Contains views of Chestnut Street looking west from Sixth Street, Eighth Street, Ninth Street and Eleventh Street. Also includes views looking east from Sixth Street, Eleventh Street and Sixteenth Street. Depicts one view looking north from Chestnut and Fifth Streets. The Philadelphia Record building, Post Office, United States Custom House and the Pennsylvania Building are the most prominent buildings in these street views., Contains 21 postcards printed in color and 8 printed in black and white., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Brightbill, George M., collector
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Brightbill postcards [Chestnut Street - 46]
View looking along Chestnut Street showing a crowd of spectators packing the street and sidewalks for an unidentified event. A large clock is visible across the street on the sidewalk., Title printed on mount below image., Decorative printed floral pattern flanks image., Buff curved mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Robert M. Vogel.
[ca. 1900]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - unidentified - Streets [P.9047.125]
View looking west possibly from below Tenth Street. Shows the commercial street, including a bath house, possibly Silas H. Rowland at 1013 Chestnut Street. Lampposts adorn a building and the sidewalk in the foreground. Horse-drawn carriages and wagons travel the street and several pedestrians walk on the sidewalks., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Buff mount with rounded corners., Title inscribed in negative., Gift of Robert M. Vogel., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Campbell, Alfred S.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Campbell - Streets - Chestnut [P.9117.3]
Group portrait showing a line of eight men, including an African American employee and possibly co-owner Balthazar Stahl (third from right), standing in front of the flower store with large display windows marked "LaRoche & Stahl." Bouquets of flowers, floral wreathes, and other floral arrangements are displayed. A retracted awning with the name if the business adorns the building. A large garland of flowers is weaved across the awning frame. Potted plants line the base of the building and entryway near where the men stand. In the far left, the back of a horse traveling in the street near men patronizing a vendor's stand at the side of the flower store is visible. In the far right, signage for the adjacent business is partially visible. Florist Maximilian F. La Roche partnered with his brother-in-law Batlhazar Stahl in 1878. The partnership also managed several large greenhouses in Collingdale, Pa., which specialized in chrysanthemums and roses. Previously, La Roche had operated his own floral business in Philadelphia beginning circa 1876 when he purchased Brooker & Co. at 1319 Chestnut Street. La Roche removed his store to 1237 Chestnut in 1881. Stahl, who was in charge of the retail business, left the partnership circa 1898 when he started his own business at 27 South Eleventh Street., Title supplied by cataloguer., Date inferred from the attire of the men included in image.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department photo - unidentified - Business - L [P.2008.11.6]
Originally part of a Poulson scrapbook., Constructed 1818-24 based on designs by Philadelphia architect William Strickland. Served as the Bank of the United States (i.e. Second Bank) until 1836 when the charter was not renewed. Served as U.S. Custom House 1844-1935.
Location, Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. W 416 [(1)1525.F.45b]
Contains images of the main building constructed in 1891 after designs by Wilson Brothers & Company. Includes exterior views of the front facade and main entrance way. Also depicts interior views of the Great Court and museum., Contains 4 postcards printed in color and 5 printed in black and white., Drexel Institute of Art, Science and Industry founded in 1891 by Anthony J. Drexel. Renamed Drexel Institute of Technology in 1970., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Brightbill, George M., collector
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Brightbill postcards [Schools - Drexel Institute - 149]
Real estate photograph commissioned by the Jackson-Cross Company depicting an ornate four story commercial front at 1010 Chestnut Street, occupied by Alexander's clothing shop on the ground level, Sun Beam Beauty Shops on the second floor and Merin Studios on the third floor. Charles David's clothing store occupies the ground floor of 1008 Chestnut Street and Fur Outlet Co., furriers, occupies the ground floor of the building at 1012 Chestnut Street. The property at 1010 Chestnut Street was altered in 1891 for Queen & Co. after designs by the architectural firm of Baily & Truscott. David B. Bassett altered the basement for Shaw Walker in 1919., Label on recto: Jackson-Cross Company., Title from manuscript note on verso., The Jackson-Cross Company, established around 1876, was a Philadelphia real estate firm in operation until 1998.
