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East Approach of Park Tunnel Looking West, Phila.

East Approach of Park Tunnel Looking East, Phila.

Fairmount Park Tunnel, West Approach

P.W. and B. R.R. Br.

Mt. Moriah Station

Mt. Moriah Lane

Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection

Standard Drop Shot bag.


Life in Philadelphia Collection

Philadelphia Harbor from the South

The South East Prospect of the City of Philadelphia

Sunday's Tabernacle, Phila. Pa.

Schooner Helen of Gloucester City. Day after our arrival home from Sea Girt [graphic].

The Nahina, Helen & other yachts in the [Quaker City Yacht Club] race, below the Horseshoe [graphic].

Schooner Helen, stern view, opp. Fort Mifflin [Philadelphia] [graphic].

One of the grain elevators at Girard P[oin]t, [Philadelphia] [graphic].

Vessels at oil wharves Schuylkill River, [Philadelphia] [graphic].

Looking up Wissahiccon [sic] from Valley Green Bridge, [Philadelphia] [graphic].

Valley Green Bridge. Looking up [Wissahickon] Creek, [Philadelphia] [graphic].

Devil's Pool, Cresheim Creek, looking up, [Philadelphia] [graphic].

Looking down Wissahiccon [sic], above Red Bridge [graphic].

Receiving ship, Antietam, League Island, [Navy Yard, Philadelphia] [graphic].

On River Road, Schuylkill R[iver] around Flat Rock tunnel, [West Manayunk, Philadelphia] [graphic].

On River Road round Flat Rock tunnel, [West Manayunk, Philadelphia] [graphic].

View of Manayunk (distant) down river from below Flat Rock Dam, [Philadelphia] [graphic].

Old house back of Roxborough. Co[u]s[in] Catherine Brown's place. Anne Wistar standing near home. [Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Catherine Brown's] old house [back of Roxborough, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Old Morris House, Cedar Grove fr[om] S. [graphic].

[Old Morris House, Cedar Grove] fr[om] S.E. Front [graphic].

[Old Morris House, Cedar Grove] from E. standing in entrance road. Cos Lydia & "Rowdy" at gate [graphic].

Phila[delphia] Shipbuilding Co. new dry dock [graphic].

R[ail]R[oad] bridge. Crescentville from Uncle Samuel's house [graphic].

Life on the rail, Minnie Tyson Shoemaker & Minnie Kimber on fence at Bartram's Garden [graphic].

Kitchen fireplace in old Morris House at Cedar Grove [graphic].

Another view of the old fireplace [in old Morris house at Cedar Grove] [graphic].

Rear view of old Cedar Grove house [graphic].

Old white oak tree marking an old boundary of Cedar Grove Farm [graphic].

Interior of House of Industry with women at work [graphic].

Anne M. Wistar's room at Howard Comfort's. Anne at desk [graphic].

Different view of Anne M. Wistar's room at Comfort's [graphic].

Phila[delphia] Shipbuilding Co's wharf [graphic].

Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, [Philadelphia] [graphic].

Pond and bridge. Cedar Grove from Uncle S[amuel]'s [graphic].

Carpenter's Hall, Phila[delphia] from rear, M. Thomas & Sons [Auctioneers] building being torn down [graphic].

Carpenter's Hall [from rear], [Philadelphia] [graphic].

Gloria Dei, Old Swede's Church, Phila[delphia] [graphic].

[Gloria Dei, Old Swede's Church, Phila.], from further S[outh] [graphic].

Fish house of the "State in Schuylkill" [graphic].

George S. Morris "sanctum" from door, Geo. at table [graphic].
