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Bombardment of Fort Pulaski, Cockspur Island, Geo. 10th & 11th of April 1862. [graphic] : After a bombardment of 30 hours, the fort surrendered unconditionally to the U.S.forces, under the immediate command of Genl. Q.A. Gillmore. 360 prisoners, 17 canon,

Victorious bombardment of Port Royal, S.C. Nov. 7th, 1861 by the United States fleet, under command of Commodore Dupont [graphic].

The bombardment and capture of Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, Ark. Jany 11th 1863. [graphic] : By the gun-boats, commanded by Rear Admiral D.D. Porter, and the Union troops under Maj. Genl. McClernand; the number of prisoners taken was 7000 being more than

The great fight at Charleston, S.C., April 7th, 1863 [graphic] : Between 9 United States "Iron-Clads," under the command of Admiral Dupont; and Forts Sumter, Moultrie, and the Cummings Point Batteries in possession of the rebels.

Bombardment & capture of the forts at Hatteras Inlet, N.C. By the U.S. fleet under Commander Stringham and the forces under Genl. Butler, Aug. 27th 1861. [graphic].

The siege of Charleston. Bombardment of Fort Sumter, and batteries Wagner and Gregg by the Union batteries on Morris Island, under command of General Gilmore._ August 1863. [graphic].