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Recruits wanted for Col. Chapman Biddle's regiment 121st Pennsylvania Volunteers! : For particulars of enlistments, see large bills Lieut. Routh, formerly of the British Service, who served with such honorable distinction in the Crimean War, having medals

Rally! Rally!! Rally!!! Attention! : The members of the First State Troop of Frankford and citizens who wish to participate, are requested to meet at Jolly Post Hotel, Frankford, on Thursday afternoon, July 2d, at 3 o'clock, in citizens' dress, mounted fo

Fourth Regiment Union League! Col. Geo. P. McLean. : Men wanted to fill up Co. C now in camp at Frankford. $100 to $402 bounty. Cash in hand, when company is mustered in, $60 Three years' service, or during the war Men clothed and equipped immediately. /

23d Ward McClellan Troop! Attention!. : The troop will assemble at Jas. Mullen's, Frankford on Saturday evening, Oct. 1st, 1864, at half-past 6 o'clock, for the purpose of attending the Democratic mass meeting at Branchtown. The Democracy are invited to p

Ho! for the Bucktails! : The only chance offered in Kensington, Richmond, Bridesburg and Frankford to enlist in this famous brigade. This company is attached to the 143d Regiment and to be commanded by Col. L. Wistar [sic], late of the original Bucktails.