ca. 1940
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Jackson-Cross [P.9784.27]
Real estate photograph commissioned by the Jackson-Cross Company depicting the five story commercial front of 1022 Chestnut Street, occupied by Alton's pictures, mirrors & frames. Alton's is flanked by Eastman Kodak Stores at 1020 Chestnut Street and Klein's Furriers at 1024 Chestnut Street. 1022 Chestnut Street was altered in 1899 after designs by Addison Hutton., Label on recto: Jackson-Cross Company., Title from manuscript note on recto., The Jackson-Cross Company, established around 1876, was a Philadelphia real estate firm in operation until 1998.
ca. 1940
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Jackson-Cross [P.9784.28]
Copyrighted by Edward L. Walker., Cover illustration is a lithograph showing a group of comically-portrayed men in top hats and suits surrounding a man reading the Public Leder in front of the office of the newspaper at 300 Chestnut Street. Some of the audience look aghast and have their mouths open in shock. Two boys, one a newsboy carrying the "City Item," also listen in with interest. Also shows two gentlemen, probably two of the proprietors of the paper (William Swaim and Arunah S. Abell), standing in the doorway of the office and looking on with content. Public Ledger operated from site 1840-1867., Polka dance., Publisher's plate # 3., Printer: T. Sinclairs lith. 101 Chesnut St. Phil., One copy [10075.F] contains manuscript note on recto: Nettie from J.G. Bolton. Nettie from Nannie., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 432, Taped down the left side., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, with edits., Duplicate copy with sheet music [10075.F] housed in the Print Department. Gift of David Doret. Two of the three sheets pinned together on left side.
Bellak, Ja's (James), composer
Library Company of Philadelphia RARE | Books & Other Texts Sheet Music Led 14858.Q, Library Company of Philadelphia PRINT | Print Department *W382 [10075.F],
Depicts the south elevation and bell tower of Independence Hall. Built 1732-1748 by Andrew Hamilton and Edmund Woolley. Extensive renovations and additions completed incrementally between 1750 and 1973. Meeting place of the Second Continental Congress from 1775-1783 and the site where the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776., Title supplied by cataloguer., Also identified as the Pennsylvania State House., Gift of Albert L. Doering.
Doering, William Harvey, 1858-1924, photographer
ca. 1895
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern slides - Doering [P.9453.146]
Contains views of Independence Hall including exterior views of the front facade on Chestnut Street; oblique views of the state building from Fifth and Sixth Streets and the rear elevation facing Independence Square showing the Commodore Barry Monument designed by Samuel Murray in 1908. Interior views portray the room where the Declaration of Independence was signed, also called the Assembly Room, Philadelphia Room, Declaration Chamber and Independence Chamber. Others include the banquet room, Supreme Court room, main stairway and the ballroom., Contains 12 postcards printed in color and 13 printed in black and white., Built 1732-1748 by Andrew Hamilton and Edmund Woolley. Extensive renovations and additions completed incrementally between 1750 and 1973. Meeting place of the Second Continental Congress from 1775-1783 and the site where the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776., Also identified as the Pennsylvania State House., About one third (11 out of 23) of the postcards were issued by the Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence., Accession numbers: P.8712.5e, P.8712.5k, P.9048.260, P.9048.281, P.9049.27, P.9049.35, P.9049.41, P.9050.66, P.9076.6, P.9076.17, P.9105.20 - 22. P.9441.3, P.9441.5 - 11, P.9441.13 - 16., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Historic buildings and sites - [various]
Depicts the bell tower of Independence Hall looking west. Constructed from 1750 to 1753, about ten years after Andrew Hamilton and Edmund Woolley built the original portion of the building. Bell tower reconstructed by William Strickland in 1828. The mansard roof of the original Public Ledger building is visible in the background., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title given in manuscript on mount.
