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North from Landsdowne.

North from Sweet-Brier Hights [sic]

Ferndale pool.

Bird's eye view from observatory, George's Hill, F't P'k.

Landsdown Farm.

Landsdown rustic bridge.

Landsdown rustic bridge.

Landsdown valley.

George's Hill.

Pavilion at George's Hill.

Camp Rice, Philadelphia, 1876.

Anniversary designs. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Admiring the flowers. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Sunken gardens and Catholic fountain, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.

Surrounded by the flower gems of Autumn, Horticultural Hall, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.

Light house and fog horn.

Ag[ricultural] Hall, the fountain.

Beautiful sunken gardens. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia

Horticultural Hall, Centennial International Exhibition. 1876. Fairmount Park Philadelphia.

Art Gallery, Centennial International Exhibition. 1876. Fairmount Park Philadelphia.

Main Building International Exhibition 1876. Fairmount Park Philadelphia.

Main building, International Exhibition. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, 1876.

International live stock exhibition, Philad'a., 1876

Camp Woodward, near Centennial grounds, July, 1876. 23d Regiment N.G. S. N. Y. Col. Rodney C. Ward.

[Rose of the Centennial Exhibition]

[Rose of the Centennial Exhibition]

Main Exhibition Building & Horticultural Hall, International Exhibition. Fairmount Park. Philadelphia. 1876.

Birds eye view of the Centennial Exhibition buildings. Philadelphia, Pa.

Bird's eye view of Centennial buildings

Centennial March

[Main building, Centennial Exposition] [graphic].

Anthony J. Drexel statue postcards.

Flying Horses postcards.

Garfield Monument postcards.

Chamounix Mansion postcards.

Tom Moore's Cottage postcards.

Tom Moore's Cottage. [graphic].

Tom Moore's Cottage, Fairmount Park, Phila. [graphic].

Near Sweet Briar, West Phila. [graphic].

King Iron Bridge & Manufacturing Co., Cleveland, Ohio.

Philadelphia lawn mowers at Horticultural Hall, Fairmount Park.

[Philadelphia Evening Bulletin trade cards]

International Exhibition. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. 1876.

[S. Zugsmith's trade cards]

Sweet Briar Mansion, in 1843. (In Fairmount Park) [graphic].

In ravine near Sweet Briar Fairmount Park, Phila. [graphic] / A.K.

Corliss engine. Mach Hall

Medical Department Building.

Pennsylvania Day. 1876.

Centennial opening - the orators. 1876.
