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Recruits wanted for the Second Corps! : Now being raised to 50,000 men for special service under the command of Maj. Gen. Hancock. This is the corps commanded by the late Major General Sumner, at Fair Oaks, and through the Peninsula Campaign and at Antiet

Grand musical festival at Engel & Wolf's farm, for the benefit of the regiment "Forward," this day!

Col. Wm. A. Gray. Fall in! Fall in!! Fall in!!! : Recruits wanted! This is the last regiment authorized by the War and State departments. $152 bounty! $152 Recruits mustered in, uniformed and sent to camp immediately! Each recruit furnished with a gum bla

Fall in! Fall in! : Recruits wanted for Company "K" Commercial Regiment, Colonel Letcher, for 100 days' service. $50 and all other bounties, as soon as mustered in. Head quarters, 112 S. Fourth Street, and Commissioners' Hall, 37th & Market Sts., West Phi

$50 bounty! Cadwalader Greys Regiment. : Recruits wanted for 100 days' service! Pay $16 per month. / Col. Wm. H. Sickels, Lieut. Col. Richard A. Thomas, Maj. Charles M. Tapper, Adjt. A.W. Thompson.

Draft! Draft! Draft! Attention! Attention! : To all loyal citizens! Will you stand still and be drafted while your country needs your services. Come on and get your bounty. $500 for one year only. Fall in and join Company "C" Philadelphia Guards! Rendezvo

Largest bounties! $650 $750 Recruits wanted for the Penn'a Volunteers of Hancock's gallant Second Corps or any Pennsylvania regiment. : Head-quarters, American and Master Streets. Recruits for this corps receive all government, city & ward bounties. The g

$50 bounty! : The glorious old National Guard once more in the field. Recruits wanted in Company "B" for 100 days' service. Harmanus Neff, Colonel commanding. Apply at the National Guards' Hall, Race Street, below Sixth. / 1st Lieut. G.W. Green. 2d " Wm.

Head quarters Cadwalader Regim't, S.W. corner Ninth and Walnut Streets, (second and third stories.) : Recruits wanted for three years or during the war. United States bounty, $100. City bounty, 50. One month's pay in advance ... Premium for enlishment, ..

Company C, Third Regiment, Reserve Brigade : Recruits wanted immediately for Co. C, 3d Regiment, Reserve Brigade, now recruiting at Commissioners' Hall, 37th & Market Streets to serve under the call of the governor, for a period of three months, unless so

To arms! To arms!! Armory Co. G. 3d Reserve Brigade, : No. 803 Locust St. / Geo. West Blank, Captain. Frank Mills, 1st Lieut. Benj. G.S. Wilk, 2nd Lieut. W.H.H. Lockhart, O.S. Come and join us.

$50 bounty Fall in Peterson Guards. : Patriots to the rescue of your good old Keystone State, and one more rally for the Constitution and our glorious Union. All young men desirous of serving the above will do well to join this company for 100 days! $16 a

To arms! To arms! A few more men wanted to fill up the Keystone Battery! : Apply at the armory of the company, at the City Arsenal, Race Street bel. Broad. / Capt. Sam'l G. Thompson.

The firemen of Philadelphia prompt to action! : Fall in! Fall in! Enroll your names in the Columbia Guards! Now forming at the Columbia Engine House Filbert Street, above eleventh, to proceed to Harrisburg forthwith / H.M. Thomas, Capt.

New Union paper! : Second number National guard now ready! Office, 333 Walnut St. For sale everywhere.

Union tent of the Young Men's Christian Association, : Broad & Green Streets. Services every evening, except Saturday, commencing at 8 o'clock, also on Sunday, at 4 o'clock P.M.

Attention!! Citizens of the second precinct of the 24th Ward : will meet at the precinct house of B. Sharp, Market Street, west of 43d Street, in obedience to the proclamations of Gov. Curtin and Mayor Henry, on Wednesday evening, the 10th instant, at hal

Volunteers, to the rescue! The draft is impending! : Rally, then, and never let it be said a draft was necessary in the Keystone State! An independent company is now forming under command of Capt W.F. Griffitts, Jr. for the 9 months' service Strong, able-

Artillery Corps Independent Greys. / For Captain W.m J.J. Braceland.

Do not wait to be drafted! : Volunteer your services to your country, by joining the Cadwalader Greys, who are to move in a few days. Armory & recruiting station, N.E. cor. Eighth & Chestnut Sts. / Capt. I.A. Bassett.

Volunteers! : Wanted, for Company K, 24th Regiment, at the armory, 21st and Market Street, / Andrew McManus, Capt.

