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Christ Church Philadelphia. [graphic] / Lith. of J. T. Bowen.

Foering & Thudiums cheap stove ware-house. [graphic] / W.H. Rease, No. 17 S[out]h 5[t]h St.

[Christ Church.] [graphic].

Christ Church postcards.

Christ Church postcards.

Christ Church, window. [graphic].

Christ Church, window. [graphic].

Window in Christ Church. Westernmost of the stained glass windows on the South Side. Upper part "Council of Nice, A. D. 325." Lower part "Origin of the American Church in Christ Church 1785." [graphic].

Christ Church window. [graphic].

Christ Church window [graphic].

Christ Church, interior. [graphic].

[Interior of Christ Church, Philada. in 1785] [graphic].

Bean & Stevenson, importers and wholesale druggists, store, 47 and 49 N. Second Street. Sole proprietors of angora, white lead, and color works! And royal spice mills.

First Christ Church, Philada.

The old court house & Friends Meeting

White, Hentz & Co., refiners of spirits & importers of wines & liquours, 222 North Second Street Philadelphia, Penn. [graphic].

Leary & Co.'s cheap book store, no. 138 North Second Street, ten doors below New Street, Philadelphia. [graphic] : Where are kept constantly on hand, and for sale, over 100,000 volumes of new, old, and scarce books in every department of literature, whole

The old court house & Friend's Meeting.

St. Veronica's Church, Philadelphia, Penna.

Charles C. Oat's lamp store No. 32 North Second St. Philadelphia.

[Charles Gilbert's stove manufactory, 249 North Second Street, Philadelphia]

[A. H. Eckhardt. Soap & candle manufactory, No. 326 N. Second Street, Philadelphia]

Christ Church Philadelphia.

W. P. Hacker, importer and wholesale dealer in china, glass, queensware & fancy goods, No. 60, North Second Street, Philadelphia.

"The Queen Anne plate"-Christ Church, Philadelphia.

Christ Church, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Christ Church.

[George Mecke cabinet maker and upholsterer, No 355, North 2nd St. nearly opposite Tammany St. Philadelphia.]

[Francis Field & Francis, importers & dealers in tin plate & tinsmans furniture, importers & manufacturers of saddlery hardware, tin ware, tin toys & japanned wares, no. 80 Nth 2nd St., Philadelphia]

Christ Church.

Christ Church Philadelphia.

Christ Church Philadelphia.

Christ Church, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Christ Church, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Christ Church, Philadelphia. [graphic].

"The Queen Anne plate"-Christ Church, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Second Street north from Market St. wth. Christ Church. Philadelphia [graphic] / Designed & Published by W. Birch Enamel Painter 1800.

Foering & Thudiums cheap stove ware-house.

[Artist's study of detail from Second Street north from Market St. wth. Christ Church. Philadelphia.]

Christ Church, Philada.

Second St. Phila. PA. [graphic]/

Henry Adolph, manufacturer of furniture wholesale and retail, warerooms no. 36 North Second St., one door above the Christ Church Philadelphia.

Belmont Theatre, 52nd Street below Market, Philadelphia, Pa.

[West side of Fifty-second Street north of Jefferson Street.]

St. Michael's Church.

Second St., north of Market, west side.

[22nd Street, west side north of Market Street, Philadelphia]

Olivet Presby. Church, 22nd and Mount Vernon Sts.

Hart, Montgomery & Co. Successors to Isaac Pugh & Co. Manufacturers and importers of paper hangings, No. 118 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Manufactory N.E. Cor. Schuyl[kill] Front & Wood Streets [graphic] / On Stone by W.H. Rease, 17 So. 5th St.

Hart, Montgomery & Co. Successors to Isaac Pugh & Co. Manufacturers and importers of paper hangings, No. 118 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Manufactory N.E. Cor. Schuyl[kill] Front & Wood Streets
