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The largest bounties! $602.00 $702.00 Recruits wanted for the Penn'a Volunteers of the gallant Second Corps of Gen. Hancock. : Head-quarters, No. 6 Main Street, Doylestown, Pa. Recruits for this corps receive all the government and county bounties. The go

M'Clellan & Pendleton One flag & one country : The Central Democratic McClellan Club, in accordance with the wishes of the people, have fixed upon Wednesday, November 2, at 10 o'clock, A.M., for holding a grand mass meeting, in Doylestown, to which they c

To the rescue! Bucks County expects every man to do his duty. : $152 bounty! And one month's pay in advance. One flag! One country! Don't wait to be drafted, but come at once and enroll in the new Bucks Co. company now forming in Doylestown, to serve for

The Union M'Clellan & Pendleton! : Hon. Josiah Randall, of Philadelphia, Hon. Henry P. Ross, S.L. Roberts and N.C. James will address the Democratic and conservative citizens this evening, Wednesday, September 21st, in the Court House at the ringing of th

Troopers attend! A few more men are wanted! : To fill up a cavalry company! Now forming for state service. Apply at once, as the governor demands our immediate presence. A meeting will be held at the court house, on Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock, to take

War meeting Freemen to the rescue! : All persons in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war against the rebels, will meet in [blank] on [blank] evening, September [blank] 1861, where they will have an opportunity to place their names upon the roll of h

$75 bounty! One month's pay in advance given to each man upon being mustered into service in the Lancaster County Regiment, : now forming at Lancaster, Pa., for nine months' service. The regiment to be mustered in by the 10th of August. Don't delay! / A.T

To the rescue! The last war meeting : $152 bounty! A joint meeting of the volunteer companies now being raised by Captains Andress and Kulp, will be held in the court house at Doylestown, Bucks County, Pa, on Wednesday evening, August 20, 1862, at eight o

Attention! Heavy artillery : The finest opportunity offered for enlistment Battery L Third Penna. Vols. Colonel Segebarth. This reg't offers extra facilities and unusual opportunities: 1st. It avoids long and fatiguing marches, being solely confined to fo

Recruits wanted! 104th Pennsylvania Regiment! : Wanted for the Ringgold Regiment, {104th} Pennsylvania Volunteers, a number of good men, pay and rations to commence upon enrollment. Bounties: By the the United States, $100 00 By Bucks County, 50 00 Enroll