Advertisement showing the bath house established in 1828 by patent medicine proprietor William Swaim at the northeast corner of Seventh and George, i.e., Sansom streets. A woman and man enter separate entrances to the three-and-a-half story facility, and two pairs of women and a man walk on the sidewalk. Also shows the fenced courtyard adjoining, and the buildings behind and neighboring the bathhouse. The bathhouse contained separate apartments for women and men with fifty tubs made of tin-plated copper or Italian marble. The men's space also included a bar room., Manuscript note on recto: Swaim's, Publication information supplied by Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 574, Wainwright retrospective conversion project, edited.
Breton, William L., ca. 1773-1855, artist
[ca. 1829]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department W280 [P.2170]