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Mower General Hospital, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia.

Men of color in consequence of indisposition, of Fred'k Douglass the meeting for promoting recruiting for 3d Regiment U.S. Colored Troops is postponed until Friday, July 24, 1863.

Men of color willing to enlist in the service of the United States for three years or the war, can present themselves at head-quarters, 1210 Chestnut St. be enrolled and get two dollars enlistment fee and ten dollars bounty.

"Who would be free, themselves must strike the blow!" : Colored men of Burlington Co., your country calls you ...

To men of color : authority has been received to raise a reg't of men of color for 100 days. ... Col. Taggart, late Colonel 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves, will command, and the officers will be the graduates of the Military Board at Washington. $50

Good men wanted : $752 bounty : Under the authority of the War Department, ... Bounty for colored volunteers, $350[.] Volunteers have the choice of any of the old regiments now in the field. J. Davis Rudolph, Recruiting Agent. Headquarters--West Chester..

Columbia's noblest sons [graphic] / Manson Lang, 542 Broadway, New York; Lithog. & printed by Kimmel & Forster 254 &n 256 Canal Str. N.Y.

[Building of the Supervisory Committee for Recruiting Colored Troops, 1210 Chestnut Street, Nov. 1864]

Shadows of the times. [graphic] /. P. Kramer del.

Shadows of the times. [graphic] /. P. Kramer del.

Don't unchain the tiger! : When the traitors of South Carolina met in Convention in Charleston, and passed their ordinance to abolish the American Union, to crush out the democratic principles of free government in America, ... Workingmen! when any man as

Our relations at home and abroad.

Exeter Hall. The Lion weeps: "Is he not a bird and a brother?" [graphic]

Grand tableau of the future. The little child, Liberty, shall lead them. [graphic]

For the precise period at which this occurred, consult history. [graphic]

The Eagle vindicates the Monroe Doctrine in Mexico. [graphic]

Introduction of Master Swamp Angel: the Lion pockets his Rams. [graphic]

Grand combat between the Eagle and the Wolf. [graphic]

The arming of the Wolf by his faithful squire. [graphic]

Which temporarily astonished even the Gallic Cock. [graphic]

Who responded with warlike vigor when the Lion caved. [graphic]

The Mexican Vulture garroted by the Gallic Cock. [graphic]

On England's muggy shore a surly lion gave a grievous roar! [graphic]

Which he forgets in the embrace of the belligerent Wolf of the C.S.A. [graphic]

Stephens' album drolleries no. 1. [graphic] : Our relations at home and abroad / In oil colors from original designs by H. L. Stephens.
