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Conflagration of the steam boat New Jersey on the Delaware River opposite Philada. March 15 1856 in which 50 persons lost their lives.

Theodore M. Apple, guager & cooper, no. 2 & 4 Gray's Alley between Front & Second and Walnut & Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia.

Pier 84 South [Philadelphia, Pa.]

Delaware River, Philadelphia harbor.

Delaware River, Philadelphia harbor. [graphic] / Langenheim.

Delaware River, Philadelphia harbor.

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia [graphic] / Langenheim.

Terrible conflagration and destruction of the steam-boat "New Jersey," [graphic] : On the Delaware River, opposite Philadelphia, on the night of Saturday, March 15th, 1856, between 8 and 9 o'clock, by which dreadful calamity sixty-one lives were lost. Nam

Terrible conflagration and destruction of the steam-boat "New Jersey"

Shad fishing (taking up the net.)

Shad fishing (taking up the net.) [graphic] : On the Delaware opposite Philada. Glo'ster bleaching mills in the distance. / From nature and on stone by James Queen.

Terrible conflagration and destruction of the steam-boat "New Jersey,"

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia.

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia.

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia. [graphic] / Langenheim.

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor.

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor. [graphic] / Langenheim.

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor.

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor.

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor. [graphic] / Langenheim.

View on the Delaware, Philadelphia harbor.

View of Philadelphia harbor, Philadelphia, Pa.

View of Philadelphia harbor, Philadelphia, Pa. [graphic] / Langenheim.

View of Philadelphia harbor, Philadelphia, Pa.

Jas. S. Willis' home. Willis Island Upper Delaware River [graphic].

Fording to the Island. Boys Parlors Asso[ciation] first camp, Upper Delaware R[iver] [graphic].

Skating. Scene on the River Delaware at Philadelphia. Febry. 12th 1831.

Conflagration of the steam boat New Jersey on the Delaware River opposite Philada.

[Wharves along the Delaware River at Walnut Street]

Extreme aerial views of the Holmesburg section of Northeast Philadelphia, Philadelphia.

American Bridge Company factory plant, Trenton, New Jersey.

Philadelphia, von dem grossen Baume zu Kensington aus geschen, unter welchem William Penn den tractat mit den Indianern abschloss.

New York Shipbuilding Corporation, Camden, New Jersey.

Delaware River waterfront, South Philadelphia, Philadelphia.

[Industrial waterfront along the Delaware River, Camden, New Jersey.]

[Delaware River waterfront north, vicinity of Port Richmond, Philadelphia.]

Wm. Penn's treaty with the Indians, when he founded the province of Pennsa. 1681.

Van Sciver Corporation, Camden, New Jersey.

[Waterfront recreational area, Essington, Pennsylvania].

Industrial piers on the Delaware River, Camden, New Jersey.

Aerial views of Gloucester City, New Jersey.

Hog Island shipyard, Philadelphia.

Real estate development in the Glen Afton neighborhood, Trenton, New Jersey.

Real estate development in the Hiltonia neighborhood, Trenton, New Jersey.

R.C.A.-Victor Talking Machine plant on the Delaware riverfront, Camden, New Jersey.

Junior High School No. 3, Trenton, New Jersey.

Philadelphia Navy Yard.

Philadelphia Navy Yard. [graphic].
