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Home again. [graphic] / From the original painting by J. Noel Paton.

I cannot sing the old songs. Or, the late home of a Union soldier. [graphic] / Designed and published by N. Monroe, M.D., Philadelphia.

"Columbia rode safe through the storm." [graphic].

"Your plan and mine." [graphic]

John Brown exhibiting his hangman. [graphic]

The last offer of reconciliation [graphic] : In rememberance of Prest. A. Lincolns. "The door is open for all." H. Thomas; Lithogr. by Kimmel & Forster 256 Canal Str. N.Y.

Died, near the South-Side Rail Road, on Sunday, April 9th, 1865, the Southern Confederacy, aged four years. : Conceived in sin, born in iniquity, nurtured by tyranny, died of a chronic attack of punch. Abraham Lincoln, attending physician. U.S. Grant, und

The first of May 1865 or gen'l moving day in Richmond Va. [graphic] / Lith. by Kimmel & Forster, 254 & 256 Canal St., N.Y.

Jeff. Davis., the compromiser, in a tight place. [graphic]

The Road to peace through Pennsylvania via Washington, as engineered by Southern Rebels and their Democratic allies. : From the Richmond enquirer, (Jeff. Davis' organ,) Sept. 7, 1860 [sic]. The road to peace. ... Men of Pennsylvania! Are you prepared for

Soldiers memorial. 4th Regiment. Company F. U.S. Col. Troops [graphic] : Mustered into the United States Service at Baltimore, Md., Aug. 4, 1863, by Col. Wm. Birney.