Advertisement depicting an exterior view of the three-story corner brewery constructed circa 1822 and operated by Mordecai L. Dawson and William Morrison. Includes a partial view of the rear ell (right) and two signboards on the facade that read, "M.L. Dawson's Brewery". Barrels line the sidewalk of Filbert Street in front of the brewery where two men load them one-by-one onto a horse-drawn dray. Dawson and Morrison opened their brewery at 79 Chestnut Street in 1820, and moved to Tenth and Filbert Streets in 1830, after purchasing the old Farmers' Brewery in 1829. Dawson went into business with Charles Poultney, Frederick Collins and William Massey after Morrison passed in the late 1840s, and the brewery eventually became Massey Brewing Co., Published in James Mease and Thomas Porter's Picture of Philadelphia from 1811 to 1831: Giving an account of its origin, increase and improvements in arts, sciences, manufactures, commerce and revenue. (Philadelphia: Published by Robert DeSilver, No. 110 Walnut Street, 1831) vol. II, opposite page 56 and in Thomas Porter's Picture of Philadelphia 1881 to 1831: Giving an account of the improvements of the city, during that period (Philadelphia: Published by Robert DeSilver, No. 110 Walnut Street, 1831) vol. II, opposite page 56., Wainwright retrospective conversion project, edited., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 172, Library Company of Philadelphia: in Am 1831 Mease 68582.D; in Am 1831 Mease Log 4072.D; Am 1831 Mease 20876.D; and Am 1831 Mease 104520.D., Historical Society of Pennsylvania:
Breton, William L., artist
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department W92 [Am 1831 Mease 68582.D.56a], Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department W92 [Am 1831 Mease Log 4072.D.56a], Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department W92 [Am 1831 Mease 20876.D.56a], Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department W92 [Am 1831 Mease 104520.D.56a]