Browne, John C. (John Coates), 1838-1918, photographer
ca. 1913
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.174]
Depicts the south elevation and bell tower of Independence Hall. Built 1732-1748 by Andrew Hamilton and Edmund Woolley. Extensive renovations and additions completed incrementally between 1750 and 1973. Meeting place of the Second Continental Congress from 1775-1783 and the site where the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776., Inscribed in negative: 2247., Title from negative sleeve., Also identified as the Pennsylvania State House.
Hand, Alfred, photographer
ca. 1920
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department 4x5 Glass Negatives - Hand [P.9259.28]
Oblique view of the south elevation and bell tower of Independence Hall from Fifth Street, showing the stone wall that surrounds the square. Built 1732-1748 by Andrew Hamilton and Edmund Woolley. Extensive renovations and additions completed incrementally between 1750 and 1973. Meeting place of the Second Continental Congress from 1775-1783 and the site where the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776., Inscribed in negative: 2248., Title from negative sleeve., Also identified as the Pennsylvania State House.
Hand, Alfred, photographer
ca. 1920
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department 4x5 Glass Negatives - Hand [P.9259.29]
Contains images of the Hotel Pennsylvania, built in 1922 after designs by Clarence Edmond Wunder. Depicts exterior views of the hotel looking southwest at the 39th Street front. Also includes interior views of the lobby, lounge, men's club and the gentlemen's smoking room., Contains 3 postcards printed in color and 5 printed in black and white. Also includes 2 linen postcards., Also identified as the Chestnut Hall Apartments, the Penn Sherwood and Hotel Philadelphian., Sheet numbers: 117A04, 117B01C and 117B01D., Divided backs., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Brightbill, George M., collector
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Brightbill postcards [Hotels and Restaurants - Lauber's through Stenton - 117]
Exterior views looking northwest of hotel building constructed in 1893 after designs by Angus S. Wade. Note St. James Protestant Episcopal Church in the background., Contains 1 postcard printed in color and 1 printed in black and white., Sheet numbers: 117A05 and 117B02B., Divided backs., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Brightbill, George M., collector
ca. 1910
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Brightbill postcards [Hotels and Restaurants - Lauber's through Stenton - 117]
Contains images of Keith's Theatre built in 1902 after designs by Albert E. Westover. Depicts exterior views of the entrance on Chestnut Street and interior views of the Grand Entrance Hall, the Balcony Music Room, the Crystal Lobby and one of the reception rooms., Contains 6 postcards printed in color and 2 printed in black and white., Also identified as the Randolph Theatre (1949-1971)., Sheet numbers: 157A04, 157A05 and 157B02., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Brightbill, George M., collector
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Brightbill postcards [Theaters - 157]
Contains architectural images and copies of paintings depicting Independence Hall and the leading politicians associated with the Declaration of Independence. Architectural images include exterior views of the front facade on Chestnut Street; oblique views of the state building from Fifth and Sixth Streets and the rear elevation facing Independence Square showing the Commodore Barry Monument designed by Samuel Murray in 1908. The overwhelming majority of interior views portray the room where the Declaration of Independence was signed, also called the Assembly Room, Philadelphia Room, Declaration Chamber and Independence Chamber. Others include the banquet room, Supreme Court room, main stairway and the ballroom. Paintings include portraits of Robert Morris, Richard Henry Lee, Samuel Huntingdon, Thomas McKean and Benjamin Franklin and the signing of the Declaration by these iconic figures. Also depicted is a popular series called the Cradle of Liberty, a collage of exterior and interior images of Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell and George Washington., Contains 188 postcards printed in color and 97 printed in black and white. Also contains 25 linen postcards., Built 1732-1748 by Andrew Hamilton and Edmund Woolley. Extensive renovations and additions completed incrementally between 1750 and 1973. Meeting place of the Second Continental Congress from 1775-1783 and the site where the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776., Also identified as the Pennsylvania State House., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Brightbill, George M., collector
