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Jacob Haehnlen's steam power lithographic & letterpress printing rooms

Jacob Haehnlen's engraving steam power lithographic and letterpress printing house. Goldsmith's Hall Library St. opposite post office Philadelphia.

Lehman & Bolton steam power lithographic & letter press printing rooms. Library Street, Goldsmith's Hall. Opp. Post Office, Philadelphia.

[Library Street, southside, between Goldsmith's Hall and Fourth Street] [graphic].

Old Phila[delphia] Library, 5th & Library Sts from Independence Sq[uare] being torn down for Drexel's new building [graphic].

Custom House & E. end of State House from 4 & Library Sts. 2nd story, [Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Custom House & E. end of State House from 4 & Library Sts. 2nd story. Philadelphia] [graphic].

Panoramic views from the steeple of Independence Hall, 520 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. [graphic].