Volunteers wanted for Company K, Lincoln Legion : the pioneer company of the regiment. $100 bounty! 360 acres of land! Rations, pay and clothing at once. 7 companies now in active service at Washington Head quarters, 259 South Third Street. / Capt. Frank

Philad'a City Guard old 23d Regiment, P.V. : Rally for state defence! Co. "E!" Now recruiting at head-quarters, Fifth St. above Prune / Capt. Wm. Cunningham. Lieut. L.W. Govett, Lieut. Wm. Kinsley, all of the old 110th Regiment, P.V.

Attention! Wanted 21 men for Company F, Governor's Guards, Second Regiment P.V. : Head-quarters Wm. Penn Hose House Frankford Road below Girard Avenue. / Capt. Thomas Bringhurst.

22d Regiment! : Wanted 50 men, to fill up Company G, attached to Col. Morehead's 22d Regiment, to be mustered in as soon as full. Head quarters cor. of Broad St. & Ridge Avenue. / Lieut. Arrison, recruiting officer.

Volunteers wanted! : For Company A, of the original Irish Volunteers, Col. Owen's, {late of the 24th Reg.} 2d Regim't of Baker's Brigade. Head quarters, 421 Walnut Street. Pay and rations begin when enrolled. / John McHugh, 1st Lieut. James Dunne, 2d " Ja

Rally! To the defence of the Old Keystone! : Action, not words! all who wish immediately to go to the defence of our state, and do what they can to repel the invaders now threatening our firesides, are requested to come forth and enroll their names at onc

24th Ward! Fellow citizens! : Come one, come all, in support of the Union and our glorious old commonwealth. A mass meeting under auspices of the Union League in West Philad'a, will be held at the Commissioners' Hall! 37th and Market Streets, on Thursday

Philadelphia City Guard : Col. William A. Gray. Citizens of Philadelphia desirous of repelling the invaders of our state, are requested to give their names immediately at Nos. 605 Sansom Street, 315 South Front Street, and 527 Chestnut Street. Captains an

$2 cash when mustered in, and 100 dollars at the end of the war, : if honorably discharged, will be given for twenty men to fill Company K, Thirtieth Regiment, now in active service at Washington. Apply at Elliott Hotel, Front Street, above Dock. / Sergt.

Twenty five volunteers wanted! : For immediate service in the Garabaldi Legion, to complete Capt. ... Hagan's company. Apply at the N.W. cor. 5th & Prune St. second story. Men who enroll at this rendezvous will be provided with three meals a day.

Birney's Zouave 23d Penna. [R]egiment, : [e]ncamped near Washington. Company N, of the [thir]d battalion recruiting at [No]. 602 Arch Street, and [Fr]ankford Road above Palmer. Mustered and clothed on enrolling their names in the [ce]elbrated regim't.

Recruits wanted! : Co. H, Second Regiment Infantry of the line, Col. Charles P. Dare, to go to Washington for a limited period. Apply at N.E. cor. of Broad and Arch fourth story. Open at all hours. / Wm. Penrose, Capt. Co. H.

To arms! : Inscribed to our brave volunteers, / by Mrs. E.S. Rogers. ... Great inducements! One hundred dollars to be drawn by the volunteers. Capt. Richards, desiring to complete his company speedily, takes this novel plan of affording substantial relief

Capt. Phillips' company, attached to Col. G. Wallace's regiment, infanty. : Headquarters, No. 426 Chestnut Street, Government Buildings. A few more good men wanted. / 1st Lieut. E.L. Poak, 2d " L.T. Matlack. Capt. E.J. Phillips.

Head quarters, Fourth District, N.E. cor. Broad and Spring Garden Sts. Corps of Honor! : The attention of all officers and enlisted men who have been honorably discharged on account of wounds or disease contracted in the line of duty, is invited to the an

Disabled officers and enlisted men, honorably discharged from the service of the United States, can now obtain positions in the Invalid Corps! : The term of enlistment will be three years, unless sooner discharged. Claims for pensions or bounties, which m

Head-quarters Provost Marshal, Second District, Pa. : 1214 Locust St., Philadelphia. Disabled officers and enlisted men, honorably discharged from the service of the United States, can now obtain positions in the Invalid Corps by applying at once to the B

Invalid Corps! : Recruiting office, 808 Lombard St., above Eighth, Philadelphia. Men desirous of enlisting in the Invalid Corps as authorized by General Orders, No. 105, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, April 28, 1863, are invited to present the

Avoid the draft : Three months' men called for to defend their own state, to be commanded by experienced officers. All the privileges guaranteed, will be paid. / By order of C. Young, Captain. John E. Milner, 1st Lieut. [blank] 2d Lieut. Apply at the rend
