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Todmorden Mills. Highland. Warranted. All wool.

Trade cards, advertisements, and bill heads for Philadelphia merchants.

Transportation Building. 250 x 960 feet. Cost $280,000.

Twenty five. Merits

United States Express Company, principal office, 82 Broadway, branch offices, 291 (corner Reade) and 416 Broadway. New York.

United States Mint postcards.

United States Naval Hospital postcards.

United States of America. Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

[Van Pelt Street, south of West York Street.]

[Venango Street, west of Kensington Avenue, Harrowgate, Phila. Pa.]

Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine, $1.25 a year. Floral guide 10cts. James Vick, seedman, Rochester, N.Y.

Ein vortressliches Mittel gegen die Wassersucht.

Vue panoramique du parc pres du Cercle International

Wag tails

Eine wahre Geschichte, oder eine probirte Kunst in Feuers-Gefahr wie auch in Pestilenz-Zeiten zu gebrauchen.

Wallace & Sons, manufacturers of the eagle pin, superior to all others in quality and finish.

The Wanamaker Store postcards.

Washington. Printed by S. H. Greene & Sons. Riverpoint, R.I. Coffin, Artemus & Co. Sole agents.

Watchman's address on the return of Christmas, 1851.

West Spruce Str., Philadelphia, Pa.

W.G. Moore, successor to Seltzer & Moore, wholesale and retail mule dealers, Womelsdorf, Pa.

Wharton Street Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, 54th and Catharine Street, Philadelphia.

When Alden wooed the fair Priscilla for his friend. In sixteen twenty six by Plymouth Rocks environs. The course of true love, rough at first, was at the end. As smooth as if they'd used the Enterprise sad irons.

White Swan Hotel, Mount Airy, Pa.

William Penn's treaty with the Indians postcards.

William Still, dealer in Lehigh & Schuylkill coal, 1216, 1218 and 1220 Washington Avenue, Philadelphia.

Winter street cleaning in Philadelphia.

"Wish you'd hush"

With H. A. Bartlett & Co., Philadelphia & Boston..

Wm. H. Hortsmann & Sons, manufactory & sales rooms, cor. Fifth & Cherry Streets. Philadelphia.

Woolson Spice Co., manufacturers of Lion Coffee, spices, baking powder, etc. Toledo, Ohio.

W.P. & A. Sharpless, S.E. cor. Broad & Race Sts.

Wunsch zum Neuen Jahre.

Wunsch zum neuen Jahre.

Yohn's carriage manufactory, cor. Apple and Evans streets, Pottstown, Pa.

You cannot blot out...the fact that Louis Heilbron sells the best furniture, carpets, and bedding at most reasonable prices, at the largest furniture house in Reading, Pa. 838-840 Penn Street

Zum Andenken.
