Exterior view of north flank of house known for the plaster-of-Paris model of a ship on the lower gable of the house. Includes three women standing in front of the house, with two baby carriages. Original portion of house built circa 1760. In the rear of the property was the first public hall in Germantown. The Germantown Fire Company housed a small engine known as the "Bull Dog" on the property. Kept as a hotel until 1836, when James Ford purchased the property and opened a boarding school for girls. Demolished circa 1906., Slide number 85., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title given in manuscript on mount., Also known as Bockius House, for the family that resided here circa 1902.
Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
ca. 1906
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.81]