island; and "Two Million Dollar Stadium" (i.e, later John F. Kennedy Stadium)., Philadelphia landmarks include Franklin Trust Building (15th and Chestnut); University of Pennsylvania; Christ Church; Liberty Bell; Independence Hall; Carpenter's Hall; William Penn Statue (Pennsylvania Hospital); Benjamin Franklin's Grave; Horticultural Hall (Fairmount Park); Wm. Penn's Mansion (Fairmount Park); Old Tun Tavern; Benjamin Franklin, Ritz Carlton, Bellevue Statford, and Adelphia hotels; Philadelphia & Reading Terminal; Elverson Building; Wanamaker's Store (1200 block Chestnut); Penn Athletic Club; Franklin Institute; City Hall; Girard College-Main Building; Broad Street Station; League Island Navy Yard; and Great Cranes in League Island Navy Yard. Several views include exhibition visitors and street and pedestrian traffic. Also contains "Bird's Eye View of Philadelphia," including the Delaware River Bridge and reproductions of the Declaration of Independence and catalog cover for the Women's Committee exhibition "'High Street' Old Philadelphia 1776." The exhibition near the Navy Yard celebrated the 150th anniversary of independence in Philadelphia through attractions and entertainment in the form of pageants, exhibitions, and sporting events., Paper binding embossed with illustration in gold and blue depicting the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Also includes an ornament marked "1926.", Illustrated title page depicting views of "Tower of Light" and "Tower of City Hall at Night.", Gift of Michael Zinman., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Cardinell, John D.
- Date
- [c1926]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Souvenirs [P.2008.36.50]
- Title
- Philadelphia. The birthplace of liberty. Official souvenir view book Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition
- Description
- Souvenir containing portraiture and views of exhibition sites and Philadelphia landmarks. Portraiture depicts members of the "Executive Staff-Sesqui Centennial Exhibition Association" and prominent members of the Lu Lu Temple, including Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick; Capt. Asher C. Baker, Director in Chief; R.J. Pearse, Director of Works; Axel Malm, Director of Exhibits; S. Van T. Jester, Executive Secretary; Mrs. J. Willis Martin, Chairman Women's Board; Albert H. Ladner, Jr., Past Illustrious Potentate of Lu Lu Temple; William Heim, High Priest and Prophet of Lu Lu Temple; and Walter Fancourt, Jr., Assistant Rabban of Lu Lu Temple. Exhibition views include: Main Entrance, Liberal Arts Palace; Convention Hall, auditorium; Section of Palace of Varied Industries; Vista of Fine Arts Palace; Director of Public Welfare Charles H. Grakelow's address to the Boy Scouts during opening ceremonies; Tower of Light; Illuminating Effect on the Palace of Agriculture; Franklin Trust Co., offical bank on the grounds; Taj-Mahal Palace of India; "Orient" concessions; Palace of Fine Arts; Florida Building; participants in the "Know Your City" tour of the grounds; Outlook, League Island; and "Two Million Dollar Stadium" (i.e, later John F. Kennedy Stadium)., Philadelphia landmarks include Franklin Trust Building (15th and Chestnut); University of Pennsylvania; Christ Church; Liberty Bell; Independence Hall; Carpenter's Hall; William Penn Statue (Pennsylvania Hospital); Benjamin Franklin's Grave; Horticultural Hall (Fairmount Park); Wm. Penn's Mansion (Fairmount Park); Old Tun Tavern; Benjamin Franklin, Ritz Carlton, Bellevue Statford, and Adelphia hotels; Philadelphia & Reading Terminal; Elverson Building; Wanamaker's Store (1200 block Chestnut); Penn Athletic Club; Franklin Institute; City Hall; Girard College-Main Building; Broad Street Station; League Island Navy Yard; and Great Cranes in League Island Navy Yard. Several views include exhibition visitors and street and pedestrian traffic. Also contains "Bird's Eye View of Philadelphia," including the Delaware River Bridge and reproductions of the Declaration of Independence and catalog cover for the Women's Committee exhibition "'High Street' Old Philadelphia 1776." The exhibition near the Navy Yard celebrated the 150th anniversary of independence in Philadelphia through attractions and entertainment in the form of pageants, exhibitions, and sporting events., Paper binding embossed with illustration in gold and blue depicting the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Also includes an ornament marked "1926.", Illustrated title page depicting views of "Tower of Light" and "Tower of City Hall at Night.", Gift of Michael Zinman., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Cardinell, John D.
