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Libby Prison, Richmond, Va. Card photographs of this far-famed Southern prison, for sale here. : 25 cents each. Copyright secured.

The Treasury note, a little book, : designed to aid in disarming treason, and restoring repose to the nation, to provide homes of comfort, and open up fields of enterprise for returning volunteers. For sale here. Price 10 cents.

The only reliable illustrated is Frank Leslie's newspaper : no. 344, and supplement no. 345, for the present week. Turn over.

Attention! The volunteer's manual, just published, : contains full instructions for the recruit, in the schools of the soldier and squad, with over one hundred illustrations ... By Lt. Col. D.W.C. Baxter, of the National Guard. 12mo. size. Convenient for

Supplementary Voice of the prophet; or Pioneer of truth. : Philadelphia, 1862. Motto.--"The Union! The whole Union! and nothing but the Union!" The Union with God the Father!!! The whole Union with God the Son!!! And nothing but the Union! with God!!! the

Invalid Brigade. : "Hey Jim along, Jim along Josey," we are the boys, can't come up to time. Rally 46ers. "Glory Halleluja!" Your country calls!! Let 'er call!!! Get your certificate and join the glorious brigade of Gen. Debility, comprising a portion of

New "5-20" six per cts. : The undersigned, as subscription agent, for the government, is prepared to deliver at once, on payment, coupon bonds, of the new 6 per cent. U.S. loan, authorized Feb. 25, 1862. ... / Jay Cooke, subscription agent, No. 114 South

The undersigned, having been appointed subscription agent by the secretary of the Treasury, : is now prepared to furnish, at once, the new twenty year 6 per cent. bonds of the United States, designated as "five-twenties," redeemable at the pleasure of the

The following is the official price list of clothing, &c.

Circular to hospital surgeons. Extra clothing for sick and wounded soldiers. : U.S. Sanitary Commission, 244 F. Street, Washington, D.C., September, 1862. The U.S. Sanitary Commission call the attention of surgeons of Army hospitals and other medical offi

Fair for the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home. To the citizens of the United States. : The Ladies Visiting Committee of the Soldiers' Home, in the city of Philadelphia, propose to open a national fair at the Academy of Music, on the twenty-third day of October

Plan of fair for the Soldiers & Sailors Home. : Academy of Music Philadelphia October 23. to November 4. 1865 ...

Victory Union Peace.

Annual address of the city watchmen, December 25th, 1862.

Men of color, to arms! Now or never!

Men of color to arms! To arms! Now or never.

Men of color! To arms! To arms! Now or never.

The Second Louisiana. May 27th, 1863 / By George H. Boker.

An appeal to Friends and others on behalf of the destitute Freedmen of the South. Dear Friends ....

Sir: your attention is requested to the following extract from the Philadelphia Sunday transcript of April 30th, 1865: : the Supervisory Committee for Recruiting Colored Troops ....

Wanted immediately! 100 colored teamsters!

The Wounded soldier's appeal.

The Empty sleeve.

The Hippotheatron and New York Cirque, opposite the Academy of Music, 14th Street : a liberal per centage of the gross daily receipts is given to the funds of the fair : grand equestrian, gymnastic and acrobatic performances ...

Major General Rosecrans on contributions for the sick and wounded ... / W.S. Rosecrans.

Gen. Dix's proclamation : Know all men by these presents: that I, John L. Dix, (no relation to the rebel "Dixie") knowing that the feeling excited in the breasts of our brave Union army by the combination of colors known as red, white and red, are by no m

Died, near the South-Side Rail Road, on Sunday, April 9th, 1865, the Southern Confederacy, aged four years. : Conceived in sin, born in iniquity, nurtured by tyranny, died of a chronic attack of punch. Abraham Lincoln, attending physician. U.S. Grant, und

Published weekly, in Philadelphia. : Two dollars per annum, great reductions to clubs. Novel and beautiful premiums! In announcing the commencement of a new volume of The war press, it is the publisher's intention to show his appreciation of its great suc

Recruits wanted! For Company G, 3d Regiment, Reserve Brigade, : Armory: 803 Locust St., a few will be received by applying immediately, to serve for three months unless sooner discharged Pay commences from time of enlistment. / Capt. Geo. West Blake. J. F

New York and the army in 1862 : Shoulder-straps! by Henry Morford, Esq. editor of the "New York atlas." For sale here / Published by T.B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa.

Programme of the order of exercises at the re-raising of the United States flag, on Fort Sumter, Charleston, S.C. : April 14th, 1865, on the fourth anniversary of the evacuation of the fort.

Fair The children of Mount Vernon, : intend opening a fair on Monday, November 3d, 1862, in the Manayunk Engine House for the benefit of the sick & wounded soldiers.

Fruit festival for the benefit of disabled soldiers : to be held at Citizens' Hall, Saturday, August 30th, / by the ladies of "The Bethlehem Mite Society." Donations of cakes, fruit, and flowers, will be thankfully received. They can be left at the hall o

Attention soldiers : Mr. A. Winch, of 320 Chestnut Street, has engaged our "Quaker City poet" Elmer Ruán Coates, Esq. to furnish you a series of patriotic ballads!! Applicable to every situation of martial life, as you will often resort to the power of mu

Children's fair in aid of the sick & wounded soldiers. : Tickets, five cents

There are now but two parties in this country, the friends and the enemies of the government. : Every man who does not stand up for all measures that may be adopted for the maintenance of the honor of our country, at whatever cost of blood or money that m

Something new! The Copperhead will be dissected by scalpel at Chamberlin's Hall, Moline, on Wednesday evening, March 30, '63. : Tickets 25 cts., to be had at the door.

A Prayer for the Southern cause.

A Prayer for the Southern cause.

Old Lincoln and his fellows, is the abolitionist's government!

Old Lincoln and his fellows, is the abolitionist's government!

A paper for the camp and fireside! Forney's war press : The intense interest everywhere felt in the mighty contest in which the armies and fleets of the nation are engaged, on the Potomac, in Western Virginia, in Kentucky, in Missouri, on the sea coast an
