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A lumber yard after the freshet of Sep[tember 4,] 1861.

[Jacob and George A. Binder lumber yard after the freshet of September 4, 1861]

[Destruction of the hall]

Charles Baeder Philada. Steam Works

Destruction by fire of Pennsylvania Hall. On the night of the 17th May, 1838. [graphic].

Pennsylvania Hall. [graphic].

Washing Department. Brighton Laundry 6th & Race.

[Hale, Kilburn & Co. trade cards]

[Piper & Andrews, warm air furnace manufactory. Cooking ranges. 82 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia]

Burton & Laning. Manufactory: 6th Street above Camac.

Destruction by fire of Pennsylvania Hall. On the night of the 17th May, 1838.

Perkins & McFarland, late of Rand, Perkins & Co. Sole manufacturers and wholesale and retail dealers in the air-tight standard heaters & cooking ranges

Pennsylvania Hall.

[Pennsylvania Hall]

[Ruins of the Hall]

Abolition Hall

Odd Fellow's Hall Philadelphia.

[Fifty-sixth Street north of Girard Avenue.]

Interior view of Rogers Smith Shop. Corner of Sixth & Master streets. [graphic] / J.H. Byram.

[Wm. D. Rogers' coach manufactory, Sixth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia]

Wm. D. Rogers' coach and light carriage manufactory, corner of 6th & Master Streets, Philadelphia.

Wm.D. Rogers' coach and light carriage manufactory, corner of 6th & Master Streets, Philadelphia. [graphic] / From nature and on stone by Rease & Schell, No. 17 So. 5th St., Phila.