- Date
- [c1926]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Souvenirs [P.2008.36.50]
- Title
- Philadelphia. The birthplace of liberty. Official souvenir view book Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition
- Description
- Souvenir containing portraiture and views of exhibition sites and Philadelphia landmarks. Portraiture depicts members of the "Executive Staff-Sesqui Centennial Exhibition Association" and prominent members of the Lu Lu Temple, including Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick; Capt. Asher C. Baker, Director in Chief; R.J. Pearse, Director of Works; Axel Malm, Director of Exhibits; S. Van T. Jester, Executive Secretary; Mrs. J. Willis Martin, Chairman Women's Board; Albert H. Ladner, Jr., Past Illustrious Potentate of Lu Lu Temple; William Heim, High Priest and Prophet of Lu Lu Temple; and Walter Fancourt, Jr., Assistant Rabban of Lu Lu Temple. Exhibition views include: Main Entrance, Liberal Arts Palace; Convention Hall, auditorium; Section of Palace of Varied Industries; Vista of Fine Arts Palace; Director of Public Welfare Charles H. Grakelow's address to the Boy Scouts during opening ceremonies; Tower of Light; Illuminating Effect on the Palace of Agriculture; Franklin Trust Co., offical bank on the grounds; Taj-Mahal Palace of India; "Orient" concessions; Palace of Fine Arts; Florida Building; participants in the "Know Your City" tour of the grounds; Outlook, League Island; and "Two Million Dollar Stadium" (i.e, later John F. Kennedy Stadium)., Philadelphia landmarks include Franklin Trust Building (15th and Chestnut); University of Pennsylvania; Christ Church; Liberty Bell; Independence Hall; Carpenter's Hall; William Penn Statue (Pennsylvania Hospital); Benjamin Franklin's Grave; Horticultural Hall (Fairmount Park); Wm. Penn's Mansion (Fairmount Park); Old Tun Tavern; Benjamin Franklin, Ritz Carlton, Bellevue Statford, and Adelphia hotels; Philadelphia & Reading Terminal; Elverson Building; Wanamaker's Store (1200 block Chestnut); Penn Athletic Club; Franklin Institute; City Hall; Girard College-Main Building; Broad Street Station; League Island Navy Yard; and Great Cranes in League Island Navy Yard. Several views include exhibition visitors and street and pedestrian traffic. Also contains "Bird's Eye View of Philadelphia," including the Delaware River Bridge and reproductions of the Declaration of Independence and catalog cover for the Women's Committee exhibition "'High Street' Old Philadelphia 1776." The exhibition near the Navy Yard celebrated the 150th anniversary of independence in Philadelphia through attractions and entertainment in the form of pageants, exhibitions, and sporting events., Paper binding embossed with illustration in gold and blue depicting the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Also includes an ornament marked "1926.", Illustrated title page depicting views of "Tower of Light" and "Tower of City Hall at Night.", Gift of Michael Zinman., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Cardinell, John D.
