Exterior views of front facade of Boys' High School, built in 1894 after designs by Joseph W. Anshutz. Depicts the front of the school from Brandywine Street looking north and from Green Street looking south., Contains 23 postcards printed in color and 14 printed in black and white., Built across the street from the old Central High School, constructed in 1853 and used as an annex until it was condemned in 1937., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Brightbill, George M., collector
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Brightbill postcards [Schools - Boy's High - 148]
Exterior views of front facade of Boys' Central High School, built in 1894 after designs by Joseph W. Anshutz. Depicts the front facade of the school looking north and south., Contains 1 postcard printed in color and 1 printed in black and white., Accession numbers: P.9076.18 and P.9490.22., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Education - [P.9076.18 and P.9490.22]
View looking southeast showing the west front and north flank of the second building of the Central High School for Boys (established 1838), the first public high school in the city, built 1853 at the southeast corner of North Broad and Green Streets. Also shows the Swedenborgian Church of the New Jerusalem, constructed in 1854 after designs by Collins & Autenreith, situated immediately north of Spring Garden Institute, built 1851-1852 after designs by Stephen Decatur Button at the northeast corner of Broad and Spring Garden Streets., Title from photographer's label on verso. Also lists forty-one other views in the series (No. 140-180)., Yellow mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Bartlett, George O., photographer
[ca. 1868]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Bartlett - Education [P.2002.21.6]