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Brightbill postcards [Independence Hall - 122 - 127]
Illustrated trade card depicting an exterior view of George W. Watson's coach manufactory at 1219 Chestnut Street. Coaches inside the repository are visible through two large doorways on the ground level. Built in 1851, the building also served as a concert hall beginning in 1853., Damaged in upper right corner., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
[ca. 1853]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Watson [(6)1322.F.163a]
Series of illustrated trade cards for hatter and furrier William H. Oakford at 914 Chestnut Street in Philadelphia. Illustrations depict a child floating in a large top hat in the water while holding an umbrella. Also shows the interior of Oakford's shop, including hats on tables lining the periphery of the room and male and female patrons browsing the display cases. Includes hat boxes piled neatly under shelves, light fixtures hanging from the ceiling, chairs, rugs and mirrors., Title supplied by cataloger., Printers and engravers include William Hart., Advertising text printed on versos promotes Wm. H. Oakford's various styles of hats for gentlemen, ladies and children and fine fancy furs and fur lined garments., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
[ca. 1885]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Oakford [1975.F.257 & 1975.F.653]
Advertisement depicting the multi-story storefront for cabinetmakers Allen & Bro. (Joseph and James C.) erected in 1860 at 1209 Chestnut Street. Also shows pedestrians looking at furniture visible in the large display windows. The building contained salesrooms on the lower floors and upholstery and finishing rooms on the upper ones. Allen & Bro. was originally established by William Allen in 1836. The business specialized in custom orders and exhibited at the Centennial Exhibition of 1876., Probably engraved by John Serz., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Madelyn Wolke, Lucianne Reichert, and Clifford A. Mohwinkel Jr., Variant wood engraving published in I. L. Vansant, ed., The royal road to wealth (Philadelphia: Samuel Loag, (1869?)], opp. p. 43.
[ca. 1870]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Serz [P.9773.76c]
Advertisement depicting the factory during the Centennial Exhibition of 1876 adorned with several signs, including ones illustrated with allegorical figures and patriotic imagery. Passersby look at displays of boxes in the window near pedestrians walking on the sidewalk. In the street, a man on horseback, and a horse-drawn carriage and omnibus travel. Also shows partial views of adjacent buildings. Gumpert Bros, originally W.H. Grumpert, was established in 1856. The firm name changed to Gumpert Bros in 1866 and the business removed from the site in 1879., Probably engraved by John Serz., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Madelyn Wolke, Lucianne Reichert, and Clifford A. Mohwinkel Jr.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Serz [P.9773.76e]
Vignette illustrating a banknote for the Philadelphia National Bank. Shows the fabric store in Jayne’s Hall (constructed 1856) at 631 Chestnut Street. Members of the Lafourcade family worked as Philadelphia merchants from around 1840, with the partnership between the brothers and Irwin established around 1866. Pedestrians walk on the sidewalk past a horse-drawn dray parked in the street to be loaded. A horse-drawn surrey travels nearby., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 427, Stein & Jones established in 1859 was active under that name until the death of Stein in 1871.
[ca. 1866]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Specimens Album [P.9349.126o]
Shows the bell installed in the gallery in 1852 surrounded by patriotic symbols and emblems in iron work, including liberty caps and shields. Iron work fencing encloses the bell., Attributed to John Moran., Title supplied by cataloguer., Unmounted half stereograph., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Moran, John, 1831-1903, photographer
ca. 1863
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Moran -Monuments & statues - L [8339.F.24]
View representing the colonial era showing Independence Hall built 1732-1748 after the designs of Andrew Hamilton and Edmund Woolley at 520 Chestnut Street. Also shows light street and pedestrian traffic, including a conestoga wagon., Attributed to Louis Aubrun., Published in Thompson Westcott's Centennial portfolio: a souvenir of the International Exhibition at Philadelphia; comprising lithographic views of fifty of its principal buildings (Philadelphia: T. Hunter, 1876), p. 51., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 376, Gift of David Doret.
