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Bought of Artman, Dillinger & Co. Wholesale dealers in cotton yarns, carpet chain, carpets, ratting, wadding, tie, and wick yarns, oil cloths, window sh[ades], door mats, grain bags, cordage brushes, looking glasses, wood[en] [a]nd willow ware, &c. 104 No

Bought of C. Cumming & Co. Manufacturers & dealers in twine, glues, curled hair, hide whips, sand paper, lace leather, horns, bones, neats' foot oil, plastering hair & c. Factory -St. John STreet, above Beaver, Philad'a. Stores---nos. 3, 5 & 7 South Third

Wm. H. Hortsmann & Sons, manufactory & sales rooms, cor. Fifth & Cherry Streets. Philadelphia.

Merchant's House, Third Street, above Callowhill. James Rochford, proprietor.