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Jeff. Davis in prison. [graphic].

Jeff. Davis in prison.

Bann[er of] the sea. National song and chorus. [graphic].

The Battle of Antietam, Md. Sept. 17th 1862. [graphic] : This splendid victory was achieved by the "Army of Potomac," commanded by their great general Geo. B. McClellan over the rebel army under Lee Jackson and a host of others utterly routing and compell

The battle of Bull's Run [graphic].

The Battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. fought on the 19th and 20th of September 1863. [graphic] : Genl Rosecrans having advanced the "Army of the Cumberland" into Northwestern Georgia, was attacked by the Rebel army in overwhelming numbers under Bragg, Longs

The Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 3d. 1863. [graphic] : This terrific and bloody conflict between the gallant "Army of the Potomac," commanded by their great General George G. Meade, and the host of the rebel "Army of Virginia" under General Lee, was co

The Battle of Newbern, N.C., March 14th, 1862. Brilliant victory of the Union forces under Genl. A.E. Burnside and total rout of the rebel army, by the heroic volunteers of the North. [graphic].

Benj. F. Butler [graphic].

Benj. F. Butler

Benj. F. Butler

Benjamin F. Butler

[Benjamin F. Butler]

Bombardment & capture of the forts at Hatteras Inlet, N.C. By the U.S. fleet under Commander Stringham and the forces under Genl. Butler, Aug. 27th 1861. [graphic].

Bombardment of Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor. 12th & 13th of April 1861. [graphic].

Brady's Album Gallery.

Brig. Gen. Edw. A. Wild. [graphic] / Engd. by A. H. Ritchie.

Bruce's New-York Type-foundry, 13 Chambers st., New York [specimen sheet]

Cabinet series - No. 5. "Bombastes furioso." [graphic].

Camp 84th Pa. V., Lt. Col. Milton Opp Comdg (near Falmouth Va.). Camp 1st U.S.S.S. Lt. Col. Caspar Trepp, comdg. Camp 2d. U.S.S.S. Maj. Homer R. Staughton comdg. Hiram Berdan, col. comdg 3d brig. 3d. div. 3d A.C. Camp 110th Pa.V., Isaac Rogers comdg. [gra

Camp Abercrombie, 169th Regt. N.Y.S. Vols. . [graphic] : Col. Clarence Buel, Commdg.

Camp Barcly, Meridian Hill, D.C. 1st Lancers 6th Penna Cavalry. [graphic] : Col. R.H. Rush - L.t Col. J.H. McArthur - Major, C. Ross Smith - Jun. Major, Robert Morris jr.

Camp Brandywine, Third Regt. R. Brigade [graphic] / C. Baum del.

Camp Brightwood 2d Rhode Island. [graphic] : Col. Frank Wheaton, Comdg.

Camp Brightwood, Col. Henry S. Briggs, 10th Massachusetts Volunteers [graphic].

Camp Chase, 12th Regt. R.I. Vols., Col. George H. Brown, commdg. [graphic].

Camp Chase, Va. 11th Regt. N.H. Vols. [graphic] : Col. Walter Harrinan, Commdg.

Camp Graham, Birney's Zouaves, 23d Regiment, P.V. [graphic] : Col. D.B. Birney . Lt. Col. Charles Wilhelm. Major George C. Spear. Junior Major. John Ely.

Camp Hicks near Frederick, Md., 12th Regt. Massachusetts Vols. [graphic] : Col. Webster.

Camp Knox, 11th Regt. Me. Vols. [graphic] : John C. Caldwell, colonel.

Camp Meigs

Camp Meridian Hill 7th Regt. N. Jersey vols. [graphic] : Col. Revere.

Camp Morris, 138th Regt. N.Y. Vols, Col. [graphic] : Col. Joseph Welling, commdg.

Camp near Ft. Lyon, Va., 26th N.Y.V., Colonel Wm. H. Christian. [graphic].

Camp of 104th Penna. Vol.'s Morris Island, S.C. [graphic] / Hoffman delt.

Camp of Second Mass. Regt., [graphic] : Col. George H.J. Gordon, commanding.

Camp of the 131st Regt. Pa. Vols. [graphic] : P.H. Allbach, Col. Lieut., Col. Wm. B. Shaut, Ad. Col.

Camp Palmer, 1st Regiment Mich. Cavalry [graphic] : Col. T.F. Broadhead Lient. Col. T.J. Copeland 1st Major W.S. Atwood 2nd A. Paldi 3rd C.H. Town.

Camp Palmer, 1st Regiment Mich. Cavalry [graphic] : Col. T.F. Broadhead Lient. Col. T.J. Copeland 1st Major W.S. Atwood 2nd A. Paldi 3rd C.H. Town.

Camp Pomroy, 111th Regiment, New York [graphic] : Col. J. Segoine commdg.

Camp Seward 170th N.Y.V. 2d Regiment-- Corcoran's Legion [graphic] : Col. Peter McDermott Lieut. Col. J. P. Mc Ivor.

Camp Seward, 25th Regt. Me. Vol. 3rd Brigade, Casey's Div. [graphic] : Col. Francis Fessendon, commdg.

Camp Seward, 27th Regt. Me. Vs. [graphic] : Col. R.P. Tapley, Lt. Col. M.J. Wentworth, Maj. Ja. L. Stone.

Camp Tom Casey, 26th Me. Regt. [graphic] : Col. Nathaniel H. Hubbard, commdg.

Camp Vermont, Va. 4th Dele. Infy. [graphic] : Col. A.H. Grimshaw. Comd. 3rd Brigade. Lt. Col. C. Carroll Tevis. Major C.C. Lammot. Adjt. W.H. Cloward Q. Master. John F. Toner.

Camp Wisewell, 28th Regt. N.J. Volunts. [graphic] : Col. M.N. Wisewell, commdg.

The capture of Atlanta, Georgia, Sept. 2d. 1864 by the Union Army, under Major Genl. Sherman. [graphic] : On the 30th August, the Union Army, by the masterly strategy of Genl. Sherman, made a rapid flank movement, cutting the rail road south of the city;

Cartes de visite reproductions of "Campaign Sketches" [graphic] / [Designed and drawn on stone by Winslow Homer]

Cartes de visite reproductions of Civil War era sketches by H.C. Bispham

Citizens Volunteer Hospital Association of Philadelphia. Instituted, September 5th 1862.