Aubrun, Louis, lithographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department BW - Centennial [P.2006.31.16]
View representing the colonial era showing Independence Hall built 1732-1748 after the designs of Andrew Hamilton and Edmund Woolley at 520 Chestnut Street. Also shows minor pedestrian traffic., Printed below the image: "Centennial Album" registered at the U. S. Patent Office July 20th, 1875, Published in Centennial Pocket Album (New York: Heppenheimer & Maurer, 1875), POS 378, Gift of David Doret., Philadelphia on Stone
Heppenheimer & Maurer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department BW - Centennial [P.2006.31.15]
Interior view showing the Assembly Room of the State House when used as an exhibit gallery. Shows framed portrait paintings of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, predominately from the Charles Wilson Peale collection; a framed commemorative print in honor of the Declaration of Independence; and the "Rising Sun" chair (used by George Washington as he presided over the Constitutional Convention) behind a desk on a platform. State House built 1732-1748 after the designs of Andrew Hamilton and Edmund Woolley., Title printed on mount., Additional places of publication printed on mount, including New York, NY; Portland, Oregon; London, Eng.; and Sydney, Aus., Publisher's imprint printed on mount., Printed above image on mount: H69., Explicative paragraph of text providing brief history of Independence Hall printed on verso., Gray curved mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Robert M. Vogel.
[ca. 1900]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Keystone View Company - Historic buildings and sites [P.9047.152]
Interior view showing the Liberty Bell in the Assembly Room when utilized as an exhibit gallery at the State House. State House built 1732-1748 after the designs of Andrew Hamilton and Edmund Woolley., Title printed on mount., Additional places of publication printed on mount, including New York, NY; Portland, Oregon; London, Eng.; and Sydney, Aus., Publisher's imprint printed on mount., Printed above image on mount: 80, Explicative paragraph of text providing brief history of the Liberty Bell printed on verso. Includes latitude and longitude: Lat. 40 degrees N.; Long. 75 degrees W., Gray curved mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
[ca. 1907]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Keystone View Company - Monuments and statues [P.9573.22]
View showing the Liberty Bell on a float adorned in patriotic bunting in front of Independence Hall on Chestnut Street. Two military escorts stand nearby. The Liberty Bell traveled to Boston in 1903 for the 128th anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill., Additional places of publication printed on mount, including Chicago; London; Hamberg, Ger.; and Milan, Italy., Title printed on mount., Publisher's imprint printed on mount., Distributor's imprint printed on mount., Manuscript note in pencil on verso: Mrs. E. B. Dorathy ; Sammy Taylor, Buff curved mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Griffith & Griffith - Monuments and statues [P.9450.2]
Interior view showing the Liberty Bell on a pedestal in the State House. State House built 1732-1748 after the designs of Andrew Hamilton and Edmund Woolley., Title printed on mount., Publisher's imprint printed on mount., Stamped on verso: 198, Gray curved mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Robert M. Vogel., Presko Binocular Company bought negatives from photographers and published stereographs between 1910 and 1920 in Chicago.
[ca. 1910]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - unidentified - Monuments and statues [P.9047.157]
Interior view showing the Liberty Bell hanging on a chain of thirteen links from the ceiling in the Assembly Room of the State House. The State House built 1732-1748 after the designs of Andrew Hamilton and Edmund Woolley., Title on negative., Yellow curved mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
[ca. 1877]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - unidentified - Monuments and statues [P.9567.11]
View looking southeast showing the front elevation of the State House built 1732-1748 after the designs of Andrew Hamilton and Edmund Woolley. Includes the clock tower and statue of George Washington in the left background., Title on negative., Explicative paragraph of text on verso surmounted by the title "Independence Hall, or "State House," Philadelphia" with a vignette of the seal of Pennsylvania., Yellow trimmed mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William L. Schaeffer.
