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Memorial Hall.

[James Green and Nephew display]

Chimpanzees. Zoological Garden, Philada. From Africa. Age, 4 years.

Vermont State Building.

Pennsylvania State Building.

Elevated railway, Centennial Grounds.

Rhode Island State Building.

Michigan State Building.

Horticultural Hall.

Log cabin in "Ye olden times."

Colossal hand and torch "Liberty".

Colossal hand and torch "Liberty".

Machinery Hall.

Res: English Commission. Rear.

Horticultural Hall.

[New England Glass Company display, Main Building]

Centennial grounds looking east.

State b'l'd'g's, New Hampshire Day.

Republic Avenue from Mach. Hall.

Lake from Mach. Hall.

Art Gallery and Memorial Hall - March 7.

Horticultural Hall.

Massachusetts State B'l'd'g.

[Canada Lumber Exhibit]

Arkansas State Building.

Main Building transept from N. Gallery.

Agri. Hall, Main Avenue.

Horticultural Hall, east end.

Main Building, from east end.

Horti. Building, portico.

Chilian Mineral Exhibit, Main B.

Memorial Hall Annex, Am. Dept.

Gen. Washington's Carriage.

Horti. Hall interior, from W. end.

Centennial grounds from Judges' Pavilion.

[New Hampshire State Building, 1876]

["Old Abe," Wisconsin eagle, 1876]

[Janes & Kirtland fountain, Agricultural Hall nave, 1876]

Machinery Hall, S. Avenue looking east.

The American Volunteer.

Women's Pavilion.

Agricultural Hall.


The Water Babies.

[General Washington's carriage at Belmont Mansion, Judge William Peter's residence, West Fairmount Park, Philadelphia]

Main Exhibition Building, International Exhibition, Philadelphia U.S. America, May 10th to November 10th 1876.

Zoological gardens, Philadelphia.

Chamouny, Fairmount Park - formerly owned by Topliff Johnson.

North from Sweet Brier Height. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

[Thos. Carstairs' trade cards]
