Interior view of the riding school operated by Thomas Craige & Son at 4th Street above Vine Street. Showing a large room filled with men and women attired in riding habits riding horses along the periphery. The women, including one attended by a man not on a mount at the center of the room, ride side saddle. The walls, some adorned with windows, are decorated with landscape murals. A woman and a boy holding riding crops stand and watch, with a small dog, by a railing in the foreground. Two crops and a sash rest at the opposite end of the railing. Craige, a riding master, operated a riding school on Fourth Street circa 1840-circa 1860s. The school was advertised as the largest building of its kind in the United States in 1850., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 592, LCP AR [Annual Report] 1989, p. 46., School advertised in Philadelphia Inquirer (February 1, 1850).
Dacre, Henry, b. ca. 1820, artist
[ca. 1850]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department BW - Recreation - P [P.9284]