[ca. 1870]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - unidentified - Government Buildings [P.9113.3]
Book illustration looking southeast at Independence Hall built 1732-1748 after the designs of Andrew Hamilton and Edmund Woolley., Plate opposite page 172 in John F. Watson's Historic tales of olden time : concerning the early settlement and progress of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania ; for the use of families and schools ; illustrated with plates (Philadelphia : E. Littell : Thomas Holden, 1833)., William L. Breton and Kennedy & Lucas created many of the lithographic plates for Watson's Annals of Philadelphia, so it is probable that they also created the plates in Historic tales of olden time., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 719
Breton, William L., ca. 1773-1855, artist
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Am 1833 Wat [Log 2794.D.opp172]
View of the bell hanging from the ceiling in Independence Hall., Additional places of publication printed on mount include: London; Toronto-Canada; Ottawa-Kansas., Printed on mount: Works and studios. Arlington, N.J.; Westwood, N.J.; and Washington, D.C., Sun sculpture trademark printed on mount., Title printed on mount., Copyrighted 1902 by Underwood & Underwood on recto under title and copyrighted 1904 by Underwood & Underwood on verso., Publisher's imprint printed on mount., Explicative paragraph of text describing the history of the Liberty Bell printed on verso. "Liberty Bell; Philadelphia, Pa." printed in five languages below paragraph., Gray curved mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Robert M. Vogel.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Underwood & Underwood - Historic buildings & sites [P.9047.119]
Advertisement containing an interior view of the shop at 116 Chestnut Street (ie. 320 Chestnut Street) after a daguerreotype depicting a long row of presses lined along the perimeter of the room near tall windows for natural light. Pressmen work on stones propped flat and on an angle. The man at the first press rolls ink onto a stone, as another man, probably an apprentice, carries a stone from the reserve of fresh stones arranged and stacked on the shelves on the opposite wall. Bottles and other supplies line the shelves between each window, and several packaged stones are piled on the floor in the foreground awaiting shipment. View includes a standing press. A foreman, possibly Wagner or McGuigan, attired in a suit observes the printers. Includes views of the recto and verso of the silver medal awarded to Wagner & M'Guigan for "skill and ingenuity" in lithography by the Franklin Institute in 1844 below the image and flanking the advertising text. Advertisement shows text printed in various fonts and shades to demonstrate the range and ability of the recently established lithographic firm of Wagner & M'Guigan (fl. 1846-1858)., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 113, T.B. Shaw, possibly Trueman Shaw, operated from the same address as Wagner & McGuigan (116 Chestnut) between 1846 and 1849., Smithsonian Institution NMAH H&CL - Harry T. Peters America on Stone Collection [DL *60.3081]
Aub, Jacob, artist
[ca. 1847]
Smithsonian Institution, NMAH, Home and Community Life Collection SI NMAH H&CL - Harry T. Peters America on Stone Collection [DL *60.3081]
Advertisement showing an interior view of the showroom of the furniture store of premier cabinetmaker George J. Henkels. Three well-dressed couples peruse and sit on the several pieces of furniture on display. Furniture includes tables, armchairs, sofas, and breakfronts. Also shows, in the background, curtained entryways to other areas liined with furniture. Henkels, Philadelphia's premier cabinetmaker in quality and production, operated his business from 173, i.e. 509 Chestnut Street from 1850 to 1857., Date from Poulson inscription., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Poulson scrapbooks - vol.7 [(7)2526.F.159]
Interior view showing the Liberty Bell in the Assembly Room when utilized as an exhibit gallery at the State House. State House built 1732-1748 after the designs of Andrew Hamilton and Edmund Woolley., Printed on mount: Copyright 1899 by B.L. Singley., Printed on verso: Copyright 1910 by Keystone View Company., Title printed on mount., Additional places of publication printed on mount, including New York, N.Y.; Portland, Oregon; London, Eng.; and Sydney, Aus., Publisher's imprint printed on mount and on verso., Explicative paragraph of text providing brief history of the Liberty Bell printed on verso., Gray curved mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Robert M. Vogel.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Keystone View Company - Monuments and statues [P.9047.139]
View shows the bell installed in the gallery of Independence Hall surrounded by patriotic symbols and emblems in iron work, including liberty caps and shields. State House built 1732-1748 after the designs of Andrew Hamilton and Edmund Woolley., Written on negative and printed on label pasted on verso: entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1872 by Chase & Town in the office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington D.C., Title printed on label pasted on verso., Publisher's imprint printed on label pasted on verso., Mint green mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
R. Newell & Son
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Newell - Monuments and statues [P.8709.4]
View showing the George Washington marble statue sculpted by Joseph A. Bailly enclosed in ironwork fencing in front of Independence Hall. Statue rests on pedestal inscribed "Erected by the Washington Monument Association of the First School District of Pennsylvania July 4, 1869." Also shows spectators in the background., Title printed on verso with eighty-one other numbered titles in the series (No. 356-437)., Photographer's imprint printed on verso., Buff mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Ms. Jane Carson James.
