Included in Chapter XV, "Arts et Industrie," the engraving shows an African weaver with her loom. A similar loom appears in the frontispiece for the London Yearly Meeting's Report of the committee managing a fund raised by some friends for the purpose of promoting African instruction (London, 1822)., Illustration in René Geoffroy de Villeneuve's L'Afrique, ou Histoire, meours, usages et coutumes des africains: Le Sénégal (Paris: Nepveu, libraire, passage des Panoramas, no. 26, 1814), vol. 4, p. 180., Fels Afro-Americana Image Project, Africa: Images, Maps, and Geography.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare U Afri R.G.V. 65954.D v 4 p 180,
Included in Chapter XV, "Arts et Industrie," the engraving shows an African woman beating cotton into threads. The cotton, which had already been ginned, was placed on a stiff mat and hit with a baton., Illustration in René Geoffroy de Villeneuve's L'Afrique, ou Histoire, meours, usages et coutumes des africains: Le Sénégal (Paris: Nepveu, libraire, passage des Panoramas, no. 26, 1814), vol. 4, p. 181., Fels Afro-Americana Image Project, Africa: Images, Maps, and Geography.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare U Afri R.G.V. 65954.D v 4 p 181,
Included in Chapter XV, "Arts et Industrie," the engraving shows an African woman spinning cotton. She holds a spool in each hand, and sits on a mat with a large basket of cotton next to her., Illustration in René Geoffroy de Villeneuve's L'Afrique, ou Histoire, moeurs, usages et coutumes des africains: Le Sénégal (Paris: Nepveu, libraire, passage des Panoramas, no. 26, 1814), vol. 4, p. 182., Fels Afro-Americana Image Project, Africa: Images, Maps, and Geography.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare U Afri R.G.V. 65954.D v 4 p 182,
Included in Chapter XVII, "Chasse, Pêche, Musique et Divertissemens," the engraving shows a young African woman learning to play Ouri, a popular "pit and pebble" game known throughout Africa under several names, including Oware and mancaga. In the accompanying text, Villeneuve wrote that Ouri (and similar games) were too complicated to be described simply. He noted, however, that girls usually learned to play the game around the age of ten., Illustration in René Geoffroy de Villeneuve's L'Afrique, ou Histoire, moeurs, usages et coutumes des africains: Le Sénégal (Paris: Nepveu, libraire, passage des Panoramas, no. 26, 1814), vol. 4, p. 205., Fels Afro-Americana Image Project, Africa: Images, Maps, and Geography.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare U Afri R.G.V. 65954.D v 4 p 205,