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Programme of the order of exercises at the re-raising of the United States flag, on Fort Sumter, Charleston, S.C. : April 14th, 1865, on the fourth anniversary of the evacuation of the fort.

Fort Sumter : I. & A.N. Stauffer respectfully announce that they have just received from Philadelphia, their new spring & summer goods consisting of dry goods, boots and shoes, hats and caps hardware, queensware, groceries, &c. which they are determined t

The old flag again waves over Sumter Raised by Capt. Bragg of Gen. Gillmore's Staff on the 18th February 1865. [graphic].

The old flag again waves over Sumter raised by Capt. Bragg of Gen. Gillmore's staff on the 18th February 1865. [graphic] / F. Fuchs.

Attention volunteers! Fort Sumter re-taken. : Lawrence and Beaver County merchants in a fearful state of excitement, Ramage's store reinforced by a splendid stock of new goods! Notwithstanding--and ladies and gentlemen, they must and will be sold, and at

"Take care Gilmore you'll knock my brains out." [graphic].

The great fight at Charleston, S.C., April 7th, 1863 [graphic] : Between 9 United States "Iron-Clads," under the command of Admiral Dupont; and Forts Sumter, Moultrie, and the Cummings Point Batteries in possession of the rebels.

Interior of Fort Sumter during the bombardment, April 12th 1861. [graphic]

Bombardment of Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor. 12th & 13th of April 1861. [graphic].

Patriotic souvenir pies.