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Old Abe Lincoln and his abolition war! / By Julien. Columbia! Liberty! Justice! Peace!

Stand by the Union. : In Union there is strength. No "rats" of any "age" for sheriff. Printers' tracts, No 1. "The time has come."--Lincoln. ... Printed in the line of the Grand Union Procession, on Saturday evening, October 8th, 1864; in favor of the ele

Rally! Rally! $50 bounty $50 recruits wanted for Mystic Guards Company "I" 2d Regiment, P.V.M. (100 days service) Col. Dennis Heenan ...

More recruits it is ordered that the Third Regiment Reserve Brigade! Colonel Eaken, must be filled up to the number of 1000 men, for important service for city and state defence ... regimental head-quarters, Maj. T.G. Miller, 13th and Filbert Streets.

N.Y. Young Men's Christian Asso'n : The citizens of New York ... are invited to assemble in mass meeting, on Tuesday evening, June 10, at 8 o'clock, at Cooper Institute to listen to the statement by Mr. Vincent Colyer ... about the loyal Freedmen and thei

Col. George's acceptance..

At a meeting in the Representatives Hall of the capitol of Tennessee : on the evening of September 12th, 1864, Col. R.D. Mussey, Judge J.M. Palmer, Dr. R.L. Stanford, and Captain J.F. Rusling were appointed to prepare an address expressive of the sentimen

United States Sanitary Commission. Philadelphia Agency. No. 27 South Sixth Street. : Aid societies in the country, sending boxes or packages should have them legibly directed to Robert M. Lewis, U.S. Sanitary Commission, No. 27 South Sixth Street, Philade

"I, Philip Kearney, an old soldier, : enter my solemn protest against this order for retreat. We ought, instead of retreating, to follow up the enemy, and take Richmond. And, in full view of all the responsibility of such a declaration, I say to you all,

Somebody's darling.

The True issues. What leading Democrats and conservatives say. : I.--From slave states. ... II.--From free states. ... / Issued from the Office of the Rebellion Record, 532 Broadway, N.Y. The 1st vol. of the Record will be ready October 1, containing abou

The Philadelphia inquirer. Wednesday, September 25. 1861. : The Rebellion A grand review of infantry and cavalry The war in Missouri Col. Mulligan fights 59 hours without water Gen. Prentiss not heard from Gen. Fremont taking the field The Kentucky war nw

Christian Commission! : Geo. H. Stuart, Esq. president of the United States Christian Commission, and Ex-Gov. Jas. Pollock have engaged to deliver addresses in the Marple Presbyterian Church on Sabbath evening, Aug. 30, 1863, at half-past 7 o'clock. Much

The Union, it must be preserved. : In memory of our Union heroes who fell in a "useless war." Who calls this a "useless war"? Surely no man in his sane mind, would call this war of the government to save its very existence a "useless war"; and after all t

Horses, horses, horses : 100 horses wanted for artillery. The subscriber will be at [blank] [blank] [blank] to buy horses. None but sound ones will be bought. / Isaac Heulings.

Notice is hereby given that a reward of $10.00 will be paid to any person for the arrest and delivery of a deserter : from the United States Army, either volunteers or regulars, at the head-quarters of this district. / D.M. Lane, Capt. & Provost Marshal F

Notice : Provost Marshal's Office, First District New Jersey, Camden, Aug. 18, 1863. A reward of ten dollars, and reasonable expenses incurred, will be paid for apprehension and delivery for each and every deserter to the headquarters. / Robert C. Johnson

$50 reward The above reward will be paid for the apprehension of the following-named private marines, : deserters from head-quarters, Washington City, D.C., viz.: Henry S. Hyser, Peter B. Clark, Edwin S. Marstella, John Metz, William Reiter, if delivered

The Philadelphia inquirer. Friday, December 13, 1861. : Important from Europe. The Mason-Slidell arrest in England! How the news was received! Doings in Congress! Complaint against Gen. Stone! Rebel force at Leesburg. The war in Georgia! The fight at Fort

The Philadelphia inquirer. Saturday, October 26, 1861. : The Battle of Balls Bluff further interesting particulars! A list of the killed, wounded and missing. Later from Gen. Banks' command! A large rebel force in view! News from Washington Latest from Mi

Who is responsible for the war? : Who accountable for its horrors and desolations? Extracts from a speech by Alexander H. Stephens (new vice-president of the Confederate States), delivered in the secession convention of Georgia, on the 31st day of January

Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper no. 314, : for this week, contains a mammoth picture of the bombardment and capture of Forts Beauregard and Walker Also, the interior of the works after the occupation by the United States forces, and numerous illustra

Beadle's dime Union song book no 2 for sale here price 10 cts.

