Print trimmed and lacking caption., Poulson inscription on recto: Dec. 1846. North Second Street., Advertisement depicting the three-and-a-half story warehouse operated by Frederick Foering and C.A. Thudium at 87 North Second Street. In the open entranceways, a clerk assists a female shopper and an African American laborer lifts a stove. Displays of stoves line the sidewalk and the store walls. On the second floor near open windows, white laborers work. A horse-drawn cart departs an adjoining exitway. Foering and Thudium, one of the city's first domestic stove manufacturers, started in business in 1828, and operated on North Second Street from 1845 until 1847.
Rease, W. H., lithographer., creator
[December 1846]
Location, Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. *W132 [P.2045]
Advertisement depicting the three-and-a-half story warehouse operated by Frederick Foering and C.A. Thudium at 87 North Second Street. In the open entranceways, a white man clerk assists a white woman shopper and an African American laborer lifts a stove. Displays of stoves line the sidewalk and the store walls. On the second floor near open windows, white laborers work. A horse-drawn cart departs an adjoining exitway. Foering and Thudium, one of the city's first domestic stove manufacturers, started in business in 1828, and operated on North Second Street from 1845 until 1847., Print trimmed and lacking caption., Title from item., Date from Poulson inscription on recto: Dec. 1846. North Second Street., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 266, Accessioned 1982., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Rease, a prominent mid-19th century Philadelphia trade card lithographer known to highlight details of human interest in his advertisements, partnered with Francis H. Schell in the 1850s and eventually operated his own press until around 1872.
Rease, W. H., lithographer
[December 1846]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *W132 [P.2045]