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Harkness House & church across Market Sq[uare] fr[om Deshler-Morris House], 5442 [Germantown Avenue] [graphic].

Old houses 4222 & 4224 Main St. At Wayne Junc[tion], [Germantown] [graphic].

Carpenter Shop, Boy's Parlor, 62 Church Lane, front door, [Germantown] [graphic].

Carpenter Shop, Boy's Parlor, [62 Church Lane], from side opposite door, [Germantown] [graphic].

[Fromberger-Harkness House seen from second floor window, Deshler-Morris House] [graphic].

View from Parlor window down Church Lane, [Deshler-Morris House, Germantown] [graphic].

Monument in Market Square, church & Harkness House. [Germantown] [graphic].

Monument in Market Square, & Old church across from 5442 [Germantown Avenue], taken from 2nd floor window [graphic].

Monument in Market Square, & Old church across from 5442 [Germantown Avenue] taken from 2nd floor window [graphic].

Unidentified building on Germantown Avenue [graphic].

Unidentified building on Germantown Avenue [graphic].

W[est] side of Main St. G[erman]t[ow]n from School to Church Lane taken from opposite Saving Fund [graphic].

Market Square from Ebele's side door, [Germantown] [graphic].

Wyck, Jane Haines' house, no. [blank] Main St. From Dr. Dunton's gate, [Germantown] [graphic].

Houses N.W. corner of Main & Upsal Sts. (no. 5352 & 5354 Main St.) [Germantown] [graphic].

[Stenton, 4601 North 18th Street, Germantown]

The dwelling-place of the Annalist. [graphic] : This house is situated on Price St. was built by, and now occupied by the venerable and respected and esteemed John F. Watson, in Germantown. Of it he thus writes, "if sufficiently curious - is the house of

[Vegetable cultivation at demonstration center at Little Wakefield, Germantown]

[Canning and preserving at demonstration center at Little Wakefield, Germantown]

[225th aniversary of Germantown parade, Germantown, Pa.] [graphic].

[225th aniversary of Germantown parade, Germantown, Pa.] [graphic].

[225th aniversary of Germantown parade, Germantown, Pa.] [graphic].

[225th aniversary of Germantown parade, Germantown, Pa.] [graphic].

[225th aniversary of Germantown parade, Germantown, Pa.] [graphic].

[225th aniversary of Germantown parade, Germantown, Pa.] [graphic].

[225th aniversary of Germantown parade, Germantown, Pa.] [graphic].

[225th aniversary of Germantown parade, Germantown, Pa.] [graphic].

[225th aniversary of Germantown parade, Germantown, Pa.] [graphic].

[225th aniversary of Germantown parade, Germantown, Pa.] [graphic].

Crowds on G[erman]t[ow]n Ave. waiting for parade [graphic].

Crowds on G[erman]t[ow]n Ave. waiting for parade [graphic].

Crowds on G[erman]t[ow]n Ave. waiting for parade [graphic].

Dannenhower's [sic] Dam in 1833. Near Shoemaker's Lane & Railroad.

Wakefield – The “Hunt,"

South East corner of Fisher's Lane built by John Dedier in 1773 [graphic].

5434 Germantown Ave., home of Jno. Ashmead, father of Capt.. Albert Ashmead. [graphic].

5450 Germantown Ave. Supposed built in 1790, by one Morgan. Thomas Armat lived there from 1807 till his death in 1831. [graphic].

Front of Wm. Wynn Wister House, 5140 Germantown Ave. [graphic].

5267 [sic] Germantown Ave. I have no record of when it was built. Anthony Gilbert, a blacksmith, renowned for his strength, lived there in 1809. It is next door above "Grumblethorp." [graphic].

Old farm building on the Pastorius Estate, back of the n.e. cor. of the Methodist Church at corner of Germantown Ave. & High Street. [graphic].

Pastorius Estate. Building on the estate. [graphic].

Keyser House, 6205 Germantown Ave. [graphic].

Stenton, side view and part of garden. [graphic].

House at N.E. corner Germantown Ave. & Upsal St., in front of which Washington stood during the Battle of Germantown, Oct. 4, 1777. [graphic].

Morris House, 5442 Germantown Ave. Built by Jacob Deschler in 1772. Occupied by Washington in 1793 & 4. [graphic].

E. side of Barn House, 40 [sic] W. Walnut Lane, built 1796 (J. Fredk. Thomas). [graphic].

[Mennonite Meeting House, 6119 Germantown Ave., at n.e. cor. Herman St., Philadelphia.] [graphic].

[Wyck, detail of door, 6026 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia.] [graphic].

Wyck. [graphic].

[Wyck, 6026 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia.] [graphic].