- Date
- [c1926]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Souvenirs [P.2008.36.50]
- Title
- Philadelphia. The birthplace of liberty. Official souvenir view book Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition
- Description
- Souvenir containing portraiture and views of exhibition sites and Philadelphia landmarks. Portraiture depicts members of the "Executive Staff-Sesqui Centennial Exhibition Association" and prominent members of the Lu Lu Temple, including Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick; Capt. Asher C. Baker, Director in Chief; R.J. Pearse, Director of Works; Axel Malm, Director of Exhibits; S. Van T. Jester, Executive Secretary; Mrs. J. Willis Martin, Chairman Women's Board; Albert H. Ladner, Jr., Past Illustrious Potentate of Lu Lu Temple; William Heim, High Priest and Prophet of Lu Lu Temple; and Walter Fancourt, Jr., Assistant Rabban of Lu Lu Temple. Exhibition views include: Main Entrance, Liberal Arts Palace; Convention Hall, auditorium; Section of Palace of Varied Industries; Vista of Fine Arts Palace; Director of Public Welfare Charles H. Grakelow's address to the Boy Scouts during opening ceremonies; Tower of Light; Illuminating Effect on the Palace of Agriculture; Franklin Trust Co., offical bank on the grounds; Taj-Mahal Palace of India; "Orient" concessions; Palace of Fine Arts; Florida Building; participants in the "Know Your City" tour of the grounds; Outlook, League Island; and "Two Million Dollar Stadium" (i.e, later John F. Kennedy Stadium)., Philadelphia landmarks include Franklin Trust Building (15th and Chestnut); University of Pennsylvania; Christ Church; Liberty Bell; Independence Hall; Carpenter's Hall; William Penn Statue (Pennsylvania Hospital); Benjamin Franklin's Grave; Horticultural Hall (Fairmount Park); Wm. Penn's Mansion (Fairmount Park); Old Tun Tavern; Benjamin Franklin, Ritz Carlton, Bellevue Statford, and Adelphia hotels; Philadelphia & Reading Terminal; Elverson Building; Wanamaker's Store (1200 block Chestnut); Penn Athletic Club; Franklin Institute; City Hall; Girard College-Main Building; Broad Street Station; League Island Navy Yard; and Great Cranes in League Island Navy Yard. Several views include exhibition visitors and street and pedestrian traffic. Also contains "Bird's Eye View of Philadelphia," including the Delaware River Bridge and reproductions of the Declaration of Independence and catalog cover for the Women's Committee exhibition "'High Street' Old Philadelphia 1776." The exhibition near the Navy Yard celebrated the 150th anniversary of independence in Philadelphia through attractions and entertainment in the form of pageants, exhibitions, and sporting events., Paper binding embossed with illustration in gold and blue depicting the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Also includes an ornament marked "1926.", Illustrated title page depicting views of "Tower of Light" and "Tower of City Hall at Night.", Gift of Michael Zinman., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Cardinell, John D.
- Date
- [c1926]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Souvenirs [P.2008.36.50]
- Title
- Philadelphia. The birthplace of liberty. Official souvenir view book Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition
- Description
- Souvenir containing portraiture and views of exhibition sites and Philadelphia landmarks. Portraiture depicts members of the "Executive Staff-Sesqui Centennial Exhibition Association" and prominent members of the Lu Lu Temple, including Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick; Capt. Asher C. Baker, Director in Chief; R.J. Pearse, Director of Works; Axel Malm, Director of Exhibits; S. Van T. Jester, Executive Secretary; Mrs. J. Willis Martin, Chairman Women's Board; Albert H. Ladner, Jr., Past Illustrious Potentate of Lu Lu Temple; William Heim, High Priest and Prophet of Lu Lu Temple; and Walter Fancourt, Jr., Assistant Rabban of Lu Lu Temple. Exhibition views include: Main Entrance, Liberal Arts Palace; Convention Hall, auditorium; Section of Palace of Varied Industries; Vista of Fine Arts Palace; Director of Public Welfare Charles H. Grakelow's address to the Boy Scouts during opening ceremonies; Tower of Light; Illuminating Effect on the Palace of Agriculture; Franklin Trust Co., offical bank on the grounds; Taj-Mahal Palace of India; "Orient" concessions; Palace of Fine Arts; Florida Building; participants in the "Know Your City" tour of the grounds; Outlook, League Island; and "Two Million Dollar Stadium" (i.e, later John F. Kennedy Stadium)., Philadelphia landmarks include Franklin Trust Building (15th and Chestnut); University of Pennsylvania; Christ Church; Liberty Bell; Independence Hall; Carpenter's Hall; William Penn Statue (Pennsylvania Hospital); Benjamin Franklin's Grave; Horticultural Hall (Fairmount Park); Wm. Penn's Mansion (Fairmount Park); Old Tun Tavern; Benjamin Franklin, Ritz Carlton, Bellevue Statford, and Adelphia hotels; Philadelphia & Reading Terminal; Elverson Building; Wanamaker's Store (1200 block Chestnut); Penn Athletic Club; Franklin Institute; City Hall; Girard College-Main Building; Broad Street Station; League Island Navy Yard; and Great Cranes in League Island Navy Yard. Several views include exhibition visitors and street and pedestrian traffic. Also contains "Bird's Eye View of Philadelphia," including the Delaware River Bridge and reproductions of the Declaration of Independence and catalog cover for the Women's Committee exhibition "'High Street' Old Philadelphia 1776." The exhibition near the Navy Yard celebrated the 150th anniversary of independence in Philadelphia through attractions and entertainment in the form of pageants, exhibitions, and sporting events., Paper binding embossed with illustration in gold and blue depicting the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Also includes an ornament marked "1926.", Illustrated title page depicting views of "Tower of Light" and "Tower of City Hall at Night.", Gift of Michael Zinman., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Cardinell, John D.
