Negative number: 2643, Street view looking south at the most recently completed steel bent, number 108, showing beams, rubble, and through Pratt trusses on the sides of the cobblestone street.
Negative number: 2811, Street view looking south at construction site around bent 121, showing horse-drawn buggies in the cobblestone street. Includes Nathan Rosenstein's grocery store at 1214 North Front Street.
Negative number: 3159, View looking north along Front Street, showing the marker for bent 227. Pedestrians, mostly men and boys, stand around the scene. Businesses include S.S. Kresge 5 & 10-cent store (2336 North Front) and McNeil's drug store (2401 Kensington Avenue). A carpet manufactury occupies the east side of the block.
Negative number: 2573, Street view looking north from the most recently completed steel bent, number 99, showing beams and rubble on the sides of the cobblestone street. Pedestrians sit on the beams and linger around the construction site.
Negative number: 2508, Street view looking north at steel bent 85 on North Front Street. Shows a locomotive pulling a freight car containing through Pratt trusses. A group of men stand on the sidewalk nearby. The signboard for M.F. Gates & Son coal yard is visible in the distance, which places this scene along the 1000 block of North Front Street. A small portion of Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church is visible as well.
Negative number: 2450, Street view looking north at a marker for Bent 74, near Poplar Street. Shows construction materials flanking the cobblestone street, a large horse-drawn carriage travelling north, and store fronts including Alfred Box & Co., and a bar with a "Schmidt's Beer" signboard hanging over the front entrance. A group of men sit on a cart on the east side of the block.
Negative number: 3136, View of the construction site at the most recently completed steel bent, bent 211, looking south from Susquehanna Avenue. "Street Closed" signs sit on both sides of the street. A police officer monitors the scene. Crowds have gathered on both sidewalks under the awnings that shade the first-floor store fronts.
Negative number: 2572, Street view looking south at construction scene near steel bent 99 on the 1000 block of North Front Street. Shows Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church and Max Bernstein & Son wool pullers.
Negative number: 2352, Street view looking south along North Front Street showing the most recently constructed steel bent, Bent 61, along North Front Street. Beams and other construction materials line both sides of the street. A locomotive approaches the photographer on the old tracks in the cobblestone street.
Negative number: 2449, Street view looking south at the steel bents ending with Bent 72 on North Front Street. Shows construction materials flanking the cobblestone street and freight cars sitting on the tracks underneath the steel bents in the foreground.
Negative number: 3166, View looking west at the beginning of Kensington Avenue, branching off from Front Street. Shows the most recently constructed bent, number 234. Pedestrians, mostly men and boys, stand around the construction site, looking at the curve of the elevated tracks above them. Includes a partial view of McNeil's drug store (2401 Kensington Avenue) and Ferguson jeweler (2362 North Front Street).
Negative number: 3158, View looking south along Front Street, showing the most recently constructed bent, number 227. Pedestrians, mostly men and boys, stand around the scene on the sidewalks. A large brick carpet manufactury occupies the entire east side of the block. D. Strumpf Shoes (2322-24 North Front) and F.W. Woolworth & Co. 5 and 10-cent store (2320 North Front) are visible on the west side of the block.
Negative number: 3099, Street view looking south on Front Street at construction site near the most recently constructed steel bent, bent 187. Beams and piles of debris line the road. ,A streetcar approaches in the distance.
Negative number: 4339, View looking south along Kensington Avenue at the most recently completed steel bent, number 378, near Schiller Street. Three horse-drawn lifts sit in the middle of the street. Spectators line both sidewalks, watching the construction scene. Includes a partial view of a Philadelphia Electric Co. station.
Negative number: 3534, View looking south along Kensington Avenue at the most recently completed steel bent, number 369, near Thayer Street. Two lifts on carts pulled by teams of two horses sit on the steel rails in the cobblestone street. Men work on top of the steel bents. Stores and shops occupy the east side of the block, but the west side is vacant.
Negative number: 3267, View looking south from the most recently constructed steel bent, number 244, on Kensington Avenue. The sidewalks are crowded with spectators. Men stand on a lift under bent 243.
Negative number: 3167, View looking north at a trolley approaching the photographer on Kensington Avenue. View from the most recently constructed steel bent, number 234. The sidewalks are crowded with spectators and shoppers. Delivery carts for a nearby furniture store are parked on the side of the road. Businesses include a stationer, oyster house, barber, tailor, drug store and the People's Theater.
Negative number: 3305, View looking south along the 2600 block of Kensington Avenue from steel bent number 268. Trolleys pass one another on the street rails under the construction site. Men are installing trusses above the steel bents. Beams and debris line the cobblestone street.
Negative number: 4340, View looking north along Kensington Avenue at the marker for bent 378 showing steel beams and piles of dirt marking the position of the columns. Harrowgate Park sits on the east side of the street.
