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Our country for ever : A grand Democratic mass meeting will be held at Village Green Hotel Delaware County, on Saturday evening, Oct. 3 Delegations from all parts of the county are expected to be present. Chas. Buckwalter, Esq., of Phila., Chas. D. Manley

For your country! Now or never! Don't wait to be drafted! : To horse! The foe is on us!! Young men wanted to join at once! The first troop Penn'a Light Horse! We will fight the guerillas on their own soil! Arouse, men of Pennsylvania! The rebels are menac

Notice. : All persons having in their possession guns or equipments belonging to the 4th Regiment, P.V.M. are requested to deliver them at the Spread Eagle Hotel Radnor, Delaware Co., on or before Saturday evening, August 13th, 1864. / By order of Capt. B