- Date
- [c1926]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Souvenirs [P.2008.36.50]
- Title
- Philadelphia. The birthplace of liberty. Official souvenir view book Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition
- Description
- Souvenir containing portraiture and views of exhibition sites and Philadelphia landmarks. Portraiture depicts members of the "Executive Staff-Sesqui Centennial Exhibition Association" and prominent members of the Lu Lu Temple, including Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick; Capt. Asher C. Baker, Director in Chief; R.J. Pearse, Director of Works; Axel Malm, Director of Exhibits; S. Van T. Jester, Executive Secretary; Mrs. J. Willis Martin, Chairman Women's Board; Albert H. Ladner, Jr., Past Illustrious Potentate of Lu Lu Temple; William Heim, High Priest and Prophet of Lu Lu Temple; and Walter Fancourt, Jr., Assistant Rabban of Lu Lu Temple. Exhibition views include: Main Entrance, Liberal Arts Palace; Convention Hall, auditorium; Section of Palace of Varied Industries; Vista of Fine Arts Palace; Director of Public Welfare Charles H. Grakelow's address to the Boy Scouts during opening ceremonies; Tower of Light; Illuminating Effect on the Palace of Agriculture; Franklin Trust Co., offical bank on the grounds; Taj-Mahal Palace of India; "Orient" concessions; Palace of Fine Arts; Florida Building; participants in the "Know Your City" tour of the grounds; Outlook, League Island; and "Two Million Dollar Stadium" (i.e, later John F. Kennedy Stadium)., Philadelphia landmarks include Franklin Trust Building (15th and Chestnut); University of Pennsylvania; Christ Church; Liberty Bell; Independence Hall; Carpenter's Hall; William Penn Statue (Pennsylvania Hospital); Benjamin Franklin's Grave; Horticultural Hall (Fairmount Park); Wm. Penn's Mansion (Fairmount Park); Old Tun Tavern; Benjamin Franklin, Ritz Carlton, Bellevue Statford, and Adelphia hotels; Philadelphia & Reading Terminal; Elverson Building; Wanamaker's Store (1200 block Chestnut); Penn Athletic Club; Franklin Institute; City Hall; Girard College-Main Building; Broad Street Station; League Island Navy Yard; and Great Cranes in League Island Navy Yard. Several views include exhibition visitors and street and pedestrian traffic. Also contains "Bird's Eye View of Philadelphia," including the Delaware River Bridge and reproductions of the Declaration of Independence and catalog cover for the Women's Committee exhibition "'High Street' Old Philadelphia 1776." The exhibition near the Navy Yard celebrated the 150th anniversary of independence in Philadelphia through attractions and entertainment in the form of pageants, exhibitions, and sporting events., Paper binding embossed with illustration in gold and blue depicting the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Also includes an ornament marked "1926.", Illustrated title page depicting views of "Tower of Light" and "Tower of City Hall at Night.", Gift of Michael Zinman., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Cardinell, John D.
