Advertisement containing a montage of 5 views of the marble works established in 1855 at 2025 Market Street. Views are separated by borders comprised of filigree, mantles, and sculpture. Upper view shows the exterior of the three-story L-shaped factory.The factory is adorned with a balcony lined with statues, the roof figure of William Penn, and signage. Marble works, predominately monuments, fill the courtyard across from laborers working with a pile of marble slabs near a horse-drawn cart. Also shows street and pedestrian traffic, including a horse-drawn dray parked near the sidewalk and a couple on horseback, a horse-drawn carriage, a horse-drawn cart, and a laborer pushing a hand-cart in the street. Lower views show the "Cutting Room"; "Saw Room"; "Polishing Room"; and "Show Room." Interior views include laborers at work cutting, polishing, and transporting by hand slabs of marble under the presence of factory managers. Views also show an elegantly-attired couple reviewing mantelpieces in the showroom. Most of the laborers toil at work tables lining the walls. Also contains a vignette depicting the Philadelphia coat of arms., Published in Colton's atlas of America, illustrating the physical and political geography of North and South America... Commercial edition with business cards of prominent houses in Philadelphia. (New York: J.H. Colton and Company, 1856), page 53 1/2. (HSP O 458)., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 421, LCP AR [Annual Report] 1981, pg. 51., Wainwright retrospective conversion project, edited., Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Bc38 K44., Free Library of Philadelphia: Philadelphiana - Factories, etc.
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