View showing street construction by the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company of the Market Street Subway in a large, deep pit on the 2100 block of Market Street. The construction workers include white and African American men. Shows men spectators looking down at the pit. Men fill horse-drawn carts with dirt, and theater advertisements for the "Famous Ithaca Band" at Willow Grove Park adorn construction equipment., Title supplied by cataloger., Date inscribed in negative: 9-17-04., Inscribed in negative: 579., Gift of Steven Dorfman, 2013., Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022.
[September 17, 1904]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department photo - unidentified - Construction [P.2013.6.9]
View showing street construction by the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company of the Market Street Subway in a shallow pit on the 2100 block of Market Street. The construction workers include white and African American men. Also shows cityscape, trollies traveling in the street, spectators, and construction equipment., Title supplied by cataloger., Date inscribed in negative: 7-22-04., Inscribed in negative: 563., Gift of Steven Dorfman, 2013., Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022.
[July 22, 1904]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department photo - unidentified - Construction [P.2013.6.7]
Plan of the first Philadelphia Gas Works, expanded in 1850 after the designs of Cresson, the second chief engineer of the gas works, near the Schuylkill River on the 2200-2300 blocks of Market Street. Diagrams the coal stores, retort house, lime and coke sheds, lime kilns and house, purifying houses, gasholders, and railroad tracks. Includes a "References" key to coded symbols of buildings, including valve houses and meters. Works originally completed in 1834 after the designs of engineer Samuel V. Merrick ., Date inscribed on recto., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 332, Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of views of Philadelphia., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited.
Friend & Aub
Feb. 11, 1851
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *BW - Public Utilities [(7)1322.F.91]