- Date
- [c1926]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Souvenirs [P.2008.36.50]
- Title
- Philadelphia. The birthplace of liberty. Official souvenir view book Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition
- Description
- Souvenir containing portraiture and views of exhibition sites and Philadelphia landmarks. Portraiture depicts members of the "Executive Staff-Sesqui Centennial Exhibition Association" and prominent members of the Lu Lu Temple, including Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick; Capt. Asher C. Baker, Director in Chief; R.J. Pearse, Director of Works; Axel Malm, Director of Exhibits; S. Van T. Jester, Executive Secretary; Mrs. J. Willis Martin, Chairman Women's Board; Albert H. Ladner, Jr., Past Illustrious Potentate of Lu Lu Temple; William Heim, High Priest and Prophet of Lu Lu Temple; and Walter Fancourt, Jr., Assistant Rabban of Lu Lu Temple. Exhibition views include: Main Entrance, Liberal Arts Palace; Convention Hall, auditorium; Section of Palace of Varied Industries; Vista of Fine Arts Palace; Director of Public Welfare Charles H. Grakelow's address to the Boy Scouts during opening ceremonies; Tower of Light; Illuminating Effect on the Palace of Agriculture; Franklin Trust Co., offical bank on the grounds; Taj-Mahal Palace of India; "Orient" concessions; Palace of Fine Arts; Florida Building; participants in the "Know Your City" tour of the grounds; Outlook, League Island; and "Two Million Dollar Stadium" (i.e, later John F. Kennedy Stadium)., Philadelphia landmarks include Franklin Trust Building (15th and Chestnut); University of Pennsylvania; Christ Church; Liberty Bell; Independence Hall; Carpenter's Hall; William Penn Statue (Pennsylvania Hospital); Benjamin Franklin's Grave; Horticultural Hall (Fairmount Park); Wm. Penn's Mansion (Fairmount Park); Old Tun Tavern; Benjamin Franklin, Ritz Carlton, Bellevue Statford, and Adelphia hotels; Philadelphia & Reading Terminal; Elverson Building; Wanamaker's Store (1200 block Chestnut); Penn Athletic Club; Franklin Institute; City Hall; Girard College-Main Building; Broad Street Station; League Island Navy Yard; and Great Cranes in League Island Navy Yard. Several views include exhibition visitors and street and pedestrian traffic. Also contains "Bird's Eye View of Philadelphia," including the Delaware River Bridge and reproductions of the Declaration of Independence and catalog cover for the Women's Committee exhibition "'High Street' Old Philadelphia 1776." The exhibition near the Navy Yard celebrated the 150th anniversary of independence in Philadelphia through attractions and entertainment in the form of pageants, exhibitions, and sporting events., Paper binding embossed with illustration in gold and blue depicting the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Also includes an ornament marked "1926.", Illustrated title page depicting views of "Tower of Light" and "Tower of City Hall at Night.", Gift of Michael Zinman., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Cardinell, John D.
- Date
- [c1926]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Souvenirs [P.2008.36.50]
- Title
- Philadelphia. The birthplace of liberty. Official souvenir view book Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition
- Description
- Souvenir containing portraiture and views of exhibition sites and Philadelphia landmarks. Portraiture depicts members of the "Executive Staff-Sesqui Centennial Exhibition Association" and prominent members of the Lu Lu Temple, including Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick; Capt. Asher C. Baker, Director in Chief; R.J. Pearse, Director of Works; Axel Malm, Director of Exhibits; S. Van T. Jester, Executive Secretary; Mrs. J. Willis Martin, Chairman Women's Board; Albert H. Ladner, Jr., Past Illustrious Potentate of Lu Lu Temple; William Heim, High Priest and Prophet of Lu Lu Temple; and Walter Fancourt, Jr., Assistant Rabban of Lu Lu Temple. Exhibition views include: Main Entrance, Liberal Arts Palace; Convention Hall, auditorium; Section of Palace of Varied Industries; Vista of Fine Arts Palace; Director of Public Welfare Charles H. Grakelow's address to the Boy Scouts during opening ceremonies; Tower of Light; Illuminating Effect on the Palace of Agriculture; Franklin Trust Co., offical bank on the grounds; Taj-Mahal Palace of India; "Orient" concessions; Palace of Fine Arts; Florida Building; participants in the "Know Your City" tour of the grounds; Outlook, League Island; and "Two Million Dollar Stadium" (i.e, later John F. Kennedy Stadium)., Philadelphia landmarks include Franklin Trust Building (15th and Chestnut); University of Pennsylvania; Christ Church; Liberty Bell; Independence Hall; Carpenter's Hall; William Penn Statue (Pennsylvania Hospital); Benjamin Franklin's Grave; Horticultural Hall (Fairmount Park); Wm. Penn's Mansion (Fairmount Park); Old Tun Tavern; Benjamin Franklin, Ritz Carlton, Bellevue Statford, and Adelphia hotels; Philadelphia & Reading Terminal; Elverson Building; Wanamaker's Store (1200 block Chestnut); Penn Athletic Club; Franklin Institute; City Hall; Girard College-Main Building; Broad Street Station; League Island Navy Yard; and Great Cranes in League Island Navy Yard. Several views include exhibition visitors and street and pedestrian traffic. Also contains "Bird's Eye View of Philadelphia," including the Delaware River Bridge and reproductions of the Declaration of Independence and catalog cover for the Women's Committee exhibition "'High Street' Old Philadelphia 1776." The exhibition near the Navy Yard celebrated the 150th anniversary of independence in Philadelphia through attractions and entertainment in the form of pageants, exhibitions, and sporting events., Paper binding embossed with illustration in gold and blue depicting the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Also includes an ornament marked "1926.", Illustrated title page depicting views of "Tower of Light" and "Tower of City Hall at Night.", Gift of Michael Zinman., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Cardinell, John D.