R. Newell & Son
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Newell - Monuments and statues [P.9299.27]
View shows the bell surrounded by patriotic symbols and emblems in iron work, including liberty caps and shields. State House built 1732-1748 after the designs of Andrew Hamilton and Edmund Woolley., Copyrighted by Chase & Town in 1872 in Washington, D.C., Title supplied by cataloger., Publisher's imprint printed on verso., Pink mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Ms. Jane Carson James.
R. Newell & Son, photographer
photographed c1872, printed c1876
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Newell - Monuments and statues [P.9299.113]
Illustrated trade card for the American Sunday-School Union depicting a vignette of a chapel in the woods superimposed over a sailing vessel at sea. Both scenes enclosed within a decorative border. Non-denominational organization established in 1817 as the Sunday and Adult School Union to promote the formation of Sunday Schools. Renamed the American Sunday School Union in 1824., Title supplied by cataloger., Advertising text printed on verso promotes books, engravings, and bindings for sale at the American Sunday-School Union., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - American Sunday [1975.F.13]
View of the marble statue designed by Joseph Bailly erected in front of the State House by the "Washington Monument Association of the First School District of Pennsylvania July 4, 1869." The base of the statue is adorned in patriotic bunting. In the background, shields depicting state seals hang from windows on the upper stories of the state house below flags and shields. Original statue removed to City Hall in 1908 and bronze cast erected in its place., Title and photographer's imprint on mount., Curved orange mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., George Barker was a prolific New York stereographer in the 1860s whose gallery catered to the tourist trade in Niagara Falls.
Barker, George, 1844-1894, photographer
[photographed ca. 1869, printed ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Barker - Monuments and statues [P.9573.17]
View of the marble statue designed by Joseph Bailly erected in front of the State House by the "Washington Monument Association of the First School District of Pennsylvania July 4, 1869." The base of the statue is adorned in patriotic bunting. In the background, shields depicting state seals hang from windows on the upper stories of the state house below flags and shields. Original statue removed to City Hall in 1908 and bronze cast erected in its place., Additional places of publication printed on mount. Includes Liverpool, Toronto-Canada and Ottowa-Kansas., Title, photographer's, publisher's and distributor's imprint on mount. Mount includes two small circular stamps on the left-hand side: "Grand diamond badge prize" and "Eleven first prize medals.", Title printed in six languages on verso., Curved cream mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Robert M. Vogel., George Barker was a prolific New York stereographer in the 1860s whose gallery catered to the tourist trade in Niagara Falls.
Barker, George, 1844-1894, photographer
[photographed ca. 1869, printed ca. 1895]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Barker - Monuments and statues [P.9047.120]
View looking west on Chestnut Street showing the government building at 420 Chestnut Street. Originally built as the Second Bank of the United States in 1824 after the designs of Philadelphia architect William Strickland, the building served as the U.S. Custom House from 1845 to 1935. Also includes the Philadelphia Bank Building at 400-408 Chestnut Street (built 1836). Several individuals sit and stand on the steps of the customhouse., Attributed to Robert Newell., Stereograph mounted on pale yellow mount with square corners., Title from manuscript note on stereograph mount., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of views of Philadelphia., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Newell, Robert, 1822-1897, photographer
ca. 1868
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Newell - Government Buildings [(6)1322.F.205d; (8)1322.F.21e]
Advertisement showing the ornately furnished interior of a later store, at 624 Chestnut Street, of the the hat establishment established by Oakford in 1827. Fitting tables adorned with lavish free standing light fixtures in front of glass display cases filled with men's hats line the sides of the room. In the foreground, Oakford assists a patron seated at one of the tables on top of which a number of hats lie. Behind the men, a clerk pulls a hat from one of the cases. In the background, in front of another fitting table on which hats sit, a clerk and gentleman patron stand and discuss hats in their hands. A third gentleman patron watches the exchange from across the aisle. An arch labeled "Oakford" is visible to the center of the room that leads to the women's and children's section at the rear of the store. A clerk assists a woman patron seated near a rack of hats and across from a woman and girl as they browse. Large tiles line the floor and the ceiling is plain. Oakford operated from the site 1853-1860 before relocating to the Continental Hotel. Oakford admitted his sons to the firm in 1856., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 109, Wainwright retrospective conversion project, edited.
