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[Large hotel, Spring Lake, NJ] [graphic].

[Inlet from previous view, several canoes near covered pier, large Victorian edifice near roads near shore, Spring Lake, NJ] [graphic].

View down Spring L[ake] from near Osborn's stable, [NJ] [graphic].

View of head Spring Lake, [NJ] [graphic].

Mr. Wilson's house at Como. [Spring Lake, NJ] [graphic].

Looking down Shark R[iver] from River Ave. E. of bridge, [Spring Lake, NJ] [graphic].

View on upper part of Spring Lake, [NJ] [graphic].

Elliston & Marriott & bicycles Villa Park, [NJ] [graphic].

Spring Lake from Monmouth House porch, [Spring Lake, NJ] [graphic].

Spring Lake & Presbyterian Church from Monmouth H[ouse] porch [graphic].

E[lliston] P[erot] M[orris] Jr. gets swimming lessons, Spring Lake Pool, [NJ] [graphic].

[Spring Lake and Villa Park tram stuck in a flooded area, near Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Arch of cedar trees on S. shore of Wreck Pond, showing pond & Monmouth House, [Spring Lake, NJ] [graphic].

Cedar tree on S. shore of Wreck Pond. Pond & Allaire H. in backgr[oun]d. [Spring Lake, NJ] [graphic].

[Marriott Canby Morris Jr. with bicycle, Spring Lake, NJ] [graphic].

Looking out from woods on S. shore of pond above R[ail]R[oard], Villa Park & Spring Lake in backgr[oun]d, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Old cedar on shore of Wreck Pond back of Applegate's, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].