- Date
- [c1926]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Souvenirs [P.2008.36.50]
- Title
- Philadelphia. The birthplace of liberty. Official souvenir view book Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition
- Description
- Souvenir containing portraiture and views of exhibition sites and Philadelphia landmarks. Portraiture depicts members of the "Executive Staff-Sesqui Centennial Exhibition Association" and prominent members of the Lu Lu Temple, including Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick; Capt. Asher C. Baker, Director in Chief; R.J. Pearse, Director of Works; Axel Malm, Director of Exhibits; S. Van T. Jester, Executive Secretary; Mrs. J. Willis Martin, Chairman Women's Board; Albert H. Ladner, Jr., Past Illustrious Potentate of Lu Lu Temple; William Heim, High Priest and Prophet of Lu Lu Temple; and Walter Fancourt, Jr., Assistant Rabban of Lu Lu Temple. Exhibition views include: Main Entrance, Liberal Arts Palace; Convention Hall, auditorium; Section of Palace of Varied Industries; Vista of Fine Arts Palace; Director of Public Welfare Charles H. Grakelow's address to the Boy Scouts during opening ceremonies; Tower of Light; Illuminating Effect on the Palace of Agriculture; Franklin Trust Co., offical bank on the grounds; Taj-Mahal Palace of India; "Orient" concessions; Palace of Fine Arts; Florida Building; participants in the "Know Your City" tour of the grounds; Outlook, League Island; and "Two Million Dollar Stadium" (i.e, later John F. Kennedy Stadium)., Philadelphia landmarks include Franklin Trust Building (15th and Chestnut); University of Pennsylvania; Christ Church; Liberty Bell; Independence Hall; Carpenter's Hall; William Penn Statue (Pennsylvania Hospital); Benjamin Franklin's Grave; Horticultural Hall (Fairmount Park); Wm. Penn's Mansion (Fairmount Park); Old Tun Tavern; Benjamin Franklin, Ritz Carlton, Bellevue Statford, and Adelphia hotels; Philadelphia & Reading Terminal; Elverson Building; Wanamaker's Store (1200 block Chestnut); Penn Athletic Club; Franklin Institute; City Hall; Girard College-Main Building; Broad Street Station; League Island Navy Yard; and Great Cranes in League Island Navy Yard. Several views include exhibition visitors and street and pedestrian traffic. Also contains "Bird's Eye View of Philadelphia," including the Delaware River Bridge and reproductions of the Declaration of Independence and catalog cover for the Women's Committee exhibition "'High Street' Old Philadelphia 1776." The exhibition near the Navy Yard celebrated the 150th anniversary of independence in Philadelphia through attractions and entertainment in the form of pageants, exhibitions, and sporting events., Paper binding embossed with illustration in gold and blue depicting the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Also includes an ornament marked "1926.", Illustrated title page depicting views of "Tower of Light" and "Tower of City Hall at Night.", Gift of Michael Zinman., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Creator
- Cardinell, John D.
- Date
- [c1926]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Souvenirs [P.2008.36.50]