[ca. 1854]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department **W58 [P.2030]
View looking east showing the United States Bank of Pennsylvania, formerly the Second Bank of the United States, built 1821-1824 after the designs of William Strickland at 420 Chestnut Street. Also shows the neighboring Bank of Philadelphia, completed in 1837, also after the designs of Strickland, at 400-408 Chestnut. Pedestrians traverse the sidewalks in front of the banks and across from the buildings. Couples promenade and greet each other, and patrons ascend the stairs of the U.S. Bank and convene in front of the Philadelphia Bank. Also shows two dogs playing in the street and a man exiting the adjacent building (134, i.e., 426 Chestnut) partially visible in the right of the image, Copyrighted by J.C. Wild & J.B. Chevalier, Issued as plate 2 in Views of Philadelphia, and its vicinity (Philadelphia: Published by J.C. Wild & J.B. Chevalier, Lithographers, 72 Dock Street, 1838), a series of views originally published as five numbers of four prints each, and later sold as a bound volume containing twenty views., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 776.1. Digital images shows fourth state of print., Wainwright retrospective conversion project, edited., Historical Society of Pennsylvania:, Described in Martin Snyder’s "J.C. Wild and His Philadelphia Views," Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography (January 1953, Vol. LXXXVII), p. 32-53.
Wild, J. C. (John Caspar), ca. 1804-1846, artist
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department W415.1 [P.2225]
View looking west on Chestnut Street showing the United States Custom House at 420 Chestnut Street. Originally built as the Second Bank of the United States in 1824 after the designs of Philadelphia architect William Strickland, the building served as the U.S. Custom House from 1845 to 1935. Includes two vendor stands and several individuals sitting and standing on the steps of the customhouse., Title from photographer's label pasted on verso., Yellow mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Bartlett & French was a partnership between Philadelphia photographers George O. Bartlett and William French circa 1867-1869.
Bartlett & French
[ca. 1868]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Bartlett & French - Government Buildings [P.9573.12]
Interior view of the first floor of Earle's shop. Walls are lined with elaborately framed mirrors and works of art, and several statues. Includes staff and customers, and the stairway to the upper gallery. Earle dealt in looking glasses and picture frames, and sold original works of art and prints., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Moran, John, 1831-1903, photographer
[ca. 1861]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Moran - business [(7)1322.F.57e]
Depicts the elegantly decorated interior of the photographic studio operated at 914 Chestnut Street from circa 1865 to circa 1871. The large waiting room is adorned with sofas, chairs, framed photos, framed artwork, and a skylight. Also includes stairwells decorated with signage; a piano advertisement; and a counter adorned with the photographic studio's pricesheet (effective January 1865). William H. Dutton sold pianos at 914 Chestnut Street in 1869., Photographer and publication information from duplicate in private collection., Title supplied by cataloguer., Pale yellow mount with square corners., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Wenderoth, Taylor & Brown
[ca. 1869]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Wenderoth, Taylor & Brown - Business [(8)1322.F.35c]
Shows the interior of the showroom with several sewing machines on display. Also shows a sales counter; display cases of sewing machine accessories; two chandeliers hanging from the ceiling; and an ornate floor heating grate. The company, established in 1859 by inventor James E.A. Gibbs and Philadelphia investor James Willcox, produced domestic machines until 1947., Title printed on mount., Yellow mount with square corners., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
American Stereoscopic Company
[ca. 1868]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - misc.- American Stereoscopic Co. [(8)1322.F.33b]