Negative number: 2662, Street view looking north from the most recently completed steel bent, number 108, showing beams and rubble on the sides of the cobblestone street. Businesses include Gustav Berger's sashes and an unidentified cooperage.
Negative number: 3121, Street view looking northeast at a transverse girder near bent 136 on the unfinished elevated track near the 1400 block of North Front Street. Two horses pull a cart carrying equipment. Includes the store front of Wm. Mulherin's Sons, a liquor store at 1355 North Front Street.
Negative number: 5156, View of the snow-covered concrete roadbed of the elevated railway, looking south from Green Street. Shows construction equipment in the distance. The Philadelphia Warehousing & Cold Storage Company building is visible on the east side of the railway.
Negative number: 2993, View looking north at the construction of an elevated railway bridge over the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad tracks that span Kensington Avenue near Lehigh Avenue. Shows crowds of men standing on both sidewalks around the construction site at steel bent 273. Includes a partial view of Strathmann's Coal at the northeast corner of Kensington and Lehigh Avenues.
Negative number: 2711, Street view looking north toward Girard Avenue from construction site at bent 113 . A horse-drawn buggy stands in the right foreground. A group of young boys stand in the road in the distance. Includes Kensington Loan & Storage Co., pawnbrokers, at 100 Girard Avenue, and a whiskey distillery across the street.
Negative number: 2710, Street view looking south at piles of lumber and steel near construction site at bent 113. J.A. Dougherty's Sons, distillers, sits at 1136 North Front Street. Gustav Berger, manufacturer of sash doors, is also visible.
Negative number: 3119, View looking south at recently constructed steel bents and through trusses on Front Street, below Girard Avenue. Includes horse-drawn cart advertising Abbotts "A" milk, Philadelphia and Seashore.
Negative number: 3118, View looking north at recently constructed steel bents and through trusses on Front Street, near Girard Avenue. Includes signboard for Gustav Berger's sash door business.
Negative number: 2372, Street view looking south from the most recently constructed steel bent, Bent 62, showing installation of through-Pratt trusses resting on the steel bents. Construction materials and debris line the cobblestone street.
Negative number: 2290, Perspective looking south from the Philadelphia Warehousing & Cold Storage Co building on North Front Street. Shows through-Pratt trusses supported by steel bents running the length of Front Street, as far as the eye can see. Includes the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad's Outward Freight building no. 6 in the foreground.
Negative number: 3120, Street view looking west at a section of the unfinished elevated railway crossing over Girard Avenue. A group of young boys stand in the middle of the street. Shows William Penn Hose Co. and Kensington National Bank in the distance.
Negative number: 4535, View looking north along Kensington Avenue, showing the underbelly of the arch spanning Lehigh Avenue and the truss bridge carrying the elevated railway over the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad pony plate girder bridge. Includes a partial view of the Port Richmond division of the Young Men's Christian association (left). A trolley car travels south on Kensington Avenue.
Negative number: 3109, View looking north at the construction of an elevated, deck truss railway bridge over the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad tracks that span Kensington Avenue near Lehigh Avenue. Shows a locomotive sitting on the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad tracks and crowd of men standing in the foreground, looking at the bridge. Includes the business sign for Strathmann's Coal at the northeast corner of Kensington and Lehigh Avenues.
Negative number: 3299, View looking north along Kensington Avenue at the construction of a truss bridge that will carry the new elevated railway over the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad tracks near Lehigh Avenue. A horse-drawn delivery wagon sits on the west side of the road. Businesses include a "money back store"; a shoe store; a saloon; Hamilton clothing store; S. Weinstein, tailor; and Chas. Schmelz, tobacconist. Includes a partial view of the Young Men's Christian association, Port Richmond division up on the hill near the railroad tracks.
Negative number: 3308, View looking north from the corner saloon at the southeast corner of Kensington and Lehigh Avenues at the construction of the elevated railway bridge spanning the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad tracks. Men stand around the construction scene on the sidewalks and on Lehigh Avenue. Includes an exterior view of the Port Richmond division of the Young Men's Christian Association, a three-and-a-half story brick building elevated above the street at the northwest corner of Kensington and Lehigh Avenues.
Negative number: 3268, View looking north from a marker for bent 244 on Kensington Avenue. The east sidewalk is crowded with spectators. A man sits in a large cart hitched to a team of horses on the west side of the block. A trolley travels down the tracks in the distance. The elevated railway bridge spanning the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad tracks near Lehigh Avenue is also visible. Businesses include Edward C. Johnson's liquor store (2473 Kensington Avenue) and Munch's Saloon (2500 Kensington Avenue).
Negative number: 4534, View from a rooftop on the west side of Kensington Avenue looking north from Huntingdon Street showing the recently installed steel bents and though Pratt trusses of the elevated railway. Includes a clear view of Orinoka Mills and Hulton Dyeing & Finishing Co., two brick, industrial buildings that tower over neighboring properties near Somerset Street, behind the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad tracks. Also shows the bridge crossing the tracks in the distance.
