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Pennsylvania State Fair

Comlyville power loom factory. No. [blank] 50 1/2 yards. Warranted fast colours. J. Steel.

Carriage repository. Medal awarded at the World's Fair of 1851. G.W. Watson, Chestnut St. above Twelfth, Philadelphia.

Benj. C. Hornor, manufacturer of varnishes, Japans, &c. Dealer in gum copal spts. turpentines &c. No. 81 Arch St. Philadelphia.

Ph. J. Lauber's restaurant, Centennial grounds, near Horticultural Hall.

Northwood Cemetery entrance. The beauty and adaptibility of the grounds are unsurpassed by any cemetery in the country.

[Chamberlin weather strips trade cards]

[American Sunday-School Union trade card]

William Allen's dining rooms, No. 130 Market Street,

[Green's August Flower and Boschee's German Syrup trade cards]

National College of Commerce, 1200 and 1202 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

[Cooper & Conard trade cards]

Washing Department. Brighton Laundry 6th & Race.

[All Saints' Church, 12th & Fitzwater Streets]

American Machine Co. manufacturers of hardware specialties, N.E. cor. Lehigh Ave. amd American St., Philadelphia.

[Hale, Kilburn & Co. trade cards]

[Philadelphia roller skating rink, Twenty-third and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia]

[John Wanamaker's Grand Depot trade cards]

King Iron Bridge & Manufacturing Co., Cleveland, Ohio.

Philadelphia lawn mowers at Horticultural Hall, Fairmount Park.

[Philadelphia Evening Bulletin trade cards]

International Exhibition. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. 1876.

[S. Zugsmith's trade cards]

Main Exhibition Building, International Exhibition, Philadelphia U.S. America, May 10th to November 10th 1876.

[Thos. Carstairs' trade cards]

Bonbons Francais, Joseph Gombet, Paris.

G. & H. Barnett, Black Diamond File Works, 39, 41 & 43 Richmond Street, Philadelphia.

Friends' Book Association, 706 Arch St., Phila. Stationery, engraving and printing.

Birds-eye view of the Centennial Buildings, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.