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Branchtown Hotel, York Road and Church Lane. Built by Joseph Spencer 1790.

Old stone monument to Continental soldiers buried inside gateway to Chas. Wharton's place, Old York Road below Chelten Ave.

Germantown Home Guard attention! : Members of this company, and others, desirous of responding to the call of the authorities, for the purpose of protecting our state and city in the present emergency, will report themselves at the armory of the company,

Market Square Germantown postcards.

Old Johnson House, [Upsala], opposite Chews, [Germantown] [graphic].

Johnson House, [Upsala], Main opp. Washington Lane, [Germantown] [graphic].

The Academy, School L[ane] & Green St[reet] [Germantown] [graphic].

[Soldier's] Monument & Presbyterian Church from Dr. Schaeffer's pavement. [Germantown] [graphic].

Photo of the old Buttonwood tree [planted by Samuel B. Morris] at Market Square, Germantown, Phila. [graphic].

Old Sherrit house, Negleys Hill, [Germantown] [graphic].

Our old cottage, Church L[ane] & Chew Sts. From near Zell's gate, [Germantown] [graphic].

[Our old cottage, Church Lane & Chew Sts. From near Zell's gate, Germantown] [graphic].

Monument & Square from our front steps, [Germantown] [graphic].

The G[erman]t[ow]n Academy from cor[ner] of Green St. & School Lane, [Germantown] [graphic].

Our house [Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue] from Dr. Schellenberger's pavement. [Germantown] [graphic].

Our old cottage, Cor. of Chew St. & Church Lane. Taken from E. in garden, [Germantown] [graphic].

Cottage from the old stable, [Germantown] [graphic].

[Women's Christian Association, 5501 Germantown Avenue including a view of the Market Square] [graphic].

Harkness House & church across Market Sq[uare] fr[om Deshler-Morris House], 5442 [Germantown Avenue] [graphic].

House c[o]r[ner] Main St. & School Lane, opp[osite] square [Germantown] [graphic].

Old Logan house, Negley's Hill, Main St. [Gemantown] [graphic].

Old Johnson House, [Upsala], no. 5206 Main St., Germantown, corner of Washington Lane [graphic].

Old house no. 5358 Main St. & view up the street. [Germantown] [graphic].

Old house of Norton Johnson's, [Upsala]. Main St. opp. Cliveden Av[enue], [Germantown] [graphic].

New Market Square Presbyterian Church from our gate. [Germantown] [graphic].

Charles J. Wister's house, [Grumblethorpe], no. 4661 Main St. opp. Queen St., [Germantown] [graphic].

New Presbyterian Church & Square from Bank, cor. Main & School L[ane. Germantown] [graphic].

Residence of Thomas Drake, Esqr., Germantown, Pa.

The Fisher estate.

Mennonite church. [graphic] : Of this Mr. Watson writes, " a stone church and grave-yard, near Congress hall (above on the same side of Main Street) but I mean to say nothing of church. From the wall of the ground, they shot Genl. Agnew (during revolution

Roberts' Mill. [graphic] : "To go back the Church lane," writes Mr. Watson, "there is Roberts' Mill and dam, holding the place, and probably much of the original of the first mill in Philadelphia county" / Photograph by Richards.

[Roberts' Mill, Germantown, Philadelphia]

Mr. Chew's house

Chew's house, Germantown [graphic] / C.H. Wells, pt.

Photo of the Old Buttonwood tree at Market Square, [Deshler-Morris House, 5442] Germantown [Avenue], Phila[delphia] [graphic].

Mower U.S.A. General Hospital, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia.

Mennonite Church & Keyser's House.

Market Square showing two old houses. Monument to soldiers who fell in War of Rebellion. Erected 1883.

Second and last concert by the Hutchinson Family, at Langstroth's Hall: Germantown, : Saturday evening, January 24th, 1863. All will appear! Asa, Lizzie, Abby, Freddy and little Dennett singing their new songs of patriotism, Union, freedom, &c. ... Admiss

Cor. Greene St. & W. Walnut Lane G[erman]t[ow]n & N. side of Walnut Ln. W. of Greene. 3/1923 [graphic] / Marriott C. Morris photo.

Views of Loudoun & Stenton Album

Views of Loudoun and Stenton, residences of Maria Dickinson Logan and her brother, Albanus C. Logan, Germantown, Philadelphia

W. Walnut Lane, G[ermant[ow]n. Mr. Lindsay & houses between him & Greene St., March 1923 [graphic] / Marriott C. Morris photo.

N. Side of W. Walnut Lane, G[ermant[ow]n. West of Greene St. Mar. 1923 [graphic] / Marriott C. Morris photo.

N. Side of W. Walnut Lane. West of Greene St. Mar. 1923 [graphic] / Marriott C. Morris photo.

Market Square, Germantown from Elliston P. Morris' home, [Deshler-Morris House], 5442 Main St. looking down Church Lane [graphic].

Old Philadelphia Views Album

Old Philadelphia views 1861

Photographs [graphic] / John C. Browne.