A remarkable book. Now ready: Journal of Alfred Ely, a prisoner of war in Richmond. : Edited by Charles Lanman. 1 vol., 12mo, illustrated with a steel plate portrait of Alfred Ely, and a wood engraving of the prision at Richmond. Price, $1.00. This work g

American national songs for the Union.

Union war songs. Army hymn. / By Oliver Wendell Holmes. (Tune.--Old hundred.

Prison life in the tobacco warehouse at Richmond. / By a Ball's Bluff prisoner, Lieut. Wm. C. Harris, of Col. Baker's California Regiment. Contents. ... Preface. ...Philadelphia, March 25, 1862. Complete in one volume, price 50 cts., or handsomely bound i

Circular. Press on, to victory! : The disabled soldier, truly grateful for recent considerations, on short acquaintance, humbly begs to inform the citizens of Philadelphia, and an appreciative public, that he is established at Stand No. 2, near S.W. corne

Circular. Hear ye! Hear! Hear! Hear! : Lovers of the Constitution and the Union, and our one government: Your servant and patriot brother was disabled by gun-shot wounds in battle, but will not surrender, no, never! yet appeals to a discriminating public

The Rebellion record: : a complete, authentic, official history of the great struggle of 1860-2. Including three departments, namely: I. Documents, speeches, narratives and reports, from official sources--complete and reliable. II. A diary of events, conc

Putnam's Rebellion record. Notice to subscribers. : The sixth part of this work completing the first volume, is now issued. The agent respectfully informs subscribers that he is prepared to have their volumes bound in the best manner in various styles, ..

Putnam's Rebellion record. Notice to subscribers. : The sixth part of this work completing the first volume, is now issued. The agent respectfully informs subscribers that he is prepared to have their volumes bound in the best manner in various styles, ..

Important announcement! : Lossing's pictorial history of the great Rebellion. ... Persons possessing pamphlets, or other materials relating to the Rebellion, will confer a favor by sending them to the author, Benson J. Lossing, Esq., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. /

American Civil War, the important events, such as battles, skirmishes, encampments, &c. : from the beginning up to the present time, illustrated by a series of finely colored pictures on glass, for the magic lantern, dissolving views, or similar exhibitio

Geschichte des Krieges für die Union. Von Evert A. Duychinck. : Deutsch bearbeitet von Freidrich Kapp. Mit vortrefflichen Stahlstichen, Originalbildern von Schlachten und Seegefechten und libensgetreuen Porträts ausgezeichneter Generäle und Seehelden, nac

Geschichte des Krieges für die Union. Von Evert A. Duychinck. : Deutsch bearbeitet von Freidrich Kapp. Mit vortrefflichen Stahlstichen, Originalbildern von Schlachten und Seegefechten und libensgetreuen Porträts ausgezeichneter Generäle und Seehelden, nac

Spirit of the pulpit, : with reference to the present crisis: a collection of sermons by distinguished divines, North and South, with revisions and corrections by the authors.

Spirit of the pulpit, : with reference to the present crisis: a collection of sermons by distinguished divines, North and South, with revisions and corrections by the authors.

To the subscribers and purchasers of Rebellion record. : Important documents, narratives, &c., with reference to the present crisis, are now publishing, uniform with the Rebellion record, in extra parts, which will form one or two supplementary volumes. T

To the subscribers and purchasers of Rebellion record. : Important documents, narratives, &c., with reference to the present crisis, are now publishing, uniform with the Rebellion record, in extra parts, which will form one or two supplementary volumes. T
