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The $1,000 baby house.

The contested sword.

[Sewing machines, stoves, ranges and cast and wrought iron, and hollow ware displays, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

[Howell & Bourke,] Union Avenue.

[Dr. Barnum's Self Sewer display, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

[Fine Art Gallery, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

[Sewing machines and stoves, ranges, cast & wrought iron displays, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

[Fine Art Gallery, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

Delaware Dept.

Photograph Dept.

[Relics and Curiosities Department, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

Horseshoe machine.

Arms and Trophies.

The Penn Parlor.

Ground plan; U.S. Army General Hospital at West Philadelphia, Pa. 1862.

Soldiers' Monument.

Philadelphia daily and weekly journal. : Office, No. 108 South Third Street. Daily, 2 cents per copy. Weekly, $1 per annum.

[Goodwill Fire Company's horse-drawn ambulance in front of the company fire station on Race Street below Broad Street, Philadelphia]


The soldier's friend. / Inscribed to Marcus L. Ward, Governor of New Jersey.

The meeting of the Friends. City Hall Park. [graphic]

The dis-united states or the Southern Confederacy. [graphic]

Yankee volunteers marching into Dixie. "Yankee Doodle keep it up, Yankee Doodle Dandy." [graphic] / J.H. Bufford's Lith, Boston.

The old flag again waves over Sumter Raised by Capt. Bragg of Gen. Gillmore's Staff on the 18th February 1865. [graphic].

Bombardment of Fort Pulaski, Cockspur Island, Geo. 10th & 11th of April 1862. [graphic] : After a bombardment of 30 hours, the fort surrendered unconditionally to the U.S.forces, under the immediate command of Genl. Q.A. Gillmore. 360 prisoners, 17 canon,

Offering a substitute. A scene in the office of the provost marshall [graphic].

Offering a substitute. A scene in the office of the provost marshall [graphic].

The old flag again waves over Sumter raised by Capt. Bragg of Gen. Gillmore's staff on the 18th February 1865. [graphic] / F. Fuchs.

24th Regiment, U[nited] S[tates] C[olored] T[roops] at Camp William Penn

Writing the Emancipation Proclamation

United States soldiers at Camp "William Penn" Philadelphia, PA

Enlistment of Sickles brigade [graphic].

Philadelphia Zouave Corps.

Mower U.S.A. General Hospital, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia.

Buildings of the Great Central Fair, in aid of the U. S. Sanitary Commission Logan Square, Philadelphia, June 1864.

Buildings of the Great Central Fair, in aid of the U. S. Sanitary Commission Logan Square, Philadelphia, June 1864.

Buildings of the Great Central Fair, in aid of the U. S. Sanitary Commission Logan Square, Philadelphia, June 1864.

United States Army Hospital, Philadelphia.

Explosion and burning of the cartridge factory, cor. Tenth and Read [sic], March 2[9]th 1862.

Oh! Massa Jeff dis sesesh fever will kill de nigger. [graphic] / [FJB?]

The house that Jeff built. [graphic]

The question settled. [graphic] / Geo. Whiting, 87 Fulton St. New York; Phelps & Watson, 18 Beekman St. New York.

Patriotic souvenir pies.

The great fight at Charleston, S.C., April 7th, 1863 [graphic] : Between 9 United States "Iron-Clads," under the command of Admiral Dupont; and Forts Sumter, Moultrie, and the Cummings Point Batteries in possession of the rebels.

View of the Philadelphia volunteer refreshment saloons. [graphic] / Lith. from nature by J. Queen; Printed in colors by T. Sinclair. Philada.

View of the Philadelphia volunteer refreshment saloons. [graphic] / Lith. from nature by J. Queen; Printed in colors by T. Sinclair. Philada.

View of the reception of the 29th Regiment, P. V., at Philadelphia.

Young England [graphic] : O, shameful England! Greedy puffed with pride, a friend in sore distress, thy false heart hath denied.

View of the Philadelphia volunteer refreshment saloons.

Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon and Hospital
