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Tom Moore's Cottage near Belmont

Christopher Columbus statue postcards.

Chamounix Falls postcards.

Chamounix Lake postcards.

[Hudson Bay Wolves Quarreling over the Carcass of a Deer, Philadelphia Zoological Gardens, Philadelphia.]

[Goethe, near Horticultural Hall, West Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.]

[Horticultural Hall, from the lily ponds, West Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.]

[Women bicycling in West Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.]

[Group bicycling over a canal bridge, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.]

Horticultural Hall postcards.

Centennial Lake postcards.

Ph. J. Lauber's restaurant, Centennial grounds, near Horticultural Hall.

Centennial buildings at Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Penn.

Horticultural Hall. Length 360 ft. Width 160 ft.

International Exhibition. Main Building.

Machinery Hall. Centennial International Exhibition.

Horticultural Hall. Length, 383 ft. Width, 193 ft.

[Collecting cards depicting Centennial Exhibition buildings]

Memorial Hall. International Exhibition. Length 365 ft. Width 210 ft.

Main aisle, Horticultural Hall, Nov. 26, 1901.

[Views of four prominent buildings at the Centennial Exhibition, Fairmount Park, 1876]

Bird's eye view of International Exhibition buildings

Bird's eye view, Centennial buildings. 1876. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Bird's eye view, Centennial buildings. 1876. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Bird's eye view, Centennial buildings. 1876. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Bird's eye view, Centennial buildings. 1876. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Camp Washington, near Centennial grounds, July, 1876. 7th Regiment N.G. Col. E. Clark, Com.

Main Exhibition Building. Machinery Hall. International Exhibition. 1876. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Main Exhibition Building. Machinery Hall. International Exhibition. 1876. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Art Gallery. Main Building. Centennial International Exhibition. 1876. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Centennial music.

Grand United States Centennial Exhibition 1876. Main Building. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Victoria regia, Phila., Pa.

The sunken gardens, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.

Beautiful basin and gardens before Horticultural Hall, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa.

International Live Stock Exhibition, Philad'a, 1876.

Belmont Petroleum Refinery. Refiners of and dealers in illuminating and lubricating oil. Benzine & parafine. For exportation and home consumption. Office No. 333 Market St. Refinery at Belmont. [graphic].

A beautiful garden avenue in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa.

International Exhibition. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. 1876.

Sunken Gardens, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

North from Landsdowne Terrace.

View at Landsdown.

Landsdowne Valley.

Landsdown Valley. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Sweet Brier Lake.

Philadelphia, Lilly basin, Fairmount Park.

Reveries for the glen, Belmont.

North from Landsdowne.

North from Sweet-Brier Hights [sic]

Ferndale pool.
