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[Peace Jubilee parade, Freihofer's Bakers marching in front of Keneseth Israel Temple, 1717 North Broad Street, Philadelphia.]

[Peace Jubilee parade, Concord float in front of the Keneseth Israel Temple, 1717 North Broad Street, Philadelphia.]

[Peace Jubilee parade, military men marching along North Broad Street near Columbia Avenue, Philadelphia.]

[Peace Jubilee parade, military men marching along North Broad Street near Columbia Avenue, Philadelphia.]

Broad St. looking N. from Filbert, showing the four churches on 4 corners of Arch St.

Broad St. from the Academy of Music.

The Court of Honor during the Elks' greatest parade, Philadelphia, July 18, 1907.

[Broad and Oxford Streets, Philadelphia]

Looking west [sic] from Colosseum. Philadelphia, Pa.

North Broad St., Phil., PA.

[Peace Jubilee, Triumphal Arch and Court of Honor, looking northwest from Walnut Street.]

[Peace Jubilee parade, crew of the Merrimac in a horse-drawn carriage, North Broad Street near Columbia Avenue, Philadelphia.]

Kiralfy's Alhambra Palace, Philadelphia. The illuminated gardens.

Broad St. New public buildings.

General view of the erecting shop, Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.

Academy of Natural Sciences (undergoing "raising", &c.) and the "La Pierre house" hotel; with the private dwelling house at the S.W. corner of Broad and Chestnut Street. [graphic] / Photograph by Richards.

[Academy of Natural Sciences and La Pierre House, north west corner of Broad and Sansom Streets, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Founder's Week, Industrial Day Oct. 7th 1908. Philadelphia Brewing Co's float. By courtesy of Philadelphia liquor dealers journal

Founder's Week, Industrial Day, Oct. 7th 1908. Phila. Brewing Co.'s float. By courtesy of Philadelphia liquor dealers journal

Founder's Week, Industrial Day Oct. 7th 1908. Philadelphia Brewing Co.'s float. By courtesy of Philadelphia liquor dealers journal

Founder's Week, Industrial Day Oct. 7th 1908. Philadelphia Brewing Co.'s float. By courtesy of Philadelphia liquor dealers journal

Founder's Week, Industrial Day, Oct. 7th, 1908. Philadelphia Brewing Co's float. By courtesy of Philadelphia liquor dealers journal

La Pierre House, Academy of Natural Science, and Union League, Broad Street, below Chestnut. [graphic]

La Pierre House, Academy of Natural Sciences, and Union League, Broad St., below Chestnut, Phila[delphia] Pa.

Academy of Music, side view.

Lincoln Market

Central High School house, Broad Street. [graphic].

Philadelphia's pride, her public building, Pa., U.S.A.

[Founders' Week parade, Philadelphia Brewing Co. floats, Industrial Day, October 7, 1908, Philadelphia]

Photographic Views of Philadelphia's New City Building

Photographic views of New City Building

North Broad St. from La Pierre House.

North Broad St. from La Pierre House. [graphic] / M.P. Simons, 1320 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, landscape and portrait photographer.

Church, Broad & Arch Sts., Phila. (Methodist) New Masonic Temple in the background.

Horticultural Hall, Phila.

City Hall and Penn Square, Broad and Market Streets, Philadelphia.

[Girard Trust Company Building under construction at Broad Street and Penn Square, Center City, Philadelphia.]

The Civic Parade and Court of Honor, Peace Jubilee, Phila. Pa., Oct. 26, '98.

Broad Street, showing M.E. church, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.

Methodist Episcopal Church and Masonic Temple.

Masonic Temple.

Soldiers' Monument.

Conn. troops marching down Broad St. before military parade, Consitutional Centennial Celebration, [Philadelphia] [graphic].

Marine Band of Washington, marching up Broad St. in parade, [Constitutional Centennial Celebration, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Conn[ecticut] Troops [marching up Broad Street during U.S. Constitutional Centennial Celebration, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Maryland militia [marching down Broad Street, Constitutional Centennial Celebration, Philadelphia] [graphic].

New York troops [marching down Broad Street, Constitutional Centennial Celebration, Philadelphia] [graphic].

G[rand] A[rmy of the] R[epublic] in the parade [marching down Broad Street, Constitutional Centennial Celebration, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Broad St. looking N. from Sansom St. on 3rd day of Centennial of our Constitution, showing Arch with coats of arms of states. [Constitutional Centennial Celebration, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Broad St. looking South from Sansom St. [Constitutional Centennial Celebration, Philadelphia] [graphic].