Negative number: 3381, Depicts the underbelly of the bridge spanning the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad tracks at Lehigh Avenue. View looks south at the 2600 block of Kensington Avenue.
Negative number: 3122, View looking north at the pony plate girder bridge carrying the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad tracks over Kensington Avenue. Above this bridge spans the recently constructed truss bridge carrying the new elevated railway over the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad tracks.
Negative number: 4536, View looking west on Lehigh Avenue, showing the arch of the bridge spanning Lehigh Avenue and the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad bridge.
Negative number: 3307, View from the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company tracks running parallel to Lehigh Avenue, showing the construction of a steel bent on the 2600 block of Kensington Avenue. A crane rises high above the street. Image includes partial views of St. Cecilia's Roman Catholic Church, the five-story brick building of a carpet manufactury, and a row of residences, all on Lehigh Avenue. Spectators stand in the street and on the sidewalks.
Depicts Lydia Webster, the daughter of John H. Webster, Jr., bundled in winter clothing and sitting in a baby carriage in front of the porch of John H. Webster Sr. (4834 Penn Street). The southwest facade of George S. Webster's residence is visible in the background (4900 Penn Street). The Webster family owned four neighboring houses on Penn Street (4830-4900)., Attributed to John H. Webster but may have been taken by other Webster family members., Numbered 2.14 in manuscript note on negative sleeve.
Webster, John H., 1861-1934, photographer
ca. 1900
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Webster [P.9501.34]
Depicts the residence of John H. Webster, the photographer's father, at 4834 Penn Street, looking at the northeast flank and carriage house in the backyard. Includes a partial view of the porch and side entrance. According to a datestone on the side of the house, it was constructed in 1890., The Webster family owned four neighboring residences, 4830 to 4834, on Penn Street in Frankford., Modern reference print #35 available in research file., Attributed to John H. Webster but may have been taken by other Webster family members.
Webster, John H., 1861-1934, photographer
ca. 1900
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Webster [P.9501.120]
Depicts the residence of George S. Webster, the photographer's brother and surveyor of the city of Philadelphia, at 4900 Penn Street, looking at the southwest flank., Inscribed in negative: 62143W., The Webster family owned four neighboring residences, 4830 to 4834, on Penn Street in Frankford., Attributed to John H. Webster but may have been taken by other Webster family members.
Webster, John H., 1861-1934, photographer
ca. 1900
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Webster [P.9501.121]
Depicts people sitting and standing on the front porches of three neighboring residences owned by the Webster family at 4830-4834 Penn Street. John H. Webster, Jr., photographer and surveyor, owns the first house to the left (4830). His brother, also a surveyor, owns the neighboring twin house (4832). Their father, John H. Webster, Sr., owns the single dwelling immediately northeast of the twin properties owned by his sons (4834)., Modern reference print #31 available in research file., Attributed to John H. Webster but may have been taken by other Webster family members.
Webster, John H., 1861-1934, photographer
ca. 1900
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Webster [P.9501.122]
Depicts the front porches of three neighboring residences owned by the Webster family at 4830-4834 Penn Street. John H. Webster, Jr., photographer and surveyor, owns the first house to the left (4830). His brother, also a surveyor, owns the neighboring twin house (4832). Their father, John H. Webster, Sr., owns the single dwelling immediately northeast of the twin properties owned by his sons (4834)., Attributed to John H. Webster but may have been taken by other Webster family members.
Webster, John H., 1861-1934, photographer
ca. 1900
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Webster [P.9501.123]
Rear view of three neighboring residences owned by the Webster family at 4830-4834 Penn Street. The photographer's brother, Clement B. Webster stands with his wife, Bertha T. Webster, in the backyard looking toward the camera. The photographer's mother, Lydia S. Webster, stands at a rear window of 4834 and the photographer's wife, Jane L. Webster, is sitting on the second floor of their home (4830), looking out of the window. John H. Webster, Jr., photographer and surveyor, owns the first house to the right (4830). His brother, also a surveyor, owns the neighboring twin house (4832). Their father, John H. Webster, Sr., owns the single dwelling immediately northeast of the twin properties owned by his sons (4834)., Attributed to John H. Webster but may have been taken by other Webster family members.
Webster, John H., 1861-1934, photographer
ca. 1900
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Webster [P.9501.124]
Depicts the southeast front and rear stable of house owned by the photographer's brother, George S. Webster. View from Harrison Street., The Webster family owned four neighboring residences, 4830 to 4834, on Penn Street in Frankford., Attributed to John H. Webster but may have been taken by other Webster family members.
Webster, John H., 1861-1934, photographer
ca. 1900
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